Chapter 849 Heavy damage!

With one word, Chu Zhongtian shouted back many young lords, showing an unparalleled majesty, making people daunting and afraid to approach.

However, Chu Zhongtian also knew that time was running out, so he turned around without hesitation, his figure flashed, and turned into a bright starlight, rushing to the place of the battle!

At this time, Jiang Shang and the three teamed up to fight the terrifying black dragon. The divine light was shining brightly, shining in the void, and the terrifying divine light containing endless power flew vertically and horizontally. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed and the mountain peaks disappeared!

The irresistible terrifying dragon's power, mixed with countless divine lights, covered the sky, roared wildly, rushed from left to right, trying to break through the blockade, and doubled the pressure on the three of them!

Since being wounded by the three together not long ago, the black dragon seemed to have finally become angry and exploded with a powerful strength that could rival the acme of Xiansan. If the three of them hadn't teamed up, they wouldn't have dared to confront the black dragon head-on!
The streamer flashed by, the stars were shining brightly, Chu Zhongtian arrived in an instant, he had no intention of greeting and chatting, and punched out with a strong punch!
In the endless sea of ​​stars, thousands of stars fell down and merged into the terrifying fist shadow. Suddenly, the fist shadow turned into the size of a mountain, and crashed into the body of the black dragon. The powerful impact was unexpected. Almost overturned the black dragon!


Seeing another guy joining in suddenly, the black dragon was furious, swung its huge dragon claws, and grabbed Chu Zhongtian brazenly!
The sword of the yellow sky in Xia Tiandang's hands was rippling with endless power, but at this moment he was panting violently and stepped back slightly, and said in a brisk tone: "Fortunately, this black dragon is not a natural beast, otherwise the four of us might have to die today. Stay here!"

Jiang Shang's expression was dignified, and with every movement of his hands and feet, the endless bones of the gods surged surgingly, continuously attacking the black dragon, occasionally using Huang Tian's hand to attack the black dragon's vital points!He shouted coldly: "Don't delay, take this opportunity to take it down!"

Sancai Shengzi was already insane at this time, and he was no longer the aloof and immortal figure he was before.

The long robe on his body is a heaven-ranked precious garment, which has been shattered into pieces at this time, and the real person looks very embarrassed, only to hear him yelling: "Go to die!"

The three-color divine light is passed down from the incomparable magical powers of the immortal family in the distant ancient times.As soon as the divine light came out, all the brilliance in the world was eclipsed, as if it had the majestic will of an infinite fairy god, this divine light pierced through the black dragon's body in an instant!

This is the greatest damage done to the terrifying black dragon since the outbreak of the Great War!

A miserable scream suddenly sounded, and the blood containing the aura of the dragon rushed out of the wound like a torrent of water, rushing down from the sky!

The four of them stood in front of the Scarlet Waterfall with different expressions.

"Ha ha!"

The Sancai Saint Son displayed his heaven-defying supernatural powers, his aura instantly wilted, and his face turned pale.But there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, he forced himself to stand up, looked at the huge and terrifying black dragon and laughed wildly, the laughter contained the meaning of infinite rebellion and madness, which shocked the other three !
Chu Zhongtian said coldly: "Do it, don't miss this opportunity!"

Xia Tian waved his big sleeves, and a divine light rolled up the three-colored holy son, and sent him to the mountain peak hundreds of miles away.Then I saw him holding the sword in both hands again, and his fighting spirit broke out. Taotao's four-element divine light rushed out and merged into the divine sword. A powerful and unparalleled aura swept over him, and he once again mobilized his figure and rushed towards the black dragon!

Except for Chu Zhongtian who joined in at the end, the other three almost exhausted the true spirit in their bodies during the fierce battle in just a short moment, which shows how powerful this terrifying black dragon is!
The killing magic cannot be cast continuously, otherwise the black dragon will never survive.But even so, Jiang Shang, Xia Dang, and Sancai Shengzi almost reached the point of exhaustion, and their divine light dimmed!
Any magical powers and mysteries require infinite true spirits to support them. The greater the power of the divine arts, the more true spirits will be consumed. This is an unbreakable truth!

On the one hand, they need to launch powerful magic spells to attack and kill, and on the other hand, they need to use defensive methods to resist the terrifying dragon power of the black dragon, and they have to face the black dragon head-on from time to time!Such a fierce battle is simply unprecedented, and it shines through the past!
"Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!"

Jiang Shang erupted again, using the supreme technique of exterminating gods and demons, his big hand rumbled to cover the sky, accompanied by the ancient tombstone, covering the sky and the sun, and smashed down!

While you are sick, I will kill you!
This time, the hands of the gods and demons went straight to the three wounds on the black dragon's body, going forward relentlessly, destroying everything!
Chu Zhongtian and Xia Dang also put aside the terrifying dragon claws and came straight to the wound. The divine light traversed the world, and the unmatched power erupted, rolling up the torrent of the void, and violently swept across the sky!

Among the four, Jiang Shang can be said to be the one with the deepest background.Not to mention anything else, the number of true spirits in the body alone is several times higher than that of ordinary people, which can be called heaven defying!

But under such a fierce battle, he almost exhausted the true spirit in his body now, and his aura gradually weakened. Even after launching the tomb-suppressing god and demon hand again, his bone body could no longer be maintained!It can be seen from this!
Xia Dang is not much better, the true spirit in his body is only enough for him to deliver the final blow, any more will run out of oil and the lamp will dry up!
Chu Zhongtian clearly saw through the danger of the current situation, and cast the strongest supernatural power without hesitation. The galaxy above his head was shining brightly, and endless starlight fell down, turning into a magic weapon.

The tragic roar tore through the sky and shattered the endless void. The black dragon's abdomen was severely injured by the three people's joint efforts. Centering on the three terrifying blood holes, the wound opened and gradually expanded.

The terrifying black dragon roared sadly, and finally there was a hint of fear in its eyes. It opened its ferocious mouth, and sprayed out infinite fierceness. Like the dark river of the ancient demon world, it rolled up huge waves and swept towards the three of them. !

The three of them felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and they couldn't help feeling a touch of fear in their hearts!
Chu Zhongtian, who was in the best condition, stood in front of Jiang Shang and Xiadang without hesitation, released infinite starlight, and instantly erected a barrier of starlight gathering between the sky and the earth!

With a loud roar, Chu Zhongtian burst into stars, enveloping the two of Jiang Shang, his figure suddenly moved, and disappeared in place in an instant!

Boom boom boom!
The billowing fierce air broke through the starlight barrier, and the terrifying dragon power contained in it made people feel extremely palpitating!When the fierce aura gradually disappeared, there was no trace of the black dragon in the world, and it disappeared without a trace!

It turned out that after the black dragon was severely injured, he felt fear, and had no intention of entangled with a few people, feinted and fled in an instant!
If it was placed in the first stage, the black dragon would definitely fight to the death without flinching, and would never do such a move.But now the black dragon is getting smarter and smarter, has its own intelligence, and has the instinct to seek good luck and avoid evil!

A ray of light flashed, Chu Zhongtian supported Jiang Shang and the two fell from the air, and the Sancai Son was sitting on a boulder with his eyes closed to adjust his breath!

This battle was an unprecedented experience for the four of them.Exhausting magical powers actually only caused heavy damage to the black dragon. It is obviously not strong enough to kill it!
"Chasing! The black dragon has already been injured, and it will definitely leave traces of breath along the way! After catching up, we can't let other people take advantage of it!" The weak Xia Dang suddenly opened his eyes, and there was an infinite light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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