Chapter 916


The sudden sneer of the Son of Heaven, and the strange change of the terrifying stele made Jiang Shang feel awe-inspiring in an instant.


The changes in the surrounding Qi made the entire sky shrouded in dense murderous thoughts, and the void became obscure and heavy, as if frozen.

However, the terrifying sword energy that shot out was invincible and invincible!Straight through layers of void, straight to kill Jiang Shang.

At the same time, Tianshengzi disappeared strangely in place, and distanced himself from Jiang Shang again.

Obviously, Tianshengzi was very afraid of Jiang Shang fighting close to him, and kept a distance, trying to fight Jiang Shang again with magical powers and secret techniques.

Jiang Shang's complexion changed, and the divine light of the white bones burst out all over his body, and suddenly started, his fists were like mountains, and his body was like electricity.


The incomparable divine power is like a vast ocean, boundless and vast, breaking through the blockade of murderous aura in an instant, smashing the field formed by Senmang's sword aura, and the whole person is like a towering mountain peak, crushing and impacting unstoppably!

Unparalleled strength, with the power to destroy the world, the place it passes, causes the void to shatter, the turbulent flow is frenzied, boiling and tumbling, forcibly opening a vacuum channel, directly approaching the eyes of the Son of Heaven.

At this time, the Son of Heaven is using another killing sword energy of the Seven Killing Sword Qi, which is more terrifying than the Wusheng Killing Sword.

Before the sword qi was fully formed, he saw a series of sharp edges visible to the naked eye, cutting the space, smashing everything, and turning the void in front of him into a vacuum of nothingness, which is extremely terrifying!

With a sneer on Jiang Shang's face, he frantically activated the divine pattern, and the divine light source rushed into his arm continuously, and the terrifying fist shadow suddenly magnified and came out with a bang.

The earth-shattering terrifying roar exploded, resounding through the void for thousands of miles, causing an energy storm, like a monstrous storm, ravaging the surroundings, completely stirring up the endless turbulent flow of the void, and boiling it endlessly.

Immediately, the place where the two were located turned into the center of a raging storm, and the surrounding riots were rampant!

Jiang Shang's whole body was covered with the bones of the gods, exuding unparalleled divine power, standing in the void, despite the extremely violent energy around him, he remained motionless, as stable as a mountain.

On the opposite side, Tian Shengzi's aura was a little confused, his face flushed and he retreated a thousand feet, his hand holding the sword trembled slightly from the impact, and went numb.At this time, his eyes showed extreme horror.

Jiang Shang's melee power was completely beyond his expectations, and what he didn't expect was that Jiang Shang successfully smashed the sword energy before it was condensed into shape, causing a harmful impact on him, causing his blood to vibrate and roll over. endlessly!
Jiang Shang shot too fast!
The Son of Heaven looked at Jiang Shang again, becoming extremely fearful and terrified.

Invincible in supernatural powers, unparalleled in melee combat... This kind of terrifying strength to the extreme, surpassed the Son of Heaven's cognition of all geniuses and monsters, and broke the common sense of the world!

"He is only at the peak of Immortal One, how could he have such a tyrannical strength?" Tian Shengzi's eyes flickered, his breath trembled endlessly, and his heart was extremely horrified.

He has experienced in the abyss of the heavens for a hundred years, survived countless times of near death, fell into danger, and honed his unparalleled will and unparalleled killing methods!His experience is the only adventure in the ages, and he is confident that no one among the strong men of the same generation in the lower realm can resist his attack.

This Jiang Shang not only broke this invincible taboo, but also twice in a row!
For the first time, Jiang Shang used his supernatural powers to repel him. There was actually a bit of coincidence and luck in that, but this time...

"Jiang Shang, you have successfully aroused my anger!" Tian Shengzi's voice became unparalleled cold, containing unparalleled killing intent, which immediately made the surrounding space become icy cold, extremely cold.

Jiang Shang's eyes flashed, and the divine light projected out, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said each word: "So what?"


While speaking, he bullied himself again, and the divine pattern surged on his arm, manifesting words exuding ancient aura, containing infinite energy and terrifying aura.

The domineering and terrifying shadow of the fist once again enveloped the Son of Heaven, like a moving mountain, descending with supreme divine power, instantly crushing layers of void, and turbulent turbulent tumbling!

"Death to me!"

The Son of Heaven was furious, and roared out of his mouth, like the roar of a demon god, with evil spirit rising!
"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After three consecutive exits with killing words, the words followed, the surrounding void was blocked by a terrifying force, and it became as solid as a diamond, unmatched.

The horrific killing intent that chilled the limbs spread, and Jiang Shang felt as if his body was frozen by ice, becoming extremely stiff and difficult to move.

However, the black sword in Tianshengzi's hand erupted with soul-eating light, as if it was about to engulf everything in the world, it was extremely terrifying!
"This sword is called Killing Star. For hundreds of years, I have slain countless demons in the abyss of the heavens, and I have cultivated Wushuang's fierce and murderous aura. I am invincible! I have returned from the heavens, and you are the strongest opponent I have encountered. You are qualified to let me Sacrifice it!"

When Tian Shengzi said this, his expression changed suddenly, and his eyes suddenly turned into pitch black, like a bottomless black hole, swallowing the surrounding light.He raised his long sword and pointed at Jiang Shang, and said leisurely: "With the true power of this sword, I will send you on the road, you are proud enough!"

The moment the voice fell to the ground, Jiang Shang suddenly changed color, he was locked by an unparalleled sharp air machine, and he couldn't move at all!

"Break me!

The bone god pattern trembled violently, shaking violently, and ancient characters separated from it, moved slowly, and gathered together.

Jiang Shang's third-order will erupted in an instant, forcibly breaking through the blockade and covering the universe!

Comparable to the state of the Great Emperor's terrifying willpower, it immediately shattered the air mechanism that locked him. Before he could move his body and use his supernatural powers to fight back, he saw a sword light approaching quietly, without giving him time to react, he slashed suddenly on him!

There was a slight muffled sound, but it seemed to trigger thousands of thunderclaps to explode, and the violent roar became louder and louder, sweeping towards the surroundings.

In front of Jiang Shang, before the ancient characters were lined up, they were shattered by the sword light, turned into a little bit of divine light, and re-integrated into the bones of the gods, dimming endlessly.

A moment ago, Jiang Shang, with his incomparable power, destroyed the terrifying supernatural powers that had not yet been formed by the Son of Heaven.At this moment, Tianshengzi also broke Jiang Shang's invincible defense with the incomparable killing sword!

"As expected of the Monument of Seven Killings, it's so terrifying!" Jiang Shang's face changed completely this time, and his expression was horrified.Dominating the heavens in the distant era, the incomparable terror killing way, really powerful.

The shattering of the ancient text made the bone god pattern on his body dim, which had a great impact on him.

However, Jiang Shang raised his hand and struck a strange seal, the color of the universe suddenly changed, the wind and clouds turbulent, the boundless void turbulent violently rioted and rolled violently.

The void above his head collapsed, and the sound of rolling waves came, shaking the universe and tearing the sky apart.The Milky Way of bones and bones swept in, wrapped in a monstrous force, rolling down!

(End of this chapter)

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