Chapter 866 I have a sword that breaks all spells!

Xia Dang's choice, in the eyes of many powerhouses, is very correct.

Suan Ni is the only strong man who is evenly matched with him!
However, at the moment Suan Ni revealed the supreme demon body, countless people still burst into an uproar, and their surroundings boiled.

"As expected of the legendary 狻猊, just this majestic majesty is amazing, it's too terrifying..." Someone said this, trembling, and his eyes were full of trembling.

"It's a pity, this is an immortal grand event. There are too many powerful evildoers. Even if he is Suan Ni, even if it is Xia Tiandang, if he wants to compete for the legendary fairy gate, the chances are not high." Someone said. It's also very sensible to open your mouth like this and make an analysis.

The three people watching the battle on the high platform of the temple also showed a dignified look at this moment.

In retrospect, almost in the first two rounds of fierce fighting, Suan Ni never really showed her demon body, let alone showed such a powerful power as now!

So, I have to say, this guy hides really deep!
"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Xia Tiandang's expression became extremely dignified, and he slowly raised the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword in his hand. The monstrous aura that soared into the sky, and the unparalleled divine light erupting from the phantom of the super four elephants, instantly made it look like a majestic mountain , Standing on the earth, even if you are stormy, I will stand still!
The calm and majestic aura of Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi swept away!
The stability of Xia Tian's swing makes it like a towering mountain, unrivaled, and the majestic and vast aura is suffocating!
In contrast, Suan Ni seemed a little impatient in the face of the steady summer swing.

Confront each other in silence?Forget it!


He opened his mouth and let out a terrifying roar, the earth collapsed in an instant, and the surrounding waterfalls, flowing springs, forests and dangerous peaks collapsed and destroyed in an instant, and endless monster clouds rose up, like huge waves sweeping the sky.

The figures of ancient monsters appeared, and they all looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. Their voices had the terrifying power of shaking the soul and shaking the heart, and they roared and swooped down from the sky!
Looking at Suanni again, billowing smoke sprayed out from its mouth, turning into terrifying sharp claws covered with scales, swinging towards Xia Tian and grabbing head-on!
"call out!"

The rapidly roaring sound of piercing the sky, the phantoms of terrifying monsters pouring out of the sky, the tumbling terrifying clouds of monsters, and the terrifying power that shatters the sky and the earth.

All of these constitute a terrifying scene that will destroy the world, and it is displayed in front of countless people watching the battle!

On the high platform of the temple, King Jinpeng stood with his hands behind his back. He was dressed in a robe made of golden wings, stirring with the wind, with a monstrous aura.He said with a cold expression: "Xia Dang doesn't seem to be the opponent, he is about to lose."

Jiang Shang sneered and said: "This is just the beginning, the outcome is unpredictable!"

Although he also saw that Xia Dang's momentum was not as good, but he was very dissatisfied with Xiao Jinpeng Wang's assertion that Xia Dang was defeated, so naturally he was tit for tat and would not give in!
In the battlefield, facing such a majestic and massive offensive, Xia Dang was not at all chaotic, and was still as stable as a mountain!Holy light shimmers!


It's just that as the terrifying sharp claws approached, one after another ghost phantoms descended, he slowly waved the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword in his hand, and an unstoppable sharp aura shot up into the sky, as if to split the sky into two With sharpness and vigor, he broke through the blockade in an instant, smashed all the terrifying claws, and exploded with a loud noise!
The next moment, I saw that the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword exuding an ancient aura suddenly bloomed with endless divine light, sharp and invincible!
The blade of the sword moved slowly, drawing a mysterious and unparalleled trajectory in front of him, which instantly magnified into a ring-shaped divine light, wrapped in unparalleled sharpness, and slashed out!

"I have a sword that can break all laws in the world!"

A huge and incomparable voice resounded, like the whisper of the god king on the Nine Heavens, or like the roar of gods and demons from ancient time and space, the voice containing the power of terrifying banning, resounding through the world!

The infinite monster cloud and mist rolling endlessly in the air was blocked in an instant and stood still. Countless monster phantoms suddenly froze, maintaining the posture of rushing down from the sky!

The terrifying power that imprisoned the world made Suanni howl ferociously, louder than once, and the roaring sound was shaped like a sharp blade, as if it wanted to tear apart the void of heaven and earth, and shatter the world!

The terrifying head, which seemed illusory at first, instantly turned into a nine-headed body. The unstoppable huge body with its feet on the monster cloud finally appeared. Every time it stepped forward, it would cause the surrounding imprisoned space to collapse and shatter. Explosion, extremely powerful!

But at this moment, the Holy Yellow Heaven Sword in Xia Tiandang's hand finally slashed down slowly, endless divine light surged, dragons and tigers roared, resounding through the sky!

This sword, like the unparalleled magic weapon of the ancient god king, split the world in an instant, and the rivers flowed backwards!


In just two confrontations, the mountains, rivers and land around the battlefield have all been reduced to nothingness, hazy and indistinct.

Suan Ni strode forward and walked towards Xia Tian step by step. Wherever he passed, the sky collapsed, the void shattered, and the ancient demon light shone all over his body, like a peerless demon who opened up the world, with great power!
On the opposite side, Xia Tian was not in a hurry, the super four-element divine light surged crazily, turning into streaks of red light, blending into the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword, and suddenly the aura of endless sharpness soared, and instantly turned into Kaitian God The sword, cutting the world, came straight to the top of Suan Ni's head!

The nine-headed monster body contains unparalleled power, and the majesty of the divine sword that strikes down is invisible, and the heads of each of them are full of smoke, and they are colorful!
Suddenly, a round and brilliant black bead spun slowly and rushed out of Suan Ni's bloody mouth. Every time it twirled, an ancient rune would appear. The linked talisman seals blocked Huang Tian's holy sword at a critical moment!

The mountains, rivers, and land have long been annihilated into endless smoke and dust, but the shattered and reassembled void fragments shattered again, and layers of void turned into terrifying black holes, and endless void turbulence surged out!

Suan Ni's footsteps still did not stop, she still strode forward without stopping, and her power became stronger and stronger!

The black bead that blocked the terrifying blow of the Holy Sword of the Yellow Heaven floated above Suan Ni's head, exuding endless divine light and brilliant rays of light.

The terrifying voice that shook the universe sounded again, until now, Xia Dang's face was still as flat as water, calm, his lips were slightly parted, and a sentence came out: "I have a sword that can break through the nine gates of heaven!"

The last sword was unparalleled and invincible!
This sword breaks through the sky and shatters the sky!

As before, the incomparable and terrifying power of banning descended, sealing everything between the heaven and the earth in an instant, Suan Ni's forward steps suddenly stopped slightly, and the raised animal claws could not fall down!
The huge green eyes, like ancient magical lamps, suddenly opened wide, and an incredible voice came from his mouth: "Huh? The power of the ban has increased?"

(End of this chapter)

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