Chapter 922 Purple energy fills the sky, and the divine image appears!

The appearance of the peerless fairy fate will inevitably cause turmoil in the world. This is beyond human power to stop it. This is the general trend of the world.Even Old Man Tianyu, the King of the Five Immortals, could only sigh and shake his head uncontrollably.

Even with unrivaled supernatural power, it is impossible to stop such terrifying and turbulent.For Xuanyuan, this is extremely helpless!

"All practitioners in the world hope to transcend the ordinary and become holy, and step into the realm of the eternal great sage...But, the human heart is the will of God?" The old man Tianyu shook his head and sighed softly, falling into silence.

Daoist Yinlong sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Fortune and fortune depend on each other, and the turmoil in this prosperous age is probably a good thing for Xuanyuan."

The old man Tianyu said in a low voice: "I hope so. The great world will fight for the front! Let's wait and see." No matter whether it is the battle of thousands of races outside the territory or the Xuanyuan People's King Conference, the purpose is only to give five people who won the places of the fairy sect A super evildoer, a justifiable identity.

As for the rest, we have to rely on our fists to speak!
However, the starry sky outside the territory is turbulent, and shocking wars will break out at any time.After a series of fights and scrambles, an ancient supreme from outside finally grasped all the clues.

The Immortal Gate Divine Map exists in ancient rumors from millions of years ago.As for whether it really exists, no one can say clearly.

But it's a hope after all, a wild hope.

If the ancient divine map really exists, then the conditions for entering the fairy gate of mythology will no longer be a powerful obstacle that prevents many great powers from entering it!

On this day, the scorching sun is at the head.The rebuilt Beiming Holy Land ushered in a fine weather with clear blue sky for thousands of miles.


However, just as noon was approaching, the eastern sky was shining with a unparalleled glow, and the purple aura was surging.In an instant, the vast land of Xuanyuan World seemed to be boiling, and there was a rumbling vibration from the far-reaching earth, dividing borders and seas, and the sky collapsed and the earth sank.

It seems that under this thick land, there is an ancient god and demon who is about to break out of the ground.

In the starry sky outside the territory, a purple glow with a width of ten thousand zhang covers the sky and covers the earth. It is laid all the way from the end of the eastern starry sky. It is mighty and billowing, just like the endless Milky Way across the eternal sky, which makes people feel how small they are!
Lines of unparalleled divine light piercing through the sky burst out from the ancient starry sky and the ancient battlefield, soaring straight into the sky, blending into the mighty purple energy, the wind and thunder gathered, tearing apart the starry sky and the sky!
The vast and majestic purple brilliance filled the ancient starry sky, like a boundless fairy road leading directly to the supreme fairyland, exuding unparalleled divine power, making it impossible to approach.

"What it is?"

A terrifying sound like the sudden explosion of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder came, but it was a supreme leader, with a horrified light in his eyes, staring blankly at a soaring divine light erupting from an ancient star in the distance, and exclaimed endlessly.

This exclamation immediately attracted the attention of countless strong men.

On the long ancient road leading to Xuanyuan Great World, countless strong men turned into streamers, soared into the sky, stepped into the starry sky, and looked over here.

The ancient stars are hundreds of thousands of miles away from Xuanyuan. They have been abandoned for a long time, and there is no life at all.

However, at this moment, this ancient star erupted with unparalleled divine light. Within the beam of light that soared into the sky, a picture scroll shining with colorful rays of light hovered and flew towards the endless purple glow above at an extremely fast speed. !
Through the flickering colorful rays of light, everyone could vaguely see a majestic mountain and the glorious palace at the top of the mountain, which was shining brightly.

The world was shocked, and the whole world was boiling!
Almost in an instant, countless strong men shouted like crazy, and rushed towards the ancient stars with supernatural powers and secret techniques!
chi chi chi-

The sound of piercing the sky is endless, like meteors falling one after another, dragging the long tail flame light, piercing the void and going away.

However, the supreme leader who first discovered this scene stood in the sky above a star, standing still, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough, before many strong men rushed to the front, I saw a burly figure with flying beard and hair, and his robes were inspiring. Following the beam of light from the ancient stars, he rushed to the front of the picture scroll like lightning, and opened his big hands, full of divine light. , intending to hold the scroll in his hand.

This person is the ancient supreme who has gone through a series of fierce fights and snatched all the clues!
An old monster who has not been born for a long time and has been hiding from the world for thousands of years. His terrifying strength has already reached the level of the fourth and half saint king!
"The Divine Map! That is the ancient Divine Map!" Someone exclaimed uncontrollably from the shock, extremely astonished.

"This kind of legendary thing actually exists?" Someone was dumbfounded, looking at the picture scroll shrouded in the colorful rays of light, and muttering to himself.

"Hahahaha... I'm really immortal!" Many old monsters who were about to give up their lifespan and prepared to fight to the death roared up to the sky, looking like they were insane.Incomparably ferocious, it instantly wiped out many powerhouses in the fairyland, collapsed the stars, and shook the void.

There are thousands of alien races outside the territory, and the strong are innumerable.How many terrifying existences with cultivation bases reaching the sky are there, and there is not much life left?
For them, death is not terrible.What is terrible is the despair and helplessness of seeing hope but being powerless!

At this moment, many great powers from outside the territory fully unleashed their power and roared loudly.The ancient starry sky beyond Xuanyuan was suddenly enveloped in a berserk aura.

Those powerhouses in the fairyland who rushed forward inadvertently were instantly obliterated by their incomparable strength, and their bodies and spirits were wiped out!Standing on the land of Xuanyuan, looking up.I saw that under the unparalleled glow of purple air, billowing blood energy emerged, wind and clouds gathered, and thunder exploded.

Such a scene, like a doomsday natural disaster, is extremely terrifying, making people feel extremely cold and trembling!

The stars where the ancient divine map is located are like the second round of scorching sun that suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, bursting out with vast light.

And that picture scroll is like a picture that covers the sky and the sun, with majestic mountains and ancient palaces appearing and disappearing between the turbulent clouds and rays of light.

In the starry sky, the mighty purple air surged and rolled, and countless stars turned into divine lights that soared into the sky, like stars supporting the moon, surrounding the ancient stars where the divine map was located.And the ancient supreme who found the divine map first, the ecstasy on his face disappeared in a flash, he stopped suddenly at the nick of time, and retreated without hesitation!

After living for thousands of years, endless dangerous experiences and vicissitudes of wisdom, he resolutely gave up the coveted divine map and retreated.

He understands that if he holds the scroll in his hand, he will definitely become the target of public criticism, and death without a whole body will be the best end!

To transcend the ordinary and become a saint, to become an immortal and become a god, is naturally the dream of all monks since ancient times.But in order to survive for a long time, self-knowledge is still needed.

Only by surviving can one have the opportunity to achieve the supreme avenue, step into the realm of immortals and gods, and be listed as the strongest heaven.

If you die, you have nothing.

This person can still maintain a trace of clarity at such a critical moment, with a firm and strong will, as stable as a mountain.

Within the ancient city of Beiming.Jiang Shang stood in front of the fairy palace with his hands behind his back, looking at the unreal scene in the sky with flickering eyes, and murmured: "Here we are...he is here after all!"

(End of this chapter)

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