Chapter 937 The Test Begins

As soon as this remark came out, the five of them immediately tensed up, and the atmosphere was tense.

The many illusions before made them seem to have experienced the baptism of reincarnation and life-and-death catastrophe, and their minds became more determined.Being able to break through many obstacles and come all the way here, who didn't want to get this heaven-defying opportunity?

The mysterious Xianyuan appeared, but the five people stood motionless in place.

Especially Jiang Shang, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, mocking eyes, and whispered to himself: "What you see with your eyes may not be true..."

Sure enough, at the moment before the voice fell, the five roads leading to the top of the mountain changed suddenly, and layers of mist rose and rolled endlessly.A seductive sound that seemed real and illusory came from the depths of the mist, shaking people's minds.

The Void Beast's face changed first, his eyes flickered slightly, and he scolded: "You monsters, you want to disturb my mind too!?"

While speaking, his figure had already disappeared in the thick fog, and there was no more sound.

"If you don't have a strong mind, how can you come here? What is there to be afraid of such a test?" Chunyang Tianjun laughed loudly, with his head held high, and he stepped into it without making a sound.

Lan Gu and You Yu, who also came from alien races in the celestial world, looked dignified, with cautious eyes, they also strode forward and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Under the majestic mountain peak, Jiang Shang stood alone on the spot, frowning as he watched the rising and rolling mist.It's not that he is afraid of the test, but that he doesn't understand what the so-called "test" really means?
The infinite phantom array is interlocking, but it doesn't have any attack power, it can only be used for trapping.

But even so, the power of the phantom array is too weak, and it is useless to the five super monsters!

Although Jiang Shang didn't know what he would encounter next, and what was hidden between the layers of mist, he was sure that all of this had absolutely nothing to do with the so-called fairy fate!

How can something called Peerless Immortal Fate only have such a simple and outrageous test?Don't forget, this is the secret realm of Xianmen, a mysterious existence beyond the world.

Jiang Shang hesitated, as he himself said, sometimes what the eyes see is not the truth.He is very suspicious of the significance of these tests now, it's too weird!

Of the five paths, the other four have each chosen one.On the last remaining road, Jiang Shang did not take steps to go up it.

Thoughts, demons?This kind of test is too low-level!
To be able to enter the fairy gate, which one of the five is not the only heaven-defying existence among billions of geniuses?

If the mind is not firm, how can I cultivate to the present level?How to overcome infinite dangers?

As for the demons...

This thing is a powerful obstacle that only monks who focus on immortals and Qi training in the ancient times will encounter.For those of them who have infinite power, it's nothing like fart at all!

"If this is Xianyuan, if Xianyuan is obtained so easily... don't worry about it!"

Looking up at the palace on the top of the mountain, feeling the faint blood in the world, Jiang Shang sneered, turned and left resolutely.


"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The moment he turned around, the clouds and mists around him boiled instantly, and the sound of terrifying roars pierced the sky and the earth.The palace, which was still shining golden a moment ago, instantly turned into a mountain of bones filled with evil spirits!
There was a soul-stirring roar, and a horrifying giant bone hand protruded from the clouds and came straight to Jiang Shang.

The icy-cold black devilish energy wrapped around the giant white bone hand, like mysterious magic patterns flickering endlessly, set off an extremely violent storm, which was terrifying.

Jiang Shang paused, turned his head suddenly, and said coldly: "This is... really weird!" He found that the extremely black bone giant hand was actually the same as the bone magic power he cultivated——Bone Nine Heavens Map.It's as if someone has copied himself, has all his supernatural powers, and wants to fight.

"Want to start a war with yourself? Interesting, this looks like it!"

With a move of Jiang Shang's foot, his body burst out, and the dense world of bones spread rapidly with Jiang Shang's figure.

The unparalleled aura of gods and demons swept across the world, and an indomitable bone giant appeared, raised his hand and punched out, with overwhelming momentum!

The two giant bone palms, which were identical and had the same aura of divine patterns, collided with each other, and a thunderous roar erupted!


The four people who entered the clouds and mist first also encountered the same crisis at the same time.The attack method is the same as his own, even a bit more tyrannical than his own, the terrorist attack comes in a flash.

Holding the broken picture in its hand, the Void Beast strode along the stone path.

Suddenly, the void in front of him squirmed and flickered, layers of ripples spread out, and a terrifying sharp claw covered with scales tore through the void, attacking like lightning.

Such a scene made the Void Beast's heart awe-inspiring, and immediately his eyes flashed, and he used his supernatural powers to meet him without hesitation.He has always been the one who attacked and killed others. How has he ever been attacked by the same means?

Chunyang Tianjun Yangyun is fighting fiercely with a young man wearing a golden Taoist robe and a heavenly view on his head.

The aura and supernatural power of the two people are generally the same, both of them exude the mighty power of pure yang, soaring to the sky, majestic and unparalleled in the clouds.


"Pfft! Pfft..."

The surrounding fog rolled violently, the sound of chi chi piercing the sky was endless, two figures shuttled back and forth at a high speed, the sky and the earth were covered with phantom shadows, all kinds of attacking and killing methods, supernatural powers and secret techniques, continuously criss-crossing the sky, terrifying and endless match.


Youyu, the heaven-defying god of the Holy Feather Clan, is confronting a young man also wearing a purple robe at this moment.The two people are exactly the same in terms of looks, movements and expressions, and there is no difference at all.

You Yu frowned, and said in a low voice: "Is this, the Divine Mirror Space? Unexpectedly, there is such a thing in the lower realm."


Lan Gu, the super evildoer of the Chiqiu clan, has manifested his body at this time, turning into a ferocious giant beast, with a head shaped like a dragon, with two horns on its head, flickering with terrifying black light.Running around in the air with four hooves, clusters of dazzling flames are like magical flowers blooming in the void, with great power.

On the opposite side, there is also a ferocious giant beast, but it rides a strange storm, instantly tearing layers of void, causing the surrounding clouds to violently turbulent, and the sound of wind and thunder erupts.

The same dangerous situation is enough to show that this place is definitely not where the fairy fate is located, but an existence like a suspicious tomb.

Xianyuan, it can be said that it is against the sky, how could it be found by them so easily?

Everyone was caught in a bitter battle, and the battle was stalemate and stalemate.The opponent is yourself, and defeating yourself is much more difficult than defeating a powerful enemy!
"Have you all come in? Hope, don't disappoint me!" In the depths of the fairy gate's secret realm, mountains and rivers with peaks and peaks tower above the earth.A majestic and huge mountain, straight into the sky, from the mountainside, surrounded by clouds.

On that mountain peak, a blurred figure stood with hands behind his back, his bright eyes had a panoramic view of the five people who were locked in the battle, talking to himself, his voice seemed hoarse and weak.

(End of this chapter)

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