Chapter 964 Beast Dynasty
Extreme dao demigod soldiers, placed among the many worlds in the lower realm, are only possessed by the top powers and ancient religions.

The same is true in the heavens. If the power is too weak, having a demigod weapon is definitely not a blessing, but it will become the source of disaster.

That's why the Great Elder of Qingkong Tribe and others made it so mysterious.

And the other two tribes also kept silent tacitly in order not to bring disaster to the tribe.Silently, on his own territory, in the Yuelan Mountains with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, a series of battles of wits and courage were launched...

Before Jiang Shang went to Yan Zheng to inquire, Yan Zheng walked across half of the valley to the place where Jiang Shang and the others lived early in the morning of the second day.

After exchanging pleasantries, Jiang Shang let him into the room and sat down separately.

Yan Zheng still had that smiling attitude, stroking his long beard with one hand, squinting his eyes and chattering with Jiang Shang.

The three of Xiaoguai sat not far away and watched, feeling very bored.

Hei Ying whispered: "Master Palace Mistress is really patient, after listening to this old guy rambling for a long time, he is not bored at all."

After listening to Hei Ying's words, Xiaoguai laughed happily, and looked narrowly at Yan Zheng.The purple-eyed dragon bear on the side also smirked, and his reaction was a bit slow.

No matter how you say it, Yan Zheng is still one of the three immortals, with sharp eyes and ears.What's more, the room was less than ten feet in radius, so he naturally heard what Black Eagle said word for word, and his expression froze involuntarily.

With a slight smile on Jiang Shang's face, he said, "Elder Yan, if you have anything to say, just say it, why hide it and talk about it?"

Yan Zheng sighed first, then suppressed his smile, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Jiang, you have been in our Qingkong Tribe for a while. A few days ago, the Great Elder suddenly ordered a tribal war, and I sent You have a copy of "Wild Wild Chronicles", so although you know something about some things, you still have doubts."

Jiang Shang nodded calmly and said, "That's right. There are some doubts that have not been resolved."

Yan Zheng smiled wryly and said: "Old man, I don't want to talk nonsense. If you have any doubts, feel free to tell me. Today, this old man is here to answer your doubts."

Jiang Shang secretly laughed in his heart: I'm afraid your purpose of coming here is more than that, right?

But on the surface, Jiang Shang was still calm and calm, saying: "This is the best. These doubts have troubled Jiang for many days, and he has been unable to find the answer. Today is just to trouble Elder Yan to tell the reason."

Yan Zheng took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Just tell me, the old man knows everything today."

"Alright then." Jiang Shang nodded and asked, "There are mountains on three sides of this valley, and a city wall to the south. How can the runes and seals on it lead?"

Yan Zheng didn't expect that Jiang Shang asked the key point as soon as he opened his mouth, and he was tangled in his heart for a while, not knowing how to answer.

He was silent for a moment, hesitated and said: "The old man can only tell you that this is a large sealing formation, which is used to suppress the sacred objects of our clan. For the rest, please forgive the old man for not being able to say more."

Jiang Shang smiled and said, "It's okay, knowing this is enough."

Not far away, the three of Xiaoguai nodded as if they had suddenly realized, and whispered to each other, basically saying that the so-called tribal sacred objects were by no means ordinary.

After a slight pause, Jiang Shang asked again: "There is one more thing, Jiang has always been puzzled. You and other clansmen, including the elders, are not kind to the four of us, but why do you force yourself to make a picture?" The look of enthusiasm? Do you think Jiang can't see it?"

Yan Zheng was very calm and admitted his intentions, but the purpose was not malicious to Jiang Shang and the others.

Jiang Shang nodded after listening, and said calmly: "The doubts in Jiang's heart have been solved. Elder Yan can talk about the purpose of coming here today."

"Hey, I still can't hide it from you. If I had your vigilance and wisdom back then, how could I be just an elder of a small tribe?" Yan Zheng sighed and said, "It's useless not to talk about it. I'm here today. In order to tell you, the grievances between my Qingkong tribe and the other two tribes, and why the Qingkong tribe came out in large numbers, but still fell into the current situation. All this has to start from the distant time, when my Qingkong tribe was at its peak... ..."

In one morning, for two whole hours, Jiang Shang and the others listened to Yan Zheng's narration in the room, from the prosperity and decline of the Qingkong tribe to the grievances and resentments among the three tribes.Then after the awakening of the holy object, the passive situation of the Qingkong tribe and so on.

The four of Jiang Shang also learned about the history of the three tribes of Qingkong, Qingfeng, and Qingyan while listening, and they were quite moved.

In the end, Yan Zheng poured out bitter water with a bitter face, and said: "In this heaven, it is really difficult for a small force like our Qingkong tribe to survive. Not only for the survival of the tribe, but also to fight against fierce beasts and raptors .When you are unlucky, you will encounter a beast horde. Once the beast horde breaks through the tribe's garrison, the whole tribe will be ruined!"

"I have been here for more than 800 years. I have experienced three large-scale animal swarms, and each time I escaped from death! Qingkong and the other two tribes also continued to migrate after the animal swarm, and finally retreated here. Dare to step into the mountains again!"

Yan Zheng looked miserable, and said: "Nowadays, we have to launch a tribal war for the sacred objects of the tribe. To be honest, the four of you are implicated and should not have participated in it. But there are only those monks in the tribe who want to fight in the tribe. To win the battle, we still need your help!"

Afterwards, Yan Zheng gave some more instructions, stating that the tribal war is coming, specific matters and so on.

When Yan Zheng left, Jiang Shang asked calmly: "Hei Ying, how much do you think this old guy's words are true?"

Black Eagle's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "My lord, what this Elder Yan said is probably true. It's just that he avoided the important things and ignored some key things."

There was a bit of joking in Jiang Shang's eyes, and he also said with a smile: "Want to make us willingly sacrifice our lives for the tribe? We have to pay some price."

However, unexpected changes always come so suddenly.

Before the Qingkong tribe came out in full force, they launched a tribal war.The plan to fish in troubled waters that the Great Elder and others wanted to wipe out the two tribes in one fell swoop has never been launched.

Something unexpected happened!

Beast tide!

Countless birds and beasts attacked overwhelmingly from the end of the wasteland in the east, making everyone feel that the incident happened suddenly, and they were a little caught off guard.

Ferocious beasts dominate the mountains and forests, while ferocious birds occupy the sky and the tops of mountains.

At first, the few huge figures flying across the sky did not attract the attention of the Qingkong people.Living in the wild and desolate mountains, every day you will see fierce birds flying by in twos and threes.

The four of Jiang Shang are also accustomed to it. After all, they have seen too much during this period, and they are no longer surprised.

However, the sharp whistling that suddenly resounded through the sky was like an attack horn.Immediately afterwards, a large black shadow appeared in the eastern sky, like a dark cloud cover, covering the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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