Chapter 966 Nine Bells Toll
Although he hadn't fully understood the composition of the beast army, Jiang Shang was terrified and shocked just based on Yan Zheng's narration.

"It's so difficult, does the tribe have other defensive measures?" Black Hawk asked with an ugly look.As the life and death of the four were at stake, Black Eagle couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Since the red-eyed giant owl is the pawn who came down to test, doesn't that mean that there will be more terrifying things behind?

A high-level ferocious bird comparable to a third-level immortal monk, or an existence on the verge of transformation?Can the protective array in this valley be able to stop it?

Yan Zheng is an old man, how can he not understand the worries of the four of them?

He said with a smile: "You can rest assured that these raptors will not attack for too long. They will try to attack a few times at most, and they will leave in a short time. If you don't believe me, the attacks from outside have stopped gone."

Jiang Shang unfolded his divine sense, and indeed he couldn't feel the trembling of the big formation, and the explosion from above also disappeared.

With a sullen face, Black Eagle said angrily: "How do you know the actions of the raptor army? You also said that this red-eyed giant owl is testing whether the formation is strong. Above the sky, there are countless Raptor army, will they leave here?"

Yan Zheng said: "It took me 200 years to complete the layout of this large defensive formation. It is closely integrated with the surrounding mountains, and it is also integrated with the tribe's altar seal formation. It is also impossible to break the light curtain in a short time."

He sighed, and continued: "Fierce beasts and raptors have different leaders. The raptors have always been very cunning and do not want to take risks. The leaders of those raptors with superior intelligence will not take the risk of launching a large army attack. Then only I will make a wedding dress for nothing for the fierce beasts that come later. In the three beast tides I have experienced in the past 800 years, the raptor army has never sacrificed too much, and they all tried first and then waited."

Jiang Shang frowned and asked in confusion, "Wait? What are you waiting for?"

Several tribal elders in the main hall did not continue to bless the formation at this time, but walked towards this side.

Yan Zheng smiled wryly, and said, "What are you waiting for? They waited for the army of ferocious beasts to attack and break through the tribe's garrison, and took advantage of the opportunity! These raptor leaders are more cunning than foxes!"

Seeing the shocked faces of Jiang Shang and the others, Yan Zheng sighed again, and said: "The old man said before that the most dangerous thing is to wait until the army of fierce beasts comes... This is the reason. This big formation can stop it Those raptors make him a little afraid, but he can't stop those beasts."

After a while, Yan Zheng waited for Jiang Shang and the other four to come back to their senses with lingering fear, and then said: "Let's go. Let's go to the city wall, the army of beasts is almost here."

Jiang Shang and the others walked out of the main hall, only to find that the square had already gathered. Tribal monks and elders who came out of various palaces, all of them were heading towards the exit of the valley. across the square.

Jiang Shang and others also joined this group of people, and quickly exited towards the south.

In just a short moment, Yan Zheng didn't stop talking, and explained the composition of the raptor army above his head from beginning to end.

It turned out that among the raptor army, the red-eyed giant owl was the lowest existence. Basically, every time the beast hordes were dispatched, they played the role of trailblazer and cannon fodder.

On top of it, there are many large raptors such as the iron-scaled magic eagle, the golden-winged eagle, the six-winged black luan, and so on. Each raptor's wings are spread out, and they are all tens of feet long. They are really giant raptors!These are the backbone of the Raptor army.

In addition, there is also the red-tailed sparrow, which is extremely fast, but small in size, and its body is as hard as a heavenly soldier!Moreover, red-tailed sparrows live in groups, and there are often tens of thousands of them at once, and there are as many as thousands of them in one group.

However, the leaders of these raptors are all mutated ferocious beasts with the bloodlines of ancient fairy beasts, and they often obtained the bloodlines of fairy beasts by chance and coincidence, which led to their great wit and wisdom.

These raptors with the thin blood of fairy beasts are generally not recognized by the five great bird groups, and they are the objects of expulsion and exile.

However, among the tens of thousands of raptor groups, they have absolute hegemony and become the kings of thousands of raptors!
After Jiang Shang heard this, he subconsciously thought of Xiaoguai.He turned his head to look and saw Xiao Guai with a pensive expression on his face, as if he was remembering something.

Jiang Shang couldn't help worrying in his heart and said: "Xiaoguai is the divine bird of Qingluan, which has reached the five transformations. I really don't know what unpredictable things will happen if I meet a member of the five great bird groups in the future..."


Before the crowd arrived at the place where the city wall was, they heard a sudden roar from the sky and the earth, the whole earth, mountains and rivers were rumbling and trembling, countless rolling down from the mountain peaks at any time.

The violent roar came from far away, from far to near, from east to west.Almost instantly, any sound between heaven and earth was covered by the rumbling roar.

The voice came from the back of the mountain on the east side, and Jiang Shang knew that beyond the mountain that reached to the sky like a pillar, there was an endless wasteland!

The moment Yan Zheng and the others felt the violent roar, their expressions changed in horror, and they rushed to the top of the city wall, flew up along the city wall, and looked eastward over the mountain...

Jiang Shang and the others followed closely behind, came to the high sky, stood suspended under the golden light curtain, and looked up.

At the end of the field of vision half blocked by the giant peak, a gray line appeared at the end of the wilderness.The gray line gradually expanded, spreading all the way north and south, and soon covered the entire wasteland.

As the long gray line approached step by step, a group of huge beasts with different colors gradually appeared in outline!
There are so many ferocious beasts, each of which is much larger than the giant elephants in the lower realm, and some are directly several times the size of giant elephants, like a moving hill, fierce and fierce!

The faces of Yan Zheng and other elders were ugly, unprecedentedly ugly.

Even Yan Zheng, the tribal elder who had experienced three beast hordes, completely changed his color at this time, and he exclaimed in horror: "How could it could there be so many..."

But at this time, no one answered his question, and everyone was dumbfounded.

An elder was the first to react, and instantly rushed to the majestic stone gate below. Before the giant clock, he raised the log and crashed down!
"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The bell rang nine times in a row, resounding between heaven and earth.Everyone was awakened by the huge bell, and everyone in the Qingkong Tribe turned pale, and the expressions in their eyes were replaced by panic, and their expressions were stiff.

The bell rang nine times, this was a warning that only appeared when the tribe was facing the crisis of genocide!
(End of this chapter)

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