Chapter 947 Immortal Two
ten years!

The ancient fairy gate, which had been closed for ten years, finally reappeared.

I still remember that before, every time the mythical fairy gate was reopened, someone would walk out of it, retire after success, and benefit a lot!
And the first time the Mythical Immortal Gate was reopened, the Void Beast and Chunyang Tianjun were the first to be eliminated, but they still gained something, and got a supernatural power equivalent to the powerhouse of the little heavenly emperor. The law is extremely powerful, and its value is inestimable.

As for the second reopening of the fairy gate, it was when You Yu and Lan Gu were defeated by Jiang Shang and left sadly.However, although they were eliminated, they also benefited. They each obtained a bloodline secret technique, which was very ancient and powerful.

In this way, four people were eliminated one after another, and the last remaining winner, without a doubt, must be Jiang Shang.

Many Xuanyuan powerhouses waited for ten years, and finally waited until the fairy gate finally reappeared. The majestic and vast fairy energy, like a galaxy rewinding, plummeted to nine days!
Everyone seemed to have returned to 13 years ago, when thousands of powerful and ancient supreme beings from outside the region died generously, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

call out!
Before everyone came back to their senses, Xiaoguai let out a cheer and soared to the sky, wrapping the blue divine fire in the sky, and went straight to the fairy gate.

However, inside the ancient portal covered with cloud pattern totems, a slender and tall figure came striding forward.He was wearing a black robe and fluttering, and his long hair was flying.

Between the handsome brows, there exudes an incomparable majesty, the momentum is as thick as a mountain, and the majesty is as majestic as a prison!
"Jiang Shang, taboo body! It really is him!"

"Judging from his aura, he should have broken through too!? He has reached the second level of Immortal!"

"What, a breakthrough!? It is said that when he was in Xianyi, he was able to fight to death a fourth and half saint of Immortal, so now, isn't he..."


Countless strong men were amazed and exclaimed.

From the camps of various forces, a powerful holy lord and an old monster soared into the sky and galloped towards Weilong City.

Today's Weilong City is the new Holy Land of Xuanyuan, where powerful people from all over the land of Xuanyuan gather, and countless geniuses gather here.When there was a movement in Xianmen, they all rushed out of the city one by one, wanting to see the peerless demeanor of Xuanyuan's No.1 younger generation!

In fact, before the coming of the Immortal Gate, Xuanyuan's No. 1 position among the younger generation is still in dispute.

Whether it is King Jinpeng, who is known as the king of the gods, or the most outstanding prince of the Xuanyuan Dynasty—Xuanyuan Mingjing, Xia Dang, Jiang Shang, etc...all are qualified to aspire to the crown.

However, when Jiang Shang won the championship of the Human King Conference, and now he has won the Great Fortune of the Immortal Gate, everyone was convinced and recognized that the unique evil guy, the taboo body Jiang Shang, was the leader of Xuanyuan's generation. No.1, Young Supreme!

And it's not just because of this, I still remember that before the Shadow God Dynasty invaded Xuanyuan and caused chaos, it was him, it was him Jiang Shang stepped forward without hesitation, set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, slaughtered all directions, fought The enemy's immortal four and a half saints!

This is a magnificent achievement, enough to engrave history, and it is also looked up to and respected by countless monks of Xuanyuan, who regard it as an idol in their hearts and want to see the true face.

Therefore, this time the Myth Fairy Gate was reopened for the third time, and Jiang Shang walked out of it, causing a commotion, and the land of Xuanyuan boiled!
"Shh! Shh! Shh..." In an instant, on the vast land, there were countless divine lights rising into the sky, flying towards Weilong City.Thousands of rays of light shone, causing the sea of ​​clouds in the sky to churn endlessly.

The sharp piercing sound resounded through the sky of Xuanyuan Land, and the wind and thunder stirred!
One after another powerful aura, rumbled and crushed, shattered the sky and the earth, and the frenzied current swept across the sky and spread to the sky.

Jiang Shang stepped on the torrent of immortal energy and strode out of the ancient immortal gate with a transcendent and unrestrained atmosphere.

On the cold and stiff cheeks of the four immortal slaves guarding the immortal gate, a gentle expression finally appeared.

The fairy slave who presides over the Eastern Azure Dragon Totem grinned and said with a loud and unrestrained voice: "Finally, this day has come, and someone will be able to obtain the Great Fortune of the Immortal Sect, so that I can be released from the servitude of the Immortal Sect and return to the heavens after the expiration of the criminal law! Junior, we owe you a favor!"

The four immortal slaves guarding the Mythical Immortal Gate are all late-stage or even peak cultivators of the Ancient Great Sage. After going through hundreds of thousands of years of criminal law and enslavement, although it is very tragic, it can be regarded as a kind of tempering. precipitation.

Therefore, if there are no accidents, they are released after serving their sentences and return to the heavens. It is very likely that they will break through in a short period of time, which is worthy of excitement and excitement.

"Senior, you're being polite." Ji Chang just smiled lightly when he heard the words, and nodded slightly, not taking the other party's words to heart.Because obviously, this is just a kind of polite talk, which can't be really useful, so it doesn't have much meaning, and it's not worth nostalgia.

"Roar! Roar..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

And at the next moment, the four immortal slaves looked up to the sky and screamed, they all started, their divine light bloomed, and they cast the supreme secret method to break free from the invisible blockade!

Suddenly the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind and thunder roared.It was as if thousands of thunderbolts exploded together, shattering the universe and the earth, and all living beings felt an unparalleled divine power, rumbled and crushed, but disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Looking up again, the ancient fairy gate has been hidden among the layers of dense clouds, and the four fairy slaves turned into divine lights, soaring to the sky, disappearing at the end of the endless nebula, and disappeared.

"Let's go, it's time to go back."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang smiled slightly, strode down the void with unchanged expression, and met the little boy who was rushing up to the sky, with a smile on his face, like a spring breeze after rain!

"Hiss! It's clearly in the realm of Immortal Er, but it has such a magical aura... Noiseless?"

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable! Xuanyuan World has such an incomparably heaven-defying existence, which is rare in all ages!"

Jiang Shang's smile can actually affect their hearts, which made many people's faces change, and they were extremely amazed: "This guy, growing up too fast!" Today's Xuanyuan, apart from the horrors that existed at the top of the time Da Neng, such as Xuanyuan Tianyu, the ancestor of the Qin family in Beidou Holy Land, who else can suppress Jiang Shang?
Jiang Shang walked out of the fairy gate, causing Xuanyuan to boil all over the world.But he didn't stay in Weilong City, and went straight to Beiming.

Now that we have entered the second level of the fairyland, and the matter of the mythical fairy gate has come to an end, it is time to prepare to go to the heaven.It was time to fulfill the promise that God King Xia Wushang made at the beginning.

Many strong men in Weilong City watched Jiang Shangyuan go, and when his figure disappeared, the whole Weilong City was in an uproar in amazement, the sound of discussion was everywhere, and the noisy sound resounded through the world.

Heiying, Xiaoguai and some people who were acquainted with Jiang Shang also left Weilong City one after another and came towards Beiming Ancient City.

(End of this chapter)

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