Chapter 976
In the devastated and ruined valley, as Commander Ba Tong's voice fell to the ground, it suddenly fell into dead silence.

In fact, Commander Ba has some reasons for being so skeptical.

There are not a few monks who are sent from the lower realm with outstanding talents.But such geniuses will all be sent to larger tribes or forces.In this way, monks from the lower realms can better adapt to the heavens, and thus make steady progress.

Small forces such as the Qingkong Tribe, even if new tribesmen appear, they will not be talented people.Such a force that cannot be any smaller will never receive special care from the Golden Wolf Army!

The Qingkong Tribe suddenly appeared, and the three powerful new clansmen were carrying treasures or what?So Commander Ba subconsciously focused his suspicions on the special treasures and fetishes!
The patriarch Qingkong who was about to speak, suddenly changed his face at this moment, and wanted to speak several times, but when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them back violently.

At this moment, Commander Ba made it clear that he wanted to harm Jiang Shang and the others.But as the head of the clan, he couldn't just ruin the clan's last chance and hope!
Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he suddenly understood in his heart. He patted Hei Ying's shoulder and said with a sneer, "You want to kill me?"

Commander Ba's expression froze, and he said coldly: "Why, do you still want to resist?" Then he strode towards Jiang Shang, his steps were extremely heavy, like a giant beast's rumbling steps, the ground trembled .

Suddenly, a tyrannical aura emanated from him.The surrounding air vibrates violently, turning into ripples, and the fluctuations are getting bigger and bigger.A phantom of a giant black tiger appeared above Commander Ba's head, his eyes were cold, full of murderous aura, and the evil spirit rose, which was extremely frightening.

The clansmen of the Qingkong tribe were immediately forced to retreat by this momentum, and their feet retreated involuntarily.

A clansman with an ugly face leaned over to Qingkong patriarch and whispered: "Patriarch, what should we do now?"

Patriarch Qingkong raised his eyes lifelessly, the brilliance in his eyes dimmed, as if he had aged decades instantly, and said hoarsely: "Back off. The lives of the people are the most important thing!"

After hearing this, the clansman's face became even more ugly, his eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth while growling from his throat.In the end, he still obeyed the patriarch's order and only let the clansmen back away.

Commander Ba strode forward, and the two officers and men of the government army also grinned ferociously, and released breaths one after another. Immediately, the entire world was filled with a fierce air.

The sneer on Jiang Shang's face became stronger, and he said coldly: "Do it!"

The black eagle was the first to attack, and a khaki-yellow vigor swept all directions, and the ground trembled suddenly, like an ocean stirred by a strong wind. Endless soil rolled and surged from under the ruins, turning into giant beasts roaring into the sky!

Unparalleled gigantic earth dragons soared into the sky, opened their huge mouths, and rushed towards a soldier of the government army.

At the same time, the purple-eyed dragon bear let out a low growl, and his whole body instantly turned into a giant with the head of a dragon and the body of a bear. During the roar, a surge of blood engulfed the valley.With a wave of his thick arm, he went straight to another soldier of the government army!

Commander Ba's complexion changed drastically, and a tyrannical cold light flashed in his eyes, and he roared ferociously: "Xian San is the ultimate? I underestimated you!"

The two soldiers who followed closely behind him also showed expressions of astonishment at this time.However, the expressions on their faces were instantly replaced by ferocious expressions, and they charged forward with grim smiles.

So what about the ultimate immortal three?It's just a rookie who has just come to the heaven from the lower realm, and he can't exert his full combat power at all!

Before this, they had also encountered monks from the lower realm who were desperately resisting, and those monks who had not fully adapted to the power of heaven and earth were tortured and killed afterwards!
"This time is no exception!" The moment the two soldiers rushed up, they looked at each other and smiled tacitly, their ferocious look became more and more fierce, making the Qingkong people in the distance feel chilling.

Commander Ba suddenly sped up his steps, and the phantom of the black giant tiger roared above his head, causing the surrounding air to boil violently, and the fierce air of Taotao turned into a fist shadow, roaring down!

Commander Ba ignored the two Black Eagles. He squinted his eyes and stared at Jiang Shang.

"This kid... in such a situation, he is still as immovable as a mountain? You really want to die!" In fact, there is a deep fear in Commander Ba's heart.He didn't understand the reason, but Jiang Shang gave him a feeling of terror that made his heart palpitate.

The shadow of the fist condensed with black evil energy, engulfed in a powerful force, roared down.However, Jiang Shang still acted as if he hadn't seen it, and when he moved his feet, he left an afterimage on the spot.

At the same time, Black Eagle and Purple-eyed Dragon Bear also received a voice transmission from Jiang Shang: "Don't love to fight. There should be people in the boat in the sky, find a way to lead them to the mountains in the north... "

Heiying and the two were taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what Jiang Shang meant.As long as they stay away from the boat in the sky, these three people will definitely die!
"My lord is angry! Quickly, follow the orders of my lord." Hei Ying calmly dodged the opponent's attack, and sent a voice transmission to the purple-eyed dragon bear.

Purple-eyed Dragon Bear has an upright and impulsive personality. He is afraid that this guy will ignore Jiang Shang's plan.

On the other side, the purple-eyed dragon bear snarled and fought resolutely with the opponent, opened its big mouth full of ferocious sharp teeth, and said via voice transmission: "Boss, I'm not stupid."

Hei Ying suddenly became angry, and said unhappily, "When have you ever been smart!"

Here, the Black Eagles fought and retreated, leading their opponents to the northern mountain step by step.

At this time, Jiang Shang had already arrived under the mountain peak on the north side of the valley after a series of dodging and retreating.Commander Ba's attacks continued continuously. Wherever he passed, the ground was smashed with magical powers, and the ground was bottomless.

"Hey, boy, let me see where you are going!" Commander Ba Jie Jie rushed up with a strange smile, his berserk energy gathered, and a black divine light shot out from between his hands, turning into a hundred-foot-long monster in the blink of an eye. The horse practiced, and the raw sweep was in the air.

Under the blockade of the huge power of heaven and earth, this person actually displayed supernatural powers without any scruples, which shows that he is by no means comparable to the ordinary fourth and half saints.The terrifying aura rippling from Commander Ba's body was somewhat fiercer than the soldiers of the Golden Wolf Army that Jiang Shang had seen.

However, at this time, Jiang Shang remained calm, standing in the air, waiting for the attack to fall.

To lure these three people elsewhere, it is necessary to give them the impression that they are unable to resist and run away.Not too strong, not too weak!It is better not to let outsiders see the work of luring the enemy into deep, killing people and silence them.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shang glanced at the place where the Qingkong people were from the corner of his eye, his eyes were indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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