Chapter 883 Fighting
The confrontation in the banned battlefield did not last long.

In just a moment, King Jinpeng's eyes erupted with unparalleled golden light, icy and cold, he took the lead in attacking, and made a bold move!


The unparalleled golden light turned into golden sharp blades all over the sky, rushing towards the Void Beast like a torrent!

The moment the endless golden light blade fell, it turned into a huge and unparalleled golden bird, screaming loudly. Wherever it passed, layers of void collapsed, mountains, rivers and earth collapsed, a terrifying scene of destroying heaven and earth , presented in front of everyone!

Huge and majestic, unstoppable!
As soon as Little Jinpeng King made a move, he showed unparalleled strength!The incomparable golden light blade, like the rewinding of the Milky Way, has the incomparable destructive power, tearing everything apart and destroying the void!This blow alone made the hearts of many unrivaled heros awe-inspiring!

They are all far-sighted, well-informed people, and they can see at a glance that this blow has the ultimate power to kill ordinary immortals, it is extremely terrifying!
However, this level of attack is nothing more than King Jinpeng testing the Void Beast, and he dare not be careless in the slightest.

Watching the battle and being there are two completely different things.

Although he is unrivaled, disdainful of all heroes, and has invincible strength, he will not underestimate any opponent!
The billowing golden blade turned into a torrent, like a huge wave, and it was photographed with a bang, majestic and mighty, coming in an instant!This golden torrent that swept across half of the battlefield directly tore the earth into countless pieces, earth and rocks shot out, mountains collapsed and the ground collapsed!

call out!
Faced with such a terrifying attacking magic technique, the Void Beast sneered, and disappeared instantly in a flash!

His innate supernatural powers, his advantage over ordinary geniuses, is that he can travel through the void at will. He is not a fool, so he just gave up this advantage.


The golden torrent crushed past, but hit the empty space, making no achievements.In the next moment, an arm covered with fine scales suddenly appeared in the void less than two feet away from Little Jinpeng King, and the sharp claws at the front gleamed coldly, unparalleled in sharpness!
The movement was as fast as lightning, and a claw went straight to Little Jinpeng King's chest.

A look of disdain flashed in Little Jinpeng King's eyes, he raised his hand and punched out, and the billowing monster cloud gathered on the fist, like a mountain rolling out, smashing layers of void into pieces, Collapse!
"It's you who's waiting!"

After watching the whole process of the last shocking duel, how could he be unprepared for the Void Beast's elusive presence?

The moment the Void Beast escaped into the void, he was ready to take a blatant blow from the Void Beast.When the sharp claws appeared, King Jinpeng instantly condensed his supernatural powers, poured them into his arms, and punched out with a fierce and unparalleled punch!

The Void Beast's physique is unparalleled, close to that of a demigod soldier, and even slightly better than Jiang Shang... But as the king of the new generation of gods, how could he be afraid of such a head-to-head collision?
There was a thundering roar, and circles of energy aftermath spread rapidly towards the surroundings, like ripples, extremely destructive, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered wherever it passed!
The two super monstrous evildoers were separated at the touch, and the Void Beast fled back into the void with incomparable speed, without a trace.Little Jinpeng King's complexion was as usual, but the fierce fighting intent in his eyes had already burned to the peak!

The first time they collided, both of them were testing each other!

The result is obvious, this head-to-head terrorist attack is evenly divided and evenly matched.

The Void Beast had never fought against Little Jinpeng King, and the only time he had seen it was the battle where Little Jinpeng King angrily killed Yi Changkong.

But at that time, Yi Changkong was obviously not frightened enough to make Little Jinpeng King attack with all his strength, so he only had a rough estimate of Little Jinpeng King's level of strength.

This time the temptation made Void Beast fully realize that the opponent he is facing now is only stronger than Jiang Shang before he broke through!
"It seems that the outcome of this confrontation is really unpredictable..." The Void Beast, hidden in the void, said in surprise, his pupils flickering.At the same time, he couldn't help feeling that the Xuanyuan Great World is indeed the center of the heavens and worlds, where geniuses emerge in large numbers and evildoers arise side by side!
A single Jiang Shang is enough to compete with him, but Little Jinpeng King seems to be stronger!It is truly worthy of being the king of the divine body of this generation, and it is well-deserved!
Spiritual thoughts enveloped a thousand feet in all directions, Little Jinpeng Wang frowned imperceptibly.In this battlefield, the power of the ban has been strengthened several times before, the purpose is to prevent the energy of the super monstrous confrontation from being too fierce and breaking through the blockade.

But in this way, King Jinpeng couldn't use his own strength to the extreme, and some powerful attacks and killing spells became useless!Recalling Jiang Shang's performance in the last game, he finally understood why Jiang Shang knew that he was invincible, but still chose to restrain his momentum and fight the Void Beast in close quarters!

The suppression of the forbidden power, if you use the supreme supernatural powers and Taoism, will not only limit the power, but will also cause the rapid loss of the true spirit in the body...

As soon as he thought of this, King Jinpeng stood there calmly, fully alert.He could feel the strength of the banning power. The Void Beast had already experienced a great battle, so of course he had a deep understanding of it.It seems that the peerless confrontation between the two of them has some fun!

Outside the Black Dragon Cauldron.

Jiang Shang and others, who were watching the battle with all their attention, also showed doubts.Little King Jinpeng actually restrained his monstrous momentum little by little?

Jiang Shang explained: "The power of the ban inside the battlefield is several times that of the outside. If the aura is too strong, it will be suppressed by the power of the ban, and the true spirit will be consumed for nothing! Moreover, the whereabouts of the Void Beast are mysterious and erratic. It is elusive! Unless there is a way to force him to show up and lock his whereabouts, any divine channeling method is a waste of energy!"

Everyone nodded after hearing the words, and suddenly realized.

Xia Dang suddenly said: "No wonder you gave up your own strengths in the last decisive battle, and instead went head-to-head with the Void Beast... So that's what happened!"

Chu Zhongtian and the others also had a look of understanding, thinking that Jiang Shang was extremely resourceful, and he was able to count Void Beasts under such circumstances, which is amazing!
Even Xuanyuan Mingjing said, "I thought you were being plotted against, but it turned out that you were plotting against the Void Beast! Brother Jiang, you are really hiding something, amazing!"

Jiang Shang smiled wryly, and said: "In the beginning, it was indeed calculated by the Void Beast. I didn't realize it until I was almost unable to hold on... But luck and misfortune depend on each other. If I hadn't been calculated by him, I would not be able to find it in a desperate situation." breakthrough."

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief and were shocked.They had also guessed before, but now they got the confirmation from Jiang Shang's mouth, and there was a shocking wave in their hearts instantly!

Duan Lingyun yelled strangely: "Damn it, is this Void Beast so powerful?"

(End of this chapter)

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