Chapter 912
The Shadow God Dynasty premeditated a terrifying conspiracy for thousands of years, and the moment Jiang Shang killed Binghun, the killer king, it failed.

However, Jiang Shang's small change caused a series of accidents, making His Majesty the Emperor of the Shadow God very angry, and with a big wave of his hand, he issued an edict!

Thus, a war of shadow gods invaded Xuanyuan Great World began!

This time, it is no longer a secret confrontation between two superpowers, nor is it a desperate fight alone.

This is a war, far away from the flames of war in the world of Xuanyuan for countless years, and it is coming again.

Invasion and resistance, this is a huge army composed of practitioners and powerful people from all walks of life. Fang Qiu, rushing to kill bloody battles!
Jiang Shang didn't dare to walk out of the void, and came to the ancient city of Beiming. He really knew the terrifying lethality of the so-called army of strong men, just like a huge whirlpool, a millstone, and cultivation bases under Immortal Four. In the battle, they will only fall miserably!

The general trend of the two armies fighting cannot be resisted by one's own strength.

However, he has a calm heart, and he has overcome obstacles all the way to today. He has self-knowledge and knows his weight.

He would not seek death by himself in such a terrifying place where he could not get out after entering it clearly!
The flames of war spread extremely quickly, centered on the ancient city of Beiming Holy Land, and quickly spread to a range of [-] miles around.

More and more Xuanyuan experts joined in, fighting to the death.The emergence of the Shadow God Dynasty made countless powers in the outer space terrified.

Of course, not everyone rushes into this battlefield with a radius of 10,000+ miles, hacking and killing indiscriminately, doing so will only make themselves die faster!The preparation of the shadow gods for thousands of years is to use the taboo spirit array and integrate the ancient myths and fairy gates, so as to achieve an astonishing goal!

Apart from the presence of His Majesty the Divine Dynasty, the remaining six killer kings each led an army of killers and attacked and killed them, rushing into the battlefield from different directions.


Among them, the two killer kings at the level of the fourth and half immortal kings, as soon as they appeared, were dragged into the void by several fourth and half saints from Xuanyuan's side. They fought desperately and successfully weakened the strength of the six assassins.

However, the remaining four killer kings, seeing that they couldn't escape the entanglement of Xuanyuan's four half-sages, simply issued orders to directly enter the void battle with Xuanyuan's peerless powerhouse.

The army of killers without a leader was not chaotic at all. They each followed their own schedule and continued to advance towards the center. They wanted to invade the ancient city of Beiming, but they were blocked by Xuanyuan monks and powerful men from all walks of life, and their progress was slow.

War is the most terrifying weapon of destruction. Whether it is the secular dynasty, the current Xuanyuan cultivation world, or the upper realm, this is a recognized fact.

Once the number of people participating in the battle reaches the critical point, it will not be able to be resolved by one or two superpowers!The scope of the war spread and expanded, and it was a catastrophe comparable to a natural disaster!

A chaotic war struck, and the northern land of Xuanyuan was gradually plunged into the flames of war. The lives were devastated, and countless monks and strong men fell. The tragedy was unparalleled.

In the extraterritorial starry sky, there are mighty masters and lords from various extraterritorial worlds, with tangled faces and hesitation.

The terrifying blood energy formed by the war between secular dynasties can still affect the state of mind of a strong man in the fairyland, let alone the desperate fight of thousands of strong men?

In today's Xuanyuan world, the sky above the entire northern land is shrouded in a bloody atmosphere, making people afraid to approach.

Most of these extraterritorial powers and lords are leaders of forces who have good relations with Xuanyuan, and the worst thing is that there has never been any conflict between the two parties, and they get along harmoniously.

They learned of the news of the Shadow God Dynasty's invasion of Xuanyuan one step earlier.These mighty and venerable masters immediately called many powerful men under him to come to support them without hesitation, but in the starry sky near Xuanyuan, they stopped and did not dare to step forward.

So they watched helplessly as the Five Immortal Kings of the Shadow God Dynasty descended, watched countless killer armies flood into the world of Xuanyuan, and watched countless strong Xuanyuan fight bloody battles without flinching... Scene after scene, let them My mind was shaken and I was shocked.

At this time, everyone was thinking about the same thing, that is, once they entered, the entire army might be wiped out!

They are not Xuanyuan forces, no one is willing to die for the Xuanyuan world.However, they all know the truth that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. Once Xuanyuan is captured, what awaits them is also a catastrophe!
After a long silence, an old man in a golden Taoist robe said in a deep voice, "Everyone, give the order. If you hesitate any longer, it will be too late!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding group of lords, lords, and powerful men were shocked, and there was a fierce fighting intent in their eyes, with a murderous aura.

The eyes of a burly man burst into divine light, and he roared ferociously: "Go for it! Kill!" The roar was like thunder, shattering the starry sky, and the whole person turned into a thousand-foot giant, rumbling towards the northern land of Xuanyuan World.

Behind him, a group of strong outsiders who also exuded a fierce aura broke out in roars, displayed their supernatural powers, revealed their supreme dharma bodies, and followed them with roars.

Seeing this situation, the other great powers didn't hesitate any more, they raised their heads to the sky and shouted loudly, and rushed down from the starry sky with unparalleled power, followed by the fairyland powerhouse from the outer world, the most powerful being the first level of the fairyland...

The leaders of nearly a hundred small worlds around Xuanyuan led their masters to come out to help, which immediately brought unmatched confidence to countless Xuanyuan strongmen, roaring and rushing towards the enemy, frantically mobilizing their supernatural powers, and desperately trying their best!
I saw, in the sky shrouded in blood-colored clouds, torrents of powerful armies tore through the sky and rushed towards them.

Many forces form an army with different shapes.

There are those who step on fierce beasts; there are those who drive monsters; there are countless people who control all kinds of magic weapons!All of them have an unstoppable and unmatched power, which is unstoppable.

The more tragic melee continued to spread in the northern land, making people seem to have returned to the dark and turbulent era 10,000+ years ago in an instant, the universe was overturned, and the sun and the moon were dark...


In the endless void.The barren and dim starlight is projected through the endless turbulence, and everything here seems lifeless and eclipsed.



An old man in the fourth half-sacred state waved the coiling dragon stick in his hand, and the billowing dragon energy shook the void, and a phantom of a terrifying dragon, dancing and roaring, swooped down!

Opposite him was a killer king with a gloomy expression. He was also a semi-sacred immortal, but his cold murderous aura and the black sharp blade in his hand made him look very scary.Raising his hand, a cold edge slashed out, and rushed straight to Shenlong Xuying.

Both sides come and go, the battle is in full swing, it can be said that they are evenly matched and evenly divided.Depending on the situation, it will be impossible to tell the winner in a short time!

But at this moment, Ji Chang's sudden appearance broke the balance between them in an instant!
"Boom! Rumble..."

The unparalleled aura of gods and demons surged over the sky and covered the earth, and the shining bones of gods lingered around Jiang Shang's body, striding forward with boundless power.

(End of this chapter)

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