Chapter 870 Fighting Again

half a month later.

Suanni, who was recuperating and healing, broke through a pitch-black stone pagoda, strode out from the sky full of smoke and dust, and actually reached the peak. Wherever he passed, demon clouds rolled, shattering the sky, and the momentum was monstrous!

His injury recovery also indicates that the second decisive battle of the third round is about to begin.

As if there was an invisible tacit understanding, Jiang Shang, Little Jinpeng King, and Void Beast all walked out of the retreat and came to the high platform in front of the ancient temple!

At the same time, the surroundings of Qishan Mountain once again turned into a sea of ​​voices, and all kinds of shouts resounded through the sky, and the crowd was surging.

The news that Suan Ni broke through the barrier was known to them immediately, and they rushed here one after another.

In the past half a month, these strong onlookers did not stay where they were, some of them left temporarily and went to other places.But when they got the news, they all rushed over immediately, extremely fast.

"Xuan Ni is out of customs? Haha, I have been waiting for this competition for a long time!"

"Suan Ni's battle against the taboo body Jiang Shang is really exciting! Just thinking about it makes people excited, and it's hard to control themselves!"

"I don't know how to deal with his supernatural powers in this taboo experience? That's devouring the heavens and the earth. The extremely ancient monster clan's supernatural powers are so terrifying!"

"You'll know if you take a look! Look, Elder Tianyu and the others are here..."


Many strong people were excited and shouted loudly, looking forward to the upcoming battle!

On the top of the Qishan Mountain, a group of majestic figures came from the void, and the leader was the hunchbacked figure holding a cane—Old Man Tianyu!

Followed closely by God King Xia Wushang, King Dapeng and others.Immediately, a vast coercion centered on the top of the mountain, swept across the four directions, and the noisy sound of turmoil gradually disappeared, and finally became audible!
The old man Tianyu's old voice resounded between the heaven and the earth again, wrapped in unparalleled divine power, piercing the void and the forbidden power of the Black Dragon Cauldron, and conveyed it.

"Xuan Ni, from the remaining three, choose the opponent you will challenge!"

The moment the voice came down from the void above the head, Suan Ni strode out, glanced coldly at the front, raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Shang, and shouted coldly: "Jiang Shang, dare to fight?!"


The billowing monster cloud suddenly erupted, and an incomparably fierce force swept across the sky and the sky, shaking the sky and collapsing it, with a force of ten thousand!

Jiang Shang looked as usual, and said indifferently: "Why don't you dare?"

All of a sudden, the figures of the two turned into two streaks of swiftly passing rays of light, flew straight towards the battlefield, and disappeared within the forbidden light curtain in an instant.

Outside the Black Dragon Cauldron, a picture suddenly flashed on the huge light curtain covering the entire sky.

Jiang Shang, who was dressed in a fluttering black robe, stood in the void with a cold expression, facing Suan Ni who came from the demon cloud!

Suddenly, Jiang Shang's eyes revealed an incomparable divine light, transparent ripples appeared in the void around his body, and a series of white bones appeared, flying at high speed, circling in the air.

The dense world of bones spread from under its feet, covering the sky and the earth in an instant, the bone demon roared, the wind and thunder roared, and its power was boundless!
"Hey hey..." Sen Leng's laughter came, Suan Ni didn't talk nonsense, and directly transformed into a demon body, swaying with unparalleled ferocious power, the void collapsed inch by inch, and the world of bones that spread to the front suddenly collapsed Halfway through, amidst the tumbling demon clouds, phantoms of demons and monsters emerged from the void, roaring in the sky!
The two completely different, but equally fierce air engines collided and rolled, instantly dividing the entire battlefield into two halves!

On one side is the world of bones filled with bones, where the aura of gods and demons is surging endlessly; on the other side, there are demon clouds covering the sky, monsters roaring, and endless fierce aura sweeping and spreading, not weak at all!
"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

In the middle of the collision of the two sides, the demonic energy rises and the bones are dense. They continue to clash and collide, bursting into a sky-shattering roar, shattering the void!
The terrifying aura exerted to the extreme by the two collided, causing the world to roar, landslides and ground cracks, the sound of endless wind and thunder shuttled in the turbulent void, and the dazzling lightning flashed, with unparalleled power!
Suan Ni, who was holding a demon war halberd, opened his mouth ferociously, and said fiercely: "I heard that the body that breaks the Tao and taboo is invincible in the world, today I will see how invincible you are!"

The turmoil is everywhere, the evil spirit is surging, Suan Ni's fighting spirit is overwhelming, facing Jiang Shang, he will fight with all his strength!
Jiang Shang's black robe danced without wind, his sleeves fluttered, surrounded by myths, and his momentum was like a demon. He said with a cold expression: "Then try it!"

What he couldn't get used to the most was that before the two sides confronted each other, one of them chattered countless nonsense!Build momentum?If you want to fight, just do it directly, where are there so many useless words?

"court death!"

Jiang Shang's sudden cold words made Suan Ni very angry, and immediately became furious!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Suan Ni was furious and roared, and many demons and phantoms in the void above his head roared in unison, and endless demon light shone on the battle halberd in his hand, as fast as lightning, rushed into the world of bones in an instant, and wherever he passed, Smash everything!
Jiang Shang is different from Xia Tiandang, so he doesn't need to test each other!
So as soon as Suan Ni came up, he used the strongest supernatural powers, and the demon war halberd roared and killed, unstoppable!
Jiang Shang snorted coldly, and the bone god pattern around him erupted with endless light, and his whole body instantly swelled and turned into a bone body. He punched out with a bang, and the aura of gods and demons gathered. In the dense bone god light, there were countless Thunder and lightning flashed, shaped like thousands of sharp swords, blasting out!

"Bone Shockwave!"

Ever since he broke through to the second level of will realm, the many attacking and killing magic techniques comprehended from "The Bone Nine Heavens Map" have become more terrifying and more powerful than before!

If he hadn't been suppressing the realm all the time, he could break through to the second level of the fairyland in one fell swoop!

The mighty bone magic power is like the hand of gods and demons that can destroy the world, blocking and smashing the monsters' war halberds in an instant.

Suan Ni missed a hit, dodged like lightning, opened his ferocious mouth, and the blood demon pill reappeared, with runes of incomparable power shining in the void.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Just when he used his supernatural powers and launched a second attack!A huge crack suddenly opened in the void behind him, and an erratic and hazy figure rushed out like lightning. With a palm raised, thousands of sword lights shot out, and the sword energy covered the sky!
The strong and unparalleled sense of crisis made Suan Ni terrified, the blood demon pill spun rapidly, and runes flew out one after another, forming a light curtain of runes in an instant, enveloping it!

On the high platform of the ancient temple.

The Void Beast's eyes were like a bottomless black hole, bursting out with a biting black light, and a strange look appeared on its face.

A sneer appeared on the corner of King Jinpeng's mouth, and he murmured, "The Dao body? It's this thing again!"

(End of this chapter)

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