Chapter 949

That handsome and incomparably young man, with a look of incomparable arrogance in his eyes, was imposing around the sky, staring at Jiang Shang and the other four with disdain.

On the way to Linlangxian Palace, they encountered this situation more than once, and they have long been accustomed to it.

Hei Ying took a few steps forward and said coldly, "My friend, what does this mean?"

Behind the handsome young man, one of the group of strong men wearing blue Taoist robes walked out, with a peaceful aura and a majestic appearance.He sneered, and said: "Hand over what's on you, and let you live. Otherwise, hum!"

Judging from the aura of this group of people, they definitely came from the sect of the Great Pope, and they were members of the decent disciples of the famous sect.

However, they dared to do the lowly thing of blocking the road and robbing within the sphere of influence of Linlang Palace, which is really surprising.

The handsome young man flicked his wide-sleeved robe, stared at Jiang Shang, raised his finger to Black Eagle and shouted: "Let the chief come out, what are you!" As soon as the words came out, a storm of wind rolled up and he went straight to Black Eagle come.The endless nebula smoke and dust rolled violently, covering the sky and the sun, and filled the air with dust.


"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Ever since the middle-aged Taoist opened his mouth, Hei Ying had already been furious. In addition, this handsome young man's behavior was domineering and unreasonable, and Hei Ying was even more furious to the extreme.

I saw that the black eagle roared up to the sky, and under the nebula, endless soil, sand and stones suddenly appeared, which turned into a giant palm covering the sky in an instant, and fell down with a bang!

The violent current swept across, the earth and rocks were flying, and the sand was rolling.

The tyrannical aftermath of energy, centered on the two, spread towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed, making the entire starry sky tremble and violently turbulent.

In a brief confrontation, Black Eagle suffered a small loss. He was hit in the chest by a miraculous force, and his blood surged endlessly.

This handsome young man didn't look like he was in the realm of Immortal Two, but he showed the terrifying strength to catch up to the queen of Immortal Third Middle School!Quite not weak, it can be seen that this person is definitely a talented person, a peerless arrogance.

But, even so, even if the opponent has the fighting power of the third middle school, it shouldn't be a disadvantage for him.After all, his current cultivation base has also reached the peak of Immortal Two, and his real combat power is only half a step away from that of Immortal Third High School, which can be completely ignored... From this point of view, damn it, he is still careless!

"Come again..."

Just when Hei Ying was about to attack again, trying to save face, suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out to stop him, but it was Jiang Shang who came out and said flatly, "What do you guys want!?"

"what do you want?"

The handsome and young man looked at Jiang Shang, with a playful smile on his unruly face, condescending, with contemptuous eyes, and said: "Of course, what is there, what do you want, supernatural powers, secret methods, spiritual treasures, magical medicines... as long as you take them out." If you satisfy me, I can consider showing mercy and letting you live, otherwise, hehe, you will be at your own risk!"

"Oh, really, with such a strong tone..." Hearing this, Jiang Shang couldn't help but narrow his eyes, with some cold light flickering, and wisps of evil spirit emerged.


Suddenly, a burly figure flew over from the end of the nebula in the distance. It was a strong man also wearing a purple-gold Taoist robe. Judging from his aura, he should have the ultimate strength of Xiansan, majestic and truly extraordinary.

Originally, this person was still gloating, and thought to himself: "Young gentleman is bullying the weak again, and sooner or later he will suffer a lot!" An ancient sect outside the region, whose full name is Wei Shaojun, is the son of the leader, and has always been unparalleled and domineering.

But when he got closer, he saw Jiang Shang's face clearly, and his soul suddenly burst out, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he shouted: "Wait a minute, brother Jiang is merciful..."

However, this person's shouting did not stop Jiang Shang from doing it.


I saw that under the misty star field, the air of the yellow sky roared, shaking the sky, filling the sky, forming a majestic hand engraved with five extreme divine patterns, like an ancient ancient sacred mountain, extremely heavy and loud fall.

An incomparable terrifying coercion crushed the sky and covered the earth, shattered the void nebula, and descended on the heads of a group of Taoists!

At this moment, it seems that time and space are condensed, and everything is still.

The sneer of Xiaoguai and the others, the panic of the burly Taoist, and the horrified discoloration of the handsome young man and the group of Taoists behind him formed an incomparably sharp contrast.

"Don't!" The burly Taoist's expression changed drastically, his purple gold Taoist robe fluttered, his sleeves fluttered, he crazily stimulated the true spirit mana in his body, and cast the Supreme God channel method, intending to resist Jiang Shang's blow!
The sky was filled with rays of light, and the figure of an indomitable Daoist loomed faintly. Under the command of the burly Taoist, he waved his whisk and emitted a brilliant divine light, soaring to the sky.

The two powerful forces collided together, and a thunderous roar erupted, and the nebula in the sky was completely pierced and shattered, turning into a boundless turbulent flow.

The surrounding stars and meteorites were all shattered, and the smoke and dust swept across the starry sky like huge waves.



There was a sound of cracking, and the towering Taoist shadow shattered, turning into little golden lights and disappearing.Then look at the burly Taoist who was called Uncle Lin by everyone. He was wearing a shawl at this time, his body was in a mess, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Shang's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the previous attack, he didn't use all his strength, just casually, the opponent is also a third-ranked fairy, and it is unusual, how could he be injured by his casual blow?Even if he was injured, he wouldn't be in such a mess, right?

So, obviously, this guy seems to have recognized his identity and is pretending to be pitiful.

The burly middle-aged man stabilized his figure, bowed to Jiang Shang and apologized: "Brother Jiang, calm down, it's a misunderstanding! It's a misunderstanding!"


Encouraged by the Zijin Taoist robe, the majestic Wei Shaojun changed his expression, and growled with an ugly face: "Uncle Lin! You..."

Uncle Lin flew into a rage, slapped the handsome young man on the face, and shouted angrily: "Shut up!" After that, he smiled at Jiang Shang apologetically, in a low voice to the extreme.

At this time, Xiaoguai, Black Eagle, and Purple-eyed Dragon Bear were a little confused about the current situation, slightly surprised, and looked at each other with weird expressions.

"You recognize me?" At this moment, Jiang Shang said lightly.

"I recognize it!" Uncle Lin nodded and bowed, not caring about embarrassment at all, he immediately answered Jiang Shang's question, and explained along the way: "Lin also went to watch the People's King Conference, and there are some things about Xuanyuan..."

Jiang Shang nodded slightly, and said with a sneer, "If that's the case, should you give me an explanation!?"

"Nature, nature..."

The burly middle-aged man trembled all over, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and hurriedly said: "It should be, it should be, I will make them apologize, and let them make amends!"

Thus, such a scene appeared under the starry sky, under the roar of the burly middle-aged man, a group of monks and successors of the ancient sect who were originally arrogant, bowed to Jiang Shang reluctantly to apologize, their eyes were angry, His face is quite ugly!

(End of this chapter)

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