Chapter 957 The First Arrival
The Holy City of the Ancient Territory mentioned by the general in golden armor is the place of pilgrimage in the minds of all the monks on the land of hundreds of millions of miles in the Golden Wolf Ancient Territory.

This city is not only the tribal residence of the Chijin Sirius Clan and the palace of the domain lord, the Golden Wolf Immortal King, but also the camp of the headquarters of the Golden Wolf Army, which has dominated the land for hundreds of millions of miles, and is heavily guarded.

Every year, there are tens of millions of monks and strong men who come to the holy city of the ancient domain for pilgrimage, which can be called inexhaustible!
Jiang Shang recently learned some things from the soldiers of the Golden Wolf Army, which shocked him very much.

It turns out that every 20 years, the Golden Wolf Army will issue a summoning order, calling on all the cities, counties, tribes, and sect forces in the Golden Wolf Ancient Region to join the Golden Wolf Army. Enlistment examination.

Fairy Fourth and Half Saint, this is the basic condition for joining the Golden Wolf Army!
The supreme prestige of the Golden Wolf Army is absolutely thunderous in this wild land of hundreds of millions of miles!
It can be said that the invincible Golden Wolf Army is the absolute overlord of this vast and boundless land, and behind it is the Golden Wolf Immortal King.

However, it is not that simple to join the Golden Wolf Army.Immortal Four Half Saint is just the basic condition.

In addition, the Golden Wolf Summoning Order every 20 years will attract tens of thousands of powerful celestial beings from all sides of the ancient domain.At the same time, one after another test will be like a big wave washing the sand, eliminating countless strong ones one by one!

The eternal pattern has led to the Golden Wolf Army maintaining the strongest combat power, enough to kill and crush any force on the land of hundreds of millions of miles, absolutely invincible!

The four of Jiang Shang bid farewell to a group of Golden Wolf soldiers, and flew towards the majestic mountain below.

As soon as the departing Xianjun Shengzhou was shrouded in energy, they immediately felt it, filling the world, that incomparable, majestic pressure.

The force of this terrifying ban made the four of them accidentally fall from the sky.It caused the soldiers of the Golden Wolf Army who hadn't left to laugh and scream strangely.

Until then, Jiang Shang suddenly realized why those monks who were sent out of the flying boat were surrounded by a group of strong men who came from the ground... It turned out that they couldn't adapt to this terrifying banning power.

In the lower realm, the immortals [-] and [-] are powerful and can dominate one side, but here they are as weak as ordinary people, without the strength to restrain a chicken!

Xiao Guai frowned and grinned, "Master, I feel really uncomfortable, as if I'm carrying a mountain behind me, making it difficult for me to move." Even if it spoke like this, it obviously proved the seriousness of the matter.

A look of understanding appeared on Jiang Shang's face, and he said: "It's no wonder that the soldiers of the Golden Wolf Army were so fierce that they easily killed a three immortals in the ancient teleportation city. That's the point!"

With such a huge force of heaven and earth practicing every day, it's hard to imagine that the combat power is not tyrannical!
However, they have experienced countless trials and various difficulties. Even if it is difficult for them to adapt to the pressure of the world for a while, they will not lose their composure. .

call out,
At this time, above the clouds in the distance, the figure wrapped in golden light had already flown towards them.

The golden light dissipated with a bang, revealing the appearance of an old man with long beard in the light, with his sleeves flapping, looking like a fairy.

Before the person arrived, the bold laughter arrived first. The person laughed loudly and said, "Welcome to the Qingkong Tribe! Hahaha..."

This unrestrained laughter, and that enthusiastic but not offensive smile made Jiang Shang and the others relax a lot, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.When the long-bearded old man first flew over, they couldn't help being vigilant and alert. After all, everything here is strange, and who knows who they will meet.

The long-bearded old man was very enthusiastic. He looked at the four people with hot eyes, as if he saw a rare treasure, and he was so happy that he looked at the four people from ear to ear.

The long-bearded old man saw at a glance that Jiang Shang was the leader of the four of them, and said with a big smile, "Come, come, follow me into the tribe first, and then let's talk slowly. You just came to heaven, and there are many things you don't understand. I'll explain it to you in detail..."

Jiang Shangjian was slightly taken aback when he saw this, and frowned slightly.Xiaoguai couldn't hide her thoughts the most, and muttered in a low voice: "This old guy...was he too enthusiastic?"

Although he was puzzled, Jiang Shang didn't say anything.He could tell that although the long-bearded old man was only in the Third Immortal Realm, his vigor rippling all over his body was not much worse than that of the Immortal Fourth in the Lower Realm.

"I haven't figured out what's going on yet, so it's not appropriate to have a conflict with this person." Jiang Shang thought to himself.

Seeing the unnatural expressions of the four people, the long-bearded old man clapped his hands as if in a daze, and said, "Haha, I'm all to blame for not explaining clearly, please forgive me. That's it, it's inevitable that you think I'm too enthusiastic. After all, I haven't had a newcomer from the Qingkong Tribe for hundreds of years. What's more, this time I was the last newcomer left by the Golden Wolf Army..."

Xiaoguai couldn't help but interjected, "Just because of this?"

"Of course, because of that."

The long-bearded old man strode forward with a smile, leading the way in front, and explained back: "What is the identity of the Golden Wolf Army? It is obvious that there must be some inside story for being able to keep you to the end. According to the usual practice From the point of view, the group of people who are usually left by them to the end is the group with the strongest and the most potential, because they also need to take time to win over. Friends, I don’t know if I’m right, yes wrong?"

He squinted his eyes and smiled, telling the whole story, appearing very frank and direct.

Seeing this, Jiang Shang exchanged glances with the three people beside him, nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, turned to look at the bearded old man, and said, "If that's the case, I'll trouble you, senior, to lead the way. "

"It's easy to say, easy to say." The long-bearded old man laughed, and led Jiang Shang and the others to the mountain behind him, where the Qingkong tribe was located

Under the majestic mountain peak, there is an ancient stone tablet with the word "Qingkong" written on it, which is simple and atmospheric, with silver hooks painted on iron.Looking at it with fixed eyes, a barbaric and ferocious air rushed towards his face, very domineering!

Traveling westward along a canyon and flying for hundreds of miles, a group of five people landed in front of a valley like a fairyland.In the middle of the valley, houses are built in a ring around an ancient altar.

The house is made of black rocks, simple but solid.The existence of these houses immediately destroyed the fairyland-like scene of the valley, making it very eye-catching.

There is a tall stone gate on the periphery of a circle of continuous buildings. On both sides of the stone gate are thick walls that are several feet high. On it, there is a young man holding a golden spear every not far away, looking heavily guarded.

At this time, the tall stone gate opened, and a group of monks in simple clothes stood at the door, each with a strong breath, which made people tremble.

The person who is the leader in the middle is a burly old man with gray beard and hair.

(End of this chapter)

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