Chapter 872 I'll Let You Swallow It Up!

"Swallow the world? Let's see how much you can swallow!"

"Suppress me! Tomb Suppressor Demon God Hand!
Following Jiang Shang's cold words, the hands of gods and demons covering the sky and the terrifying tombstone of ancient vicissitudes, wrapped in an unparalleled majestic coercion, fell straight towards Suan Ni's ferocious mouth!
The process of landing is the process of the collapse and destruction of the space between heaven and earth.

The aura of gods and demons that destroys everything is endless, like a pitch-black galaxy pouring down, rolling endlessly, endlessly!

Jiang Shang stood tall in the sky, with fluttering robes, flying black hair, and infinite cold light in his eyes. It was like a posture of an ancient demon god, which made people shudder.

Suppressing the terrifying power of destroying everything in the world, the tomb-suppressing demon hand was brought to the extreme by Jiang Shang!

In the miniature world formed by the Black Dragon Cauldron, the maximum combat power he can exert is unreservedly released.

However, Suan Ni's supernatural powers were beyond his imagination, and he swallowed the Demon Suppressing Demon God's hand in one gulp, which shocked Jiang Shang's expression.The former was extremely ferocious, and continued to activate his supernatural powers, trying to swallow Jiang Shangye in one gulp, and the powerful and terrifying suction power increased again!
Jiang Shang's expression was stern, his eyes could not help but narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart: "It seems that after the blood demon pill is disintegrated, the power of the blood has played a big role..."

The destructive continuous bombardment just now directly blew up the terrifying defense power of the bloodline demon pill, which is comparable to that of a demigod soldier, but this also directly caused Suan Ni to decompose the demon pill and integrate it into the demon body, so that it can be more thorough. Use your magic!
This scene made Jiang Shang somewhat unexpected.Sure enough, it is not so easy to deal with the super evildoer who can defeat Xia Dang!

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Shang's eyebrows revealed a murderous look, and he shouted: "I'll let you eat your fill!"


The sky-shattering roar like a Hongzhong Dalu, accompanied by an ear-piercing, terrifying sword cry that reaches the depths of the soul!
Suddenly, a dazzling light appeared between the sky and the earth, and countless sharp sword lights filled the sky in an instant!That sharp and ear-piercing sound was exactly the terrifying sound made by the convergence of countless sword lights.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The void of heaven and earth could not bear such a sharp edge of sword energy, and it collapsed and destroyed in an instant, turning into nothingness.

Jiang Shang, who was shining with miraculous light in his palm, waved his hand, and endless sword light poured down, like pouring rain, majestic and mighty!
Under Jiang Shang's feet, the dense world of bones spread again, imprisoning all phenomena in the sky and void, and sealing off the universe!
The aura of the endless bone gods and demons surged crazily, like a mighty river, sweeping across the sky and rushing out, heading straight for Suan Ni!


The next moment, the sky and the earth were turbulent, and endless lead clouds appeared out of thin air, covering the sky and covering the sun, and thousands of thunders shuttled through it, emitting an incomparably dangerous light, destroying everything!
The peerless sword light is in front of it, piercing the sky and roaring, cutting the void into countless pieces, shattering and destroying!
The aura of the bone god and demon followed closely behind, resembling the rewinding of the Milky Way, wrapped in an unparalleled impact force, shaking the universe!In the rear, thousands of thunderbolts crashed down, turning the entire world into a thunder purgatory. Under the reflection of the dense white bones, it was even more majestic!

And Jiang Shang, right in the center of this horrific scene of destroying heaven and earth, activated his supreme supernatural powers to cast his tomb-suppressing magic hand again!
This scene, in the eyes of many powerhouses watching the battle, is like the thunder and catastrophe of the doomsday, an ancient god and demon stretched out a terrifying hand, and suppressed it downward, about to destroy everything in the world!
Below, Suan Ni opened her ferocious mouth wide open, sending out unmatched suction, wanting to swallow everything in front of her mouth!
Between heaven and earth, it suddenly became extremely silent, and there was no more sound!

Everyone stared wide-eyed in amazement, looking at the scene in front of them in horror, as if in the next moment, the endless sword light, thunder, and the hands of gods and demons would break through the light curtain in the sky and descend, making people Many powerhouses are frightened!
Such a horrifying scene reminded many strong men of the legends in ancient myths.

According to legend, at the end of that distant time and space, there were monsters devouring the heavens and the earth, destroying the heavens and myriad worlds.
The ancient myth that existed in the distant era is so similar to the scene in front of me!

The top of Qishan.

Different from many other powerhouses, the group of terrifying powerhouses standing on the top of the mountain had cloudy faces, brilliant eyes, and silently made a sound in a tacit understanding.But their hearts were obviously not very peaceful.

At this time, I heard the old man Tianyu's voice, and said in a low voice: "I have somewhat underestimated the strength of this group of juniors! It seems that the power of the Black Dragon Cauldron will be used in the next few fights."

The violent collision between Jiang Shang and Suan Ni has begun to shake the power of the ban around the battlefield.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will directly break through the blockade and spread to other places in the miniature world!

"Use the power of the Black Dragon Cauldron?"

The moment they heard these words, a group of peerless holy masters and semi-holy king-level powerhouses all trembled in their hearts.

As the top Celestial Saint Soldiers in the lower realm, it would be a bit scary if the real power of the Celestial Saint Soldiers had to be used to compete with each other among these juniors!

Only Xia Wushang nodded slightly hesitantly, and said: "If you don't use the power of the Black Dragon Cauldron, I'm afraid they won't be able to restrain them! These little guys..."

The implication of the old man Tianyu and Xia Wushang is obvious, if the real power of the Celestial Soldier is not used, I am afraid that some people will not be able to suppress their own power and will be forced to break through to the second level of the fairyland.This kind of result is undoubtedly what they don't want to see!
The conditions for entering the fairy gate are there and cannot be changed.If you break through to the second level of Wonderland, it is tantamount to giving up the competition and quitting the competition!
Jiang Shang's performance just now has reached the peak of a strong immortal, and if he goes a little further, he will be unable to control his own strength and force a breakthrough!
While the few people were talking, the collision of the two powerful forces in the sky-shielding light curtain changed again.

Jiang Shang's purpose is simple and clear, if you use your supernatural powers to devour everything, then I will blow you up!

The continuous terrifying supernatural powers were unleashed one by one, and all of them were swallowed by Suan Ni one by one.

It was nothing at first, but after a while, Suan Ni's huge body began to tremble slightly, and the ancient demon light on his body flickered violently, becoming extremely unstable!

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Shang's mouth, and he murmured, "Is it finally unbearable?"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up with an incomparable divine light, and the aura around him swelled again. The white bone avatar stood majestically between the sky and the earth, towering like a pillar reaching the sky, majestic and unparalleled.

The huge white bone palm waved, and the ancient magic light was like the scorching sun in the sky, shining brilliantly!

"Blast me!"

The sound that sounded like the roar of ancient gods and demons resounded through the void, and circles of dark white ripples rippling, suddenly forming a shock wave, spinning and dancing, directly opened a vacuum channel in the shattered void, and went straight to Suan Ni's hideous giant mouth. Come.

(End of this chapter)

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