Chapter 840 Chaos
The sudden appearance of the terrifying black dragon made everyone feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy, but no one took the initiative to take action, but waited and watched quietly, and was ready to escape at any time.

The unlucky Du Tianlun was shocked by a dragon's roar, and his blood surged. Although his chest was full of anger, he did not step forward again.

Everyone seemed to have a very vague tacit understanding at this moment, and they stopped together.


The black dragon roared into the sky, its power was unparalleled, and its fierce aura swept across the four directions, which was extremely terrifying!
Jiang Shang and Little Jinpeng Wang moved almost at the same time, their figures flashed, and they each turned in the same direction and left quickly.

A promotional thing has just appeared, for this promotional thing to have a conflict with the black dragon?Obviously an extremely unwise move!

Moreover, if they really teamed up to grab the promotion item, who should it belong to?This is also a big problem.After all, these super evildoers don't want to have a conflict prematurely, because it's meaningless.

"call out!"

With this in mind, Jiang Shang made a decisive decision and flew away without hesitation, very decisive.And as decisive as him, there are Little Jinpeng King, Void Black Eagle, Feng Wujian and others, almost in no particular order, escaped into the void to dissipate, and left decisively.

And the most unlucky one was undoubtedly Du Tianlun, although he wanted to leave as soon as possible, but the black dragon actually set his sights on him, roaring and rushing out with a demonic aura.

In fact, it is not a monster. As soon as the black dragon appeared, it stared at Du Tianlun, because whether it was the battle between King Jinpeng and Yi Changkong, or the locations of the super monsters, they were actually far away from the canyon. Yes, very cautiously.

Only Du Tianlun had no brains, he went into the canyon alone, not only fought with the terrifying beast, but also alarmed the sleeping black dragon, he was asking for his own death!

"Hehe, it's a good show to watch now, that guy is being targeted by the black dragon, it's probably hard to escape!" Many people showed narrow sneers, and there was a gloomy look in their eyes.If it is really possible to use this to eliminate an enemy, this is naturally something they would like to see, and it is impossible to stop it.

If he was able to escape, it was due to his unrivaled luck, Du Tianlun, and he did not deserve to die; if he could not escape but was killed by the black dragon, then he could only be considered unlucky!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The terrifying black dragon rushed out of the canyon, with its ferocious dragon head and extremely black eyes, there was a gloomy light, like a demon god coming to the world, with fierce aura rising to the sky, staring at Du Tianlun indifferently, and the world fell into a dead silence instantly.

The unparalleled coercion rolled down, rushing straight towards Du Tianlun...

In the distance, the people who had flown hundreds of miles away sneered, and landed on different peaks. Their eyes were mocking, and they looked at Du Tianlun, who was in a desperate situation, and sneered: "Super monstrous? Let's talk about it if you survive! What a stupid guy!"

The voice of the sneer floated in the void, and many people rose into the sky again, swept into the void, and galloped towards the end of the world.


The second stage has reached the final critical moment, and the little time left is passing by little by little.

And the development of the situation is just like what everyone guessed in their hearts. There are not only ten of the terrifying black dragons whose combat power is close to that of Xiansi, but there are so many that it is difficult to judge by number. They occupy different locations and guard the promotion. things!
If one guesses based on the 76 promotion items needed to advance to the next round, then there are 76 of those extremely terrifying black dragons?This is impossible...

Even the Celestial Saint Weapon, known as the strongest weapon in the lower realm, is absolutely impossible to create 76 invincible black dragons at the same time, but...

This situation immediately caused several joys and sorrows.Some people are happy because he has found an advancement item that is not guarded by the black dragon, and he is ecstatic.However, what followed was a chaotic battle in which the heroes fought against each other, which was unparalleled.

As for worry, it is natural that those black dragons are really too terrifying, even the super evildoers can only hide and walk away, not daring to wipe their heads.

However, to everyone's rejoicing, those masters who seemed to have received some mysterious power from the black dragon could not walk out of the canyon. This was the only good news.

Only in this way, the area where they are located has become a terrifying restricted area, and no one dares to set foot in it easily.

That's a terrifying black dragon whose strength rivals that of the Fourth and Half Saint of Immortals!Who dares to take the initiative to run to die?

Just, what about those promotion items?If you can't get it, won't you be eliminated directly?Of course, the evildoers from all walks of life did not compromise like this, and immediately chose to take the risk, setting off a big battle, sweeping all parties, and a melee.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

After the first stage of cruel elimination, many young supreme beings are not hiding anymore, each showing their magical powers!
The scuffles continued, and wars broke out one after another. Many people were seriously injured, but there were very few young Supremes who died on the spot.

At such a moment, the young Supreme, who is no longer hidden, has a lot of tricks, and all kinds of magical and incomparable Taoism, immortality, supernatural powers, and kung fu techniques emerge one after another.

It is no longer so easy to kill it!
And when all the locations of promotional treasures were discovered, someone finally couldn't hold back and made a move. The first person to make a move came from the void outside the territory. He was also a terrifying genius with unparalleled fighting power and invincible!
This person's name is Shen Xing, and he carries the inheritance of the ancient monster clan. Although he does not have the blood of the fairy beast, his talent is unique and extremely outstanding.

In a melee that suddenly broke out, this person made a sudden move, in a crushing state, invincible!

This chaos was suppressed by him with lightning speed, it can be called devastated!

This person couldn't bear to make a move, and it finally seemed to be the prelude to a bigger chaos. The other super monsters were no longer watching, but they all made a move to snatch the promotion items, and the chaos became even bigger. Very tragic!
This time, the number of deaths has skyrocketed. In addition to those who quit voluntarily, more than a hundred geniuses and evildoers, more than 20 people have been eliminated in less than ten days!
In addition, because of Yi Changkong's death before, the evildoers exposed and exposed were basically killed by Xiao Jinpeng Wang and others. With a bad temper, few people could be eliminated, and they were basically dead. The remaining people are rapidly approaching the number '76'!
There are still five days left in the second stage.

An unexpected person appeared, he is Du Tianlun!
This guy was not slaughtered by the black dragon, but got a promotion item safely and soundly, which is surprising and astonishing.

To be able to escape from such a terrifying black dragon, and even get a promotion item, this is... too amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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