Chapter 944 Vibration
The sudden change in the secret realm of Xianmen caught the three of them off guard, and they panicked for a moment.

However, they fell into the boundless darkness, but they could not speak, their six senses were closed, and their spiritual thoughts and consciousness were all blocked in the sea of ​​consciousness, unable to control their bodies, they could only follow the mysterious power, drift with the current, and drift to the unknown end.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Shang finally broke through all the blockades and took control of his body.That powerful and irresistible terrifying force has receded like a tide.

"Damn it, what happened just now!" Jiang Shang was palpitating, and the moment he regained control of his body, he immediately frantically stimulated the vitality of the true spirit, ready to go!
However, after a long time, the surroundings have been dead silent, without any sound, let alone any dangerous aura.The only thing that was a little abnormal was the suffocating rich aura around it, which almost condensed into liquid and dripped from the air.

Only then did Jiang Shang settle down and observe the surrounding environment with lingering fear.

During the great changes not long ago, Jiang still couldn't perceive where the two of them were swept by the mad current, but since he was not in danger, they must be the same.

However, what surprised him was that the violent current came in a short time before, and even the three of them had no power to resist, and they were instantly sucked into the endless turbulent current and poured into the darkness. This is unbelievable!
However, just before he fell into the darkness, it seemed that he had seen a dazzling divine light flying from the ruins of the collapsed mountain.

Jiang Shang's eyes were serious, he scanned the surroundings cautiously, and said to himself in doubt: "What is in the light group... Could it be!"


While Jiang Shang was extremely shocked, You Yu and Lan Gu appeared in a cave respectively.Although the two of them are located in different places, their situations are generally the same!
In an open stone room, You Yu was surrounded by a ball of golden light, flickering unsteadily.A rolling red light beam hangs down from above his head. In the light beam, countless golden runes like light spots pour into his heavenly spirit in an endless stream, making the light around him even more dazzling!

You Yu's face twisted and twitched, as if he was enduring great pain, extremely uncomfortable, and screaming in pain.

On the other side, countless lavas rolled, but they exuded a strange and cold air.Lan Guxuan sat cross-legged above the lava, surrounded by black mist and his appearance was blurred.

A beam of brilliance as black as ink hangs down from the sky, spreading into thousands of black streams.

In the black air current, the exquisite and slender black talisman seals, shining with brilliance, quickly flowed into Lan Gu's body.

The ferocious faces appear and disappear from time to time, and there is the faint roar of the demon god, which is breathtaking.As Jiang Shang said, if you enter the immortal gate, you will have a chance to meet you.The two of them at this time are accepting their own opportunity, an ancient supernatural power that is very suitable for their race!
Unlike the two Void Beasts who were eliminated earlier, the chance they obtained was even more heaven-defying, and its rarity was cherished forever.


The years are long, and time flies like an arrow.

Three years have passed in a flash, and the countless strong men on Xuanyuan land have become accustomed to the scene of the fairy gate being empty.

It's just that whenever they think about the horror scene three years ago, the riot that caused the downfall of countless powerful and ancient supreme beings, their hearts still tremble.

The heaven-defying chance in the fairy gate is still a hot topic discussed by countless strong people in Xuanyuan.Out of the five super evildoers, two of them have already been eliminated. No one knows how fierce the fighting will be between the remaining three.

At the same time, the ownership of Peerless Immortal Fate is still a mystery.

On this day, the scorching sun was in the sky, and the blue sky was like washing for thousands of miles.


"Huh! Huh!"

Outside the fairy gate, the ancient magic circle that had been silent for a long time erupted with unparalleled divine light, so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it.

The magic circle turned, and the four immortal slaves reappeared, their eyes still cold and ruthless, and their divine power was like hell.The ancient fairy gate, which had been closed for three years, slowly opened again, and two rays of great light rushed out without stopping, and went straight to the outer starry sky.

Under the watchful eyes of countless strong men and powerful men, Hong Guang disappeared at the end of the starry sky at an extremely fast speed.

"Hiss! The two of them broke through! It seems that anyone who enters the fairy gate has a heaven-defying chance!" A supreme master of the great sect, his eyes burst into shock, and he was extremely shocked.

Is it so simple to talk about stepping from the extreme of Immortal One to the realm of Immortal Two?What's more, there are two peerless evildoers with heaven-defying aptitudes!
Once ordinary monks step into the fairyland, every breakthrough is extremely difficult. How many people have practiced for thousands of years but have never been able to reach the next level, and they have stopped all their lives?
The more aptitude is against the sky, the harder it is to break through and advance.Similarly, the deeper the foundation, the harder it is to progress!

This is the eternal and unbreakable truth, the limit of the avenue!
So, whenever a fairyland cultivator breaks through, which one doesn't prepare countless natural treasures and miraculous medicines in advance?
These two people actually broke through in three years?It's unbelievable.

"The opportunity of the fairy gate is really beyond ordinary people's imagination! No wonder there is such a powerful and ancient supreme from outside the territory, who go through fire and water for this, knowing that they will die, but also want to break through the fairy gate!" Some strong people have penetrated the five flavors and exclaimed.

"So, it seems that the taboo body Jiang has not yet come out..." Someone also exclaimed, really shocked Jiang Shang's luck.

"Isn't that... the greatest opportunity, already taken by Jiang Shang?"

"Without Xianyuan, he would already be an invincible and terrifying existence of his own generation! Then let him gain the chance against heaven..."

Some are excited, some are shocked!

Some people are terrified, some people are full of bitterness...

There was a loud rumble, and the fairy gate closed again.The figures of the four immortal slaves disappeared, and the countless powerhouses below were suddenly in an uproar!
The sound of discussion was endless, and countless people exclaimed in surprise. At the same time, all Xuanyuan experts had an extra expectation in their hearts.

The person who won the fairy fate is Jiang Shang, the terrifying taboo body that shakes the heavens!This is definitely exciting news for countless Xuanyuan powerhouses who vowed to rise up to join the heavens and all worlds and regain the top of the Great Thousand World!

The ancient city of Beiming, with mountains and rivers, is magnificent and colorful.

Inside the majestic fairy palace, the prophesied old man stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the main hall, looking up at the sky.The robe covered by the cloud map flutters in the wind, and the beard and hair are flying.

He whispered to himself, and said: "Sure enough, I didn't disappoint the old man..."

The same scene appeared in the residences of various forces.

It's just that some people are full of emotion, some are gnashing their teeth with jealousy, and some are cursing crazily and full of evil thoughts in their hearts...

All kinds of attitudes are different, and there are all kinds of beings in the world, and they are nothing more than this.

Jiang Shang won the fairy fate and has never walked out of the fairy gate so far!
This news spread across the world at lightning speed, and all of a sudden, the whole fairyland boiled!

(End of this chapter)

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