Chapter 978 Ambush
The Yuelan Mountains stretch tens of thousands of miles from south to north, with tall and steep mountains, secret valleys and secluded forests, and overlapping peaks and ridges.If it weren't for its remote location, where ferocious birds and beasts are rampant, and located at the western end of the wilderness, this place would definitely be a rare fairyland.

For Ba Xiangshan, the existence of Jiang Shang and the others is no different from an accidental opportunity.However, when he chased and killed all the way, after passing through many mountains and jungles, he found that the aura coming from ahead suddenly stopped.

"Hey, finally can't run anymore? With such a huge force of heaven and earth blocking it, it is already rare to run here." Ba Xiangshan sneered to himself.

Until now, he still believed that Jiang Shang and the other three were rookies who had just arrived in the heavenly realm, and they did not pose any threat to him.If he pays more attention, he will find that the place where he is now is already at the end of the Yuelan Mountains!
For more than half an hour, crossing tens of thousands of miles of mountains, rivers and jungles, this is not something a monk who has just entered the heavens in the lower realms can do!
Ba Xiangshan strode forward, a cold murderous intent appeared on his face, he no longer concealed the aura around him, and released it rumblingly.Immediately, with a smear of black rage, the madness spread in all directions. Wherever it passed, the vegetation broke and the earth and rocks collapsed.

At the end of the jungle is a canyon that is hundreds of miles long, and at the northern end of the canyon is an endless wasteland.

Jiang Shang stood in the canyon with an indifferent expression.He stared at the front with cold eyes. In the jungle, there was a storm formed by a torrential force, approaching the place where he was at a very high speed.

Ba Xiangshan galloped through the sky, came to a sudden stop in front of the canyon, stood in mid-air and sneered, "Aren't your two subordinates coming to help you?"

But at this moment, there were two people missing, which made his heart move suddenly, and his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

Jiang Shang also sneered, and slowly stepped up into the air, with every step down, the momentum around him became stronger.When he confronted Ba Xiangshan in the air, his aura had already climbed from Xian Er to Xian San extreme, and it was still growing.

"To deal with you, why do you need help!" Jiang Shang's tone revealed a murderous look, and the coldness in his eyes made Ba Xiangshan's expression change instantly.

A monstrous momentum erupted from Jiang Shang's body, and the billowing aura of gods and demons swept across the surroundings like monstrous waves, causing the spiritual energy in the world to vibrate violently, and faintly heard the sound of wind and thunder, shaking the universe!
Circles of supernatural and incomparable bones and gods appeared around Jiang Shang, exuding a huge coercion that made people tremble, and they rumbled out.

Ba Xiangshan's expression changed drastically, he stared at Jiang Shang coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you are courting death!"

Now Jiang Shang's momentum is no weaker than him.To be able to sit in the position of commander of the government army is naturally not a stupid person.Now he has fully understood that Jiang Shang has been hiding his strength.

It was completely deliberate to lure him here.This barren mountain and wild land is a good place to kill and silence!
Recalling the previous scene in my mind, I suddenly discovered some unreasonable things in the panic of Jiang Shang and the three fleeing.But regretting it now won't help.

Ba Xiangshan was furious, roared wildly, his body was like lightning, and he punched him!


Just like an ancient ferocious beast waking up, a roar of tigers shook the sky and exploded in the air.The huge phantom of the black tiger reappeared in the sky again.

The black tiger roared up to the sky, sweeping the sky and the earth with unparalleled ferocity.Behind the phantom of the black tiger, layers of black clouds rolled violently, evolving into a scene of a battle between gods and demons, and the scene was extremely shocking.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth seemed to be drawn by a divine force, rushing towards Baxiang Mountain. A black whirlwind appeared at its feet, and the violent force instantly tore the ground below, with terrifying power.

"Heavenly cultivators are indeed extraordinary!"

Jiang Shang's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help being amazed at the power of Ba Xiangshan.Raise your hand and point to the front, the tumbling spirit of gods and demons around you is completely boiling, and the dense bones spread under your feet, turning into a world of bones covering the sky and the sun!

The divine light rioted, the rainbow light flew across the sky, and the bones of the gods turned into ancient runes, gathered at Jiang Shang's fingertips, and the gods and demons chanted, and a phantom of the gods and demons stood in the sky, and a shocking explosion erupted general trend.This is the first time Jiang Shang has shot without reservation since his cultivation level broke through to Immortal Two.

Taotao's yellow heavenly aura rolls in, and the five flickering lines of truth exude a mysterious and obscure aura of the Dao, turning into a giant palm that lifts up the sky, rolling up and falling down with a mighty force!

Under the shroud of the world of bones, the majestic and huge hand of Huang Tian was like a killing blow from ancient gods and demons, making Ba Xiangshan feel a suffocating feeling of approaching death, and his eyes were full of panic.

"What kind of supernatural power is this..." While Ba Xiangshan's face changed completely, he could no longer hide the horror in his heart.He knew very well that he couldn't stop the terrifying blow of this towering big hand!

Today's Jiang Shang, after fully adapting to the power of heaven and earth, is comparable to the fourth and half saint king with all his strength.Although Ba Xiangshan has been in the fourth half of the immortal for many years, he is still weaker than Jiang Shang.

The thought of escaping flashed across Ba Xiangshan's mind, but the speed with which Huang Tian's big hand fell was too fast, which immediately caused despair and panic to rise in his heart, and immediately turned into crazy killing intent!
Ba Xiangshan roared ferociously, his eyes turned into pitch black, as if he had broken free from the blockade, he swung his arms at a high speed, bringing up a series of phantoms!A tyrannical aura suddenly appeared, and streaks of aura as black as ink turned into storms and soared into the sky, bumping into Huang Tian's hand.

The giant black tiger standing in the void and roaring endlessly also changed at this time, as if it were real.The black tiger suddenly swooped down and swung its huge claws, intending to crush Huang Tian's attack.

Jiang Shang's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the distant jungle from the corner of his eye, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

The roar that shook the universe resounded over the mountains.Like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, the earth, mountains and rivers tremble instantly!
Ba Xiangshan's roar sounded one after another, each time becoming more miserable, and the armor that was integrated into one piece also burst out with a tyrannical divine light at this time, and the sound of the howling of the wolf resounded throughout the world.

However no matter how he struggled, he could not resist the terrifying killing power of Huang Tian's hand!

Seeing that the numerous phantoms on the top of Baxiang Mountain were shattered, and he was about to be killed by Huang Tian's hands, he heard applause from the jungle in the distance, and then a burly figure appeared, also wearing armor, only this The aura of a person is much more terrifying than that of Baxiang Mountain.

"Not bad, not bad! What a profound calculation, what a powerful supernatural power! Haha, it really opened the eyes of this commander!" The burly figure's rough and bold voice came, but Jiang Shang could hear that this person had no good intentions for him.

"Barbarian! Hurry up and save me!" Ba Xiangshan roared sadly, his voice was extremely piercing.

(End of this chapter)

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