Great Demon

89 Collision

89 Collision
"Old monster Heiyun?" Sun Qiu's eyes revealed a trace of gloom, looking at the person coming, he said gloomyly: "I don't seem to have invited you? Why, a dignified Zhou Tian strongman, with such a thick skin, came here uninvited?"

Although the other party is also a powerful person in the sect, he is extremely difficult to deal with him, even if he has enmity, it is not an exaggeration, that's why his expression is so ugly.

"Joke, I am the elder of the sect. Where in the sect can I not come? Or do you have a rebellious heart and despise the elder status that the suzerain bestowed on me?" Patriarch Heiyun mocked directly.

A heart of rebellion, this is simply a word of punishment!

"You..." Patriarch Sun Qiu looked furious, and the aura in his body surged wildly, vaguely intending to strike out in anger.

In the entire spiral square, everyone watched this scene in amazement, with fear on their faces.How terrifying is the coercion of the powerful and powerful, they have no way to resist, they can only tremble in place, there are only some Jindan peak powerhouses, it seems that the situation is slightly better, but they still resist with difficulty.

"Don't be impulsive." Patriarch Luomen stopped the furious Patriarch Sunqiu, and said directly to Patriarch Heiyun, "Why, Heiyun, are you here to cause trouble?"

The arrogant Heiyun patriarch restrained himself a little, showing a slight look of fear, and then said to Luomen patriarch with a smile: "Brother Luomen, you are joking, today is Elder Sun's [-]-year birthday, Why am I, Heiyun, coming back to make trouble?"

"Then what do you want to do?" Patriarch Luomen said coldly, unmoved.

A glint of light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Heiyun, then he turned his eyes to the ring and said: "I just happened to pass by here, but I saw such a cruel scene. This son dared to massacre his fellow disciples in full view. Viciousness is simply outrageous, I don’t think he is worthy of being a disciple of my Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, in my opinion, it’s better to abolish his cultivation and expel him from the sect.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

It turned out that Luo Bei had already died under the giant sword, and Jiang Shang's expression was extremely ugly when he heard this.

"Patriarch Heiyun is wise, this son's method is too vicious, and he also slaughtered his fellow sects. He should abolish his cultivation base and expel me from the Heaven Cracking Sword Sect." Fan Yin looked happy, and immediately echoed loudly.

Heng Zizhou looked at the sky with a panicked look on his face and shouted loudly: "I would like to invite all ancestors to learn from me that the Bawangfeng disciple Luobei cheated and took the berserk pill despicably, and wanted to put my peak disciple Jiang Shang to death, but Being killed by Jiang Shang is just self-defense, what is the crime?"

"Presumptuous!" Heiyun's gaze sank, and he scolded sinisterly, "Are you questioning my judgment?"

A powerful dark aura gushed out from his body, rushing towards Heng Zizhou quickly, frightened Heng Zizhou's expression suddenly changed, and his face was full of fear.

But then there was a ray of glazed light, which wrapped him layer by layer in the blink of an eye, dispelling all the incoming dark breath, and followed by a voice that said coldly: "It's so majestic, bullying a junior, you It's not too embarrassing, if your hands are itchy, how about we have been here?"

Ancestor Heiyun's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Brother Luomen's strength is amazing, Heiyun is naturally not your opponent."

But look at his insolent appearance, how can he be inferior to others?I saw his eyes cast on the ring again, a powerful coercion shot out, his pupils were dark and he asked: "Do you know the guilt of the evil?"

"What's the crime?" Jiang Shang's body trembled under the pressure, but his eyes were very firm and he asked: "Dare to ask Patriarch Heiyun, what is the crime?"

"I don't understand? Slaughtering fellow sects is a big taboo in the sect. There is no excuse for the crime. I won't say anything more. Now, abolish my cultivation and get out of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect!" Jiang Shang's charges were followed by a condescending trial.

"Slaughter fellow sect?" Jiang Shang looked mockingly, and suddenly said in a high voice: "Dare to be the ancestor of Heiyun, why didn't you show up when Luobei wanted to kill me just now?"

"Presumptuous! Are you questioning me?" Patriarch Heiyun's eyes flashed, and his words revealed a fierce light: "What is your identity, how dare you talk to me like that, now, immediately, abolish your cultivation, otherwise I will personally Shot, crush your soul, and you will never enter reincarnation forever."

"What a vicious heart!" Jiang Shang was extremely terrified in his heart, and panic flashed in his eyes.

If the opponent really makes a move, he will definitely die!

"Enough!" But at this moment, an angry shout rang out, Patriarch Sun Qiu couldn't bear it any longer, and said with a gloomy expression: "Elder Heiyun, please leave here immediately, or don't blame me, Sun Qiu, for being rude to you. "

The other party made such a disturbance at his birthday banquet, it was like slapping him in the face, if he remained indifferent, it would be Zhou Tian!

"You're welcome? Just because of you? Sun Qiu is not because I look down on you, but because of your little ability, you are not my match for Heiyun." Unexpectedly, Patriarch Heiyun was not threatened at all, but his attitude became extremely unscrupulous.

"Then what if I'm added?" But at this moment, a faint voice sounded, and the ancestor Ming Feng said expressionlessly: "Seeing that you are so confident, how about adding me?"

He hadn't spoken before because he didn't want to offend Hei Yun, but the other party was too presumptuous, and now even he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ming Feng advises you, don't go into this muddy water, lest you get into trouble." Patriarch Heiyun's expression changed slightly, and his tone was cold and threatening.

"Are you threatening me?" Patriarch Mingfeng's eyes gleamed fiercely, he looked at Patriarch Heiyun and said straightly: "Heiyun, don't say I won't give you a chance, now we go nine days away, do you have any chance?" You can teach me what it means to cause trouble!"

He was completely irritated, and his words began to be blunt.

"You..." Patriarch Heiyun finally looked ugly, looked at Patriarch Luomen beside him and said slowly: "Brother Luomen, what do you mean?"

"Get lost!" Patriarch Luomen opened his eyes and shouted coldly.

The whole Spiral Square suddenly became silent, and the quiet sound of the needle falling could be heard. Patriarch Heiyun's expression was hideous, and his eyes were full of distorted humiliation. I saw him take a deep look at Patriarch Luomen, Without saying a word, he turned and left.

"Heiyun, don't say I won't give you a chance. If you are not convinced, you can come to Haoran Peak to find me at any time. I also want to see how much you weigh." Patriarch Luomen hummed heavily.

Patriarch Heiyun just paused slightly from his back, then turned into a dark cloud and disappeared into the sky.

Everyone in the Spiral Plaza was silent, watching this scene with a slightly terrified expression. They didn't even dare to think that just now, a few powerful men in the gate were about to fight, how serious it would be, at least in the Few of them in the center of the battle would be able to escape!

Everyone is terrified!

(End of this chapter)

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