Chapter 974 Reinforcement arrives
The roar of the Qingkong patriarch was like thunder reverberating in the valley, stimulating those Qingkong clansmen to become more and more fierce and courageous.

As if responding to the Qingkong patriarch's order, the few remaining Qingkong clansmen completely put aside life and death, roaring and rushing forward.In the most desperate way, brazenly fight with the rushing beast!

Thousands of feet away, the dense world of bones spreads, and the Taotao Tianhe of bones sweeps down.The seemingly unreal monstrous waves instantly engulfed all the beasts and birds of prey that passed by!

Huge beasts and birds of prey struggled and roared among the rolling waves, but they turned into piles of bones in an instant, and their flesh and blood disappeared!
At the same time, the black eagle stepped on the earth dragon and killed the Quartet.The purple-eyed dragon bear also waved its fists fiercely, smashing the fierce beasts that rushed up head by head into pieces, the scene was bloody and terrifying.

The three of them teamed up, and they really seemed to be invincible.It's just that Jiang Shang and the others' original intention was to protect themselves wisely, not to kill the enemy with all their strength.

So even if the pressure on the Qingkong tribe is reduced, the situation has not been reversed. The casualties of the Qingkong tribe are still increasing, and there are fewer and fewer people left...

Relying on its geographical advantages, Qingkong Part One still ended up like this.It is enough to see that the other two tribes are not much better at this time.

In terms of overall strength, Qingkong One is much higher than the other two tribes.There are not only hundreds of elite monks, but also a large protective formation and three immortals.

It's just that the accidents that followed caused the Qingkong tribe to be defeated again and again, and finally fell to such a miserable end.

A large group of ferocious beasts raged across the valley, taking advantage of their numbers to nibble away at the Qingkong people step by step. Everyone felt a little suffocated by this majestic momentum.

Suddenly, after killing a Golden Winged Eagle, Patriarch Qingkong's face instantly became extremely pale, the look in his eyes quickly faded, and his whole person's aura suddenly weakened.

"Huh? Are you about to lose your hold?" Jiang Shang sensed something and turned his head to look.

The living environment of monks in the heavenly realm is more difficult and dangerous than that in the lower realm.In this place where strength speaks for itself, Jiang still has self-knowledge.The four of them came here, just for a temporary transition, not the savior to save the tribe from the crisis of extinction!
Therefore, even if Qing Kong One is completely removed from the heaven today, he doesn't feel any guilt.After all, there is no relationship between the two.What's more, before that, the Great Elder, Yan Zheng and others still wanted to use them.

At this moment, a golden divine light rushed from the eastern sky, the light was like a sky-opening sharp blade, splitting the raptor army in the entire sky into two, opening a passage.

A majestic building boat appeared, wrapped in unparalleled power, and reached the sky above the tribe in an instant.The whole body of the boat on this building is icy-cold, and it is not only inferior to the holy artifact of the golden wolf army, but also much inferior in size.

But even so, Lou Chuan still showed a majestic and vast aura, which no one dared to underestimate.


Three ear-piercing long beeps came from high above the sky.

The army of raptors flying down suddenly screamed in unison, and rushed to the sky one after another. They chose to evacuate the moment before they were about to capture the tribe's garrison!
Crisp and crisp, without the slightest sloppiness.

I saw that the birds, beasts and raptors soaring into the sky did not form a 'dark cloud' covering the sky and the sun again, but flew towards all directions in a very chaotic manner, and the scene was extremely chaotic!
Above that ten thousand zhang high altitude, several huge raptors that looked quite different, their eyes shone with light, revealing a look of cruelty and unwillingness.One of the big birds with colorful feathers fluttered its wings lightly, and opened its mouth to spit out a few words: "Fortunately for them, retreat!"

The sound of piercing the sky, as if it was enough to tear the sky, resounded through the universe.

Suddenly, an order came from above the boat, extremely forceful, with a cold and ruthless tone.


The towering ship suddenly trembled, and a majestic wave of air was like a raging sea. With the ship as the center, it swept and spread in all directions. In just a few breaths, it spread to the sky with a radius of hundreds of miles. Wherever it passed, flesh and blood Fly.

A group of ferocious raptors, under such attacks, are like chickens and dogs, so vulnerable!
Jiang Shang, who happened to see such a scene when he looked up, suddenly took a breath, and murmured in shock: "Infinitely close to the level of heaven... an aggressive demigod?!"

The sudden appearance of towering boats seemed to bring hope to the surviving tribal monks, and they all roared up to the sky, becoming more brave and sturdy.

For a time, the divine light was brilliant, and the horses practiced vertically and horizontally. The brilliance of the light dazzled people.

Outside the valley, the monkey standing on the shoulder of the white ape roared angrily, straightened up suddenly, and shouted to the sky: "Roar——"

The unprecedented roar made the mountains around the valley full of cracks, and the sound expanded rapidly, like a huge wave, sweeping across thousands of miles!
After the appearance of the building boat, this beast king also gave the order to retreat extremely unwillingly.The white demon ape let out a low growl, then turned around and left, thump, thump, footsteps like the sound of a drum beating the earth, and went away at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately, thousands of ferocious beasts howled in the sky, retreating out of the valley like a tide.

The violent roar of the earth resounded through the mountains, rivers and jungles again, and countless ferocious beasts roared and rushed out from all directions, heading straight for the wasteland.

Patriarch Qing Kong, whose face was ashen, breathed a sigh of relief, fell from the air, and was caught by a group of exclaiming clansmen, causing a burst of panic, and the clansmen talked a lot.

The three of Jiang Shang frowned, restrained their magical powers calmly, and floated to the ground.

In the valley at this moment, it can be said to be a mess.Among the layers of ruins, blood was everywhere.The corpses of ferocious beasts and the corpses of clan members were everywhere.The valley with a radius of hundreds of miles was completely destroyed.

What made Jiang Shang think a little bit was that although the boat landed, it didn't attack the retreating beast and let the beast leave.

As the building boat got closer and closer to the ground, Jiang Shang and others could also see clearly that a golden banner was hoisted above the building boat, blessed with supernatural powers on the banner, and the figure of a golden wolf king looked up to the sky roar.

From the lingering discussions among the tribal people, Jiang Shang and the others learned that the monks on the building boat were the Golden Wolf Army from the prefecture's city!
"From the previous attitude of Yan Zheng and others, it can be seen that the Golden Wolf Army...doesn't seem to be very popular?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and his mind was racing.

While Jiang Shang was frowning and thinking, the building boat hundreds of feet above the ground suddenly stopped. Soldiers wearing silver armor and strong aura rushed out of the building boat. The ground comes flying.

The Patriarch Qingkong, who was originally pale, suddenly changed his face, and said in a low voice: "It's over..."

However, the commander of the government army strode across the void, a gleam of light flashed in his long and narrow eyes, and his gaze passed over the three of Jiang Shang, which immediately made Jiang Shang vigilant and awe-inspiring.

(End of this chapter)

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