Chapter 854 Five Regions
After experiencing the vast and endless darkness and void, everyone's eyes finally became clear again!

At this moment, the miniature world inside the Black Dragon Cauldron has undergone earth-shaking changes again. The 40 people who have advanced have been randomly separated and distributed in different locations!
However, the entire miniature world is divided into five regions by powerful divine power, and each region has eight advanced candidates!
Where Jiang Shang was, it was the end of a wilderness, next to a huge mountain range with one after another, and the peaks soared into the sky, majestic and huge.

In a completely unfamiliar environment, Jiang Shang instantly raised his vigilance, and his divine sense spread, covering a radius of more than a hundred miles, and any disturbance could not escape his perception.

Suddenly, a majestic coercion descended from the Nine Heavens, and an old voice, like the whispers of the Nine Heavens Gods, came down from the sky and resounded through the entire miniature world!
"The ones who can stay here today are all amazing talents. I am very satisfied with your performance. However, after three stages of elimination, elimination and promotion, the real cruel test has just begun!"

The old voice seems to contain boundless power, and the words contain endless rules of Taoism, which is irresistible.Speaking of this, the voice paused slightly, and then continued: "In the second round of trials, you will be randomly sent to five different areas, and each area has eight advanced candidates! This round, no more Divide the stages, and no longer count the merit points! In each area, there is a key to advance to the final round! The person who gets the key will advance, and the rest will be eliminated!"

After saying this, the old and grand voice disappeared, but the lingering power was frightening.

Standing tall at the end of the wilderness, Jiang Shang, after listening to the rules, his eyes erupted with infinite divine light, surrounded by a monstrous situation, with endless majesty.

"Forty Jin five, only one person from each area advances! The rules are getting more and more cruel, who will be in the same area as me?" Jiang Shang raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Most of the towering peaks were covered by clouds and mist. It looks very mysterious.

Jiang Shang's figure flashed, and his whole body turned into a phantom, disappearing among the mountains.

Eight into one, this rule is undoubtedly cruel!The strong men who can enter the second round are all those who are invincible in the world.Such a cruel promotion rule is clearly intended to make eight people attack and fight each other!

This round is the real test of personal strength!Being able to stand out from the eight peerless geniuses is undoubtedly a huge test and extremely dangerous.

After three rounds of tragic elimination, the remaining forty promotions are all monstrous supreme beings with terrifying strength. At least each of them has the terrifying strength to fight the ordinary fairy three without defeat!
With such a group of superpowers attacking each other, it is conceivable how tragic the battle will be.

Jiang Shang still doesn't know who the other seven people are, and the location of the promotion key is also unknown!In this environment where the enemy and the enemy are unknown, hiding yourself is the most correct choice!


The second round of cruel tests has begun!
On Qishan Mountain, as well as the surrounding peaks and high altitudes, there were many strong men who came to watch the battle.

On the Jinbang picture scroll, from the beginning of 350 people to the only [-] people who have advanced, hundreds of young lords died during the period, and more were injured and quit, missing the quota for the fairy gate!At this time, these young supreme beings who survived the test and quit the test did not leave, but stayed around Qishan to watch the test proceed.

This unprecedented grand gathering of human kings has made many young sovereigns realize that what is a real human being, there is a mountain as high as a mountain!

Compared with those strong men who have gone through many dangers and advanced, they feel ashamed.Compared with the forty super monsters who broke into the second round, they have no face to call themselves 'young supreme'!
Several superpowers were talking in low voices, including the old man Tianyu, who were guessing who the last five people would advance to!
Xia Wushang's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "Although there are outstanding juniors in the five districts, if it is really based on the overall strength, Jiang Xiaozi and that little Jinpeng may have a great possibility of getting the places. Then Otherwise, it's the black shadow in the void... I can't see through it, it's strange."

"The junior of your Xia family and Prince Xuanyuan are grouped together. Based on the performance of the previous round, it seems that his chance of winning is not high." The ancestor of the Red Star Sect sneered.

"Xianyuan, Xianyuan, is to pay attention to a word of fate. If one's own strength is not enough, it is difficult to enjoy it. This is normal, and I can see it through." Xia Wushang was calm, and did not have any violent reactions.


Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the Red Star Sect couldn't help but snorted coldly, but he didn't continue such words.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, none of them from the Scarlet Star Sect has reached the top forty, so he really couldn't stand upright and speak in front of Xia Wushang, it was too weak.


The redefined five major areas are the venues for the second round of promotion competition, and each of the eight evildoer supremes will compete for the final place.

Some people are rejoicing, but naturally some people are complaining.For example, Sancai Shengzi, after a quick search, he found that he was actually assigned to the mysterious void shadow. He smiled wryly, and laughed at himself: "Is this bad luck? How did you get assigned to him?" gone?"

The shadow in the void is very mysterious, even Jiang Shang is extremely afraid, let alone his three colors, it is really bad luck!

And Qin Yang and Duan Lingyun in another area didn't look very good-looking.

In this area, apart from a few unknown people, what makes them feel the pressure is the ancient beast Suanni with ancient blood!
This guy is the talent of the sky, possessing a terrifying fighting talent. Although he didn't show it before, no one dared to underestimate him. They were all extremely jealous, under a lot of pressure, and his power was terrifying!
And Chu Zhongtian was actually divided into the same area as Little Jinpeng King,

In this regard, the latter can only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Although he has unrivaled fighting power and extremely strong aptitude, compared with Little Jinpeng King who has 70.00% purity of the ancient Jinpeng bloodline, he still has a very clear understanding, the difference between the two sides is more than a notch!It's like a ravine!

However, he did not give up completely. After all, being able to compete with a generation of prosperous god body kings and strike across the sky is also an exciting thing, and the fighting spirit is overwhelming!

And Xia Tiandang and Xuanyuan Mingjing were assigned to the same area. When they both heard about it, they shook their heads and smiled tacitly, a little surprised and pleasantly surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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