Chapter 918 Obliteration
The sword light is like lightning, one hit will kill, and it has seven kills sword energy!

Tian Shengzi's fighting style followed the consistent fighting method of the Shadow God Dynasty, without any redundant movements, every time he made a move, he went straight to the opponent's vital point, which was unmatched.

However, the purpose of Tianshengzi's doing this is mainly to distract Jiang Shang's attention, so that he has no time to take care of other things.


However, the dark and ancient portal was opened, and a phantom of an ancient Yin god rushed out in strides, followed by thousands of Yin spirits, howling ferociously, like ghosts coming out of cages, devouring the heavens and the earth!
The two sides have been fighting for a long time, how could Jiang Shang not be aware of the cunning and treachery of the Son of Heaven?With a movement of his feet, the Bone Avatar turned into a flash of white lightning. Facing the terrifying sword qi that attacked and killed him, he blasted out dozens of punches in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The sound of the explosion pierced the world, the dense world of bones trembled violently, and the endlessly tumbling aura of gods and demons also became vibrated.The bone giant roared angrily, opened its big hands, and released infinite blocking power, blocking the entire world in an instant!

The world of bones shrank suddenly, and the force of extrusion came from all directions. Jiang Shang intended to block and kill Tian Shengzi in one fell swoop.

Jiang Shang has the final say on everything in the world of bones that shines so brightly all over the sky. Now that you have entered, don't try to leave!

The Yin God roared outside and rushed towards him, but Jiang Shang ignored him, his eyes burst into a cold light, his palms were squeezed into a simple seal, and he roared: "I'll see how you die!"


Sensing the unparalleled oppressive power from around him, Tian Shengzi's face changed, his dark eyes flickered with unparalleled light, and the long sword in his hand slashed out in an instant. The power of killing, crushed up strongly, and collided with the giant bone palm!

The sword light shattered and destroyed, but the violent energy caused the world of bones to collapse, and the void oscillated endlessly.

But at this moment, a burly figure came up to him, raised his scaled arm, and lowered his claws!Jiang Shang's world of bones could no longer bear it, and it completely shattered.

But seeing Jiang Shang's figure suddenly burst, a bright light flashed in his deep eyes, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he said coldly: "It's just in time!"

The void above the head suddenly exploded, and the billowing divine and demonic energy was like a long river breaking its embankment, venting for thousands of miles, torrenting endlessly.

A terrifying giant hand covering the sky and the sun, accompanied by an ancient and vicissitudes of life tombstone, containing endless gods and demons, the terrifying power to kill everything, rumbles down!

"Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!"

When the incomparably cold voice came, Tian Shengzi had already displayed his supernatural powers with a pale face, and fled to the distance without any nostalgia, and fled in a hurry.

A roar shook the universe, and the tomb-suppressing god and devil's hand wrapped in supreme power, and shattered the phantom of the Yin God with a palm, and the ancient tombstone continued to caste, and slammed into the dark door!

The terrifying ghost gate, even if it is only a phantom, possesses unparalleled divine power and is majestic and vast.But the destructive power of the ancient tombstone that fell naturally does not need to be described.But even if the tombstone has unparalleled destructive power, it can smash the gate of hell, but it cannot be completely erased!
"Want to leave? It's not that easy! Die!" Came Jiang Shang's furious voice, this time he would never let the Son of Heaven escape again!
The tomb-suppressing god and devil's hand that had just collapsed and shattered turned into a billowing god and devil's aura, soaring into the sky.An extremely terrifying coercion came down again, destroying everything.



The unparalleled divine power enveloped the heaven and the earth, cutting off the way of the Son of Heaven in an instant.Jiang Shang stood in the air, and the dense bone world spread again and turned into a domain. He said coldly: "This is the end, you still want to escape? Hmph, wishful thinking!"

"Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!"

The terrifying giant hand covering the sky and the ancient vicissitudes of the tombstone descended from the sky again, rumbling and crushing, unstoppable!
Exercising this supreme supernatural power twice in a row almost emptied all the true spirit energy in his body.If he hadn't figured out Tian Shengzi's trump card, he would never take such a risk...

The hand of the gods and demons wrapped in the power of destroying heaven and earth, and hit Tianshengzi who was fleeing in a hurry.Amidst the earth-shattering roar, a piercing scream pierced the void, and then stopped abruptly!

Even if he was very sure, Tianshengzi would never be able to withstand such a terrifying attack by supernatural powers, but Jiang Shang was still not at ease, he flew to lock Tianshengzi, and attacked and killed him again!

boom boom boom-

A series of terrifying roars resounded through the end of the void, causing the surrounding turbulence to vibrate endlessly.

After a long time, Jiang Shang walked out of the turbulent storm with a weak body and a disordered breath, holding a piece of golden ore covered with strange patterns in his hand, his eyes shone with an unprecedented light, and he looked radiant.

The Son of Heaven died, and even his wisdom was completely wiped out by Jiang Shang.There is no longer the Son of Heaven between heaven and earth, only this piece of death gold from the abyss!

When it comes to this battle, the peak duel, Jiang Shang's biggest feeling is ease!That's right, it's relaxed, a very weird feeling!

Compared with the Void Beast, Tian Shengzi is not weak at all in terms of strength, even better.However, the resourceful means used by Tianshengzi in the battle are far from those of the empty hand, and are not as good.

Perhaps it was before this that Tian Shengzi had never met a strong man of his generation who could make him fight with all his strength, and almost all opponents were sure to kill with one blow.And in the experience of the abyss of the heavens, he has deeply exerted the instinct of a mighty killer, fleeing immediately if he misses a hit, and never delays in fighting!

To sum up, Jiang Shang only felt that it was true that this guy was powerful, but he seemed not good at fighting protracted wars and wars of attrition.Once the fighting time is too long, this guy will mess up and dig his own way!

Just as Jiang Shang shook his head with emotion, there was a palpitating terrifying wave at the end of the turbulent flow in the void.With a dignified expression, Jiang Shang pocketed the Abyss Death Gold, took out some elixir and put it in his mouth, quietly hid his breath, and retreated away.

The place where the fluctuations came from was the place where a killer king fought with Daojun Yinlong. The two sides fought fiercely, and now it has reached a critical moment.

It's not that Jiang Shang is unwilling to help, it's just that the true energy in his body is consumed so badly that he can't use his supernatural powers.Rushing up will only add to the chaos and not help!

What's more, Jiang Shang has every reason to believe that there are many great powers around Xuanyuan World who are secretly helping him.

Fighting with Tianshengzi, the scene was earth-shattering, and no killer king came to rescue on the way, if there is no problem, it would be hell!
Sure enough, the moment Jiang Shang left, an old voice came: "You leave first, we will take care of you here!"

Jiang Shang could tell that this was the old man's advice, but he could hear something unusual from the advice.

(End of this chapter)

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