Great Demon

Chapter 98

Chapter 98
"Yuanye..." Heiying frowned a little when he heard the words, and then said in a low voice: "The Black Eagle Palace doesn't store too much Yuanye, because after we get Yuanye, we will give priority to using it up, after all, in Yin Deficiency strength is the most important thing.”

Jiang Shang interrupted directly after hearing the words: "How much primordial liquid is there?"

He knew that what Black Hawk said was true, so he didn't want to listen to these nonsense, he just wanted to know the exact numbers.

"Less than [-]!" Black Eagle immediately confessed.

Jiang Shang suddenly murmured in disappointment: "Is there only so few?"

In the mustard seed ring promised to him, there are a total of about [-] primordial liquid, as well as some treasures that break through the realm. If these are given to an ordinary genius, they can support his cultivation to the innate peak.

But the problem is that Jiang Shang is not an ordinary genius. These resources, even with the 3 yuan liquid from the Black Eagle Palace, can only support him to cultivate to the mid-innate stage at most, so it is far from enough...

"If the Palace Master really needs Yuan Ye, Black Eagle has another way!" At this moment, Black Eagle said suddenly.

Jiang Shang immediately urged: "What way? Say it quickly!"

"On this Blood Silkworm Island, there is a small Yuanye Earth Vein with a reserve of about hundreds of thousands. Although the Blood Silkworm Palace has been occupying this Earth Vein and has been mining it for decades, it should still be There's only leftovers."

Hei Ying paused slightly, and continued to speak: "So if we can seize this leyline, the problem of the Palace Master should not be a problem, right?"

"Yuanye Earth Vein?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered with joy, and then slowly calmed down: "Then you said that we are now fighting with the Blood Silkworm Palace, how sure are we that we can defeat the other party?"

"At least half of it!" Black Eagle's eyes flickered.

In fact, the contest between the two sides is a contest between the strong golden cores. As long as he can hold the blood silkworm Taoist, he is sure enough to solve the opponent's other two golden cores. Obviously, Jiang Shang must have this ability.

So the chances of winning this war are very high!

"More than half? That's enough." Jiang Shang nodded after hearing the words, and slowly said to Black Eagle: "Then let me see your ability, within ten days, I want to see you win the Yuanye Earth Vein! "

Hei Ying took the order directly: "Yes, Lord Palace Master!"

After saying this, he turned around and left. It was originally the master of the Black Eagle Palace, so it was naturally more familiar with everything. After he brought all the troops, he would kill the Yuanye Landline and take it from the Blood Silkworm Palace. snatch it.

As for Jiang Shang, he let out a long sigh of relief and relaxed slightly.

This is the first time he has experienced this kind of experience. Although he has a strong backing, the feeling is indescribable.

"Unexpectedly, Taoist Blood Silkworm turned out to be a strong mid-stage Golden Core. With my current strength, although I can defeat him, it is impossible to kill him." Jiang Shang murmured.

In the realm of Jindan, there is a threshold for each level, and the strength varies greatly.

He can kill the early stage of Golden Core, but he can't kill the middle stage of Golden Core.This is the reason why he is not strong enough. If he is strong enough, there will still be these concerns.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Shang murmured slowly again: "It seems that the only way to raise the Bone Nine Heavens Map to the sixth level as soon as possible, and Wan Jian Jue should also break through. Only in this way can the situation here be calmed down and unified as soon as possible. Blood Silkworm Island is moving towards annexation and development of other islands."

It's just a blood silkworm island, and his eyes can't be limited to this.

His goal is to replace Sanmu Island, or even a more powerful island, because only in this way is experience, and a comfortable life is not experience!


In the barren hills in the northwest of Xuecan Island, there is a canyon stretching tens of miles left and right. At the bottom of the canyon, where the cold air is threatening, there is a crystal vein running through it, exuding a very strong aura of heaven and earth. This is the place where People from the Blood Silkworm Palace are also mining the Yuanye Earth Vein here.

But at this time, many strong winds suddenly hit and attacked them.

"Damn it, it's an enemy attack, kill them!" The innate creatures of the Blood Silkworm Palace reacted, and immediately launched a counterattack with a ferocious expression.

They are the masters of Blood Silkworm Island, and someone dared to attack them, even the leylines of their Blood Silkworm Palace, it was an act of courting death, and they had to kill them all!

But just when they launched a counterattack, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, its wings spread out like the sky was covering the sun, a powerful force rushed out from its body, and killed seven or eight blood silkworms The innate soul of the palace made the other party show a look of horror.

"It's Hei Ying, the lord of the Black Eagle Palace. He actually came to attack the leylines himself. Could it be that he wants to start a war? Hurry up, hurry up and call Mr. Fang!" Someone yelled in panic.

Black Eagle is the second strongest person on Blood Silkworm Island, so he is naturally enough to deter them.

"Stop!" But at this moment, a stern roar came from the depths of the earth's veins, and a small voice rushed out quickly, and said loudly angrily, "Black Eagle, what are you trying to do? You are trying to provoke Is it war?"

Taoist Blood Silkworm, Fang Yu, Iron Hand boss.

Among the three golden elixirs in the Blood Silkworm Palace, only Fang Yu was short in stature, so there was no doubt that the roaring person was Fang Yu.

"Presumptuous, you want to die?" Black Eagle roared fiercely, looked at Fang Yu and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, get out of here immediately, the Yuanye mine vein is taken over by our Black Eagle Palace, if anyone doesn't leave, Kill without mercy!"

"What did you say..." Fang Yu's expression suddenly became angry, but then there was a killing intent that enveloped his whole body, making him trembling and speechless.

Hei Ying glanced at Fang Ze grimly, and gave an order to his men: "Give it to me! Kill without mercy!"

The men and horses of the Black Eagle Palace immediately moved into action, and the scene immediately became chaotic. Many people in the Blood Silkworm Palace died immediately. They were not the innate creatures of the main battle, so how could they be the elite opponents of the Black Eagle Palace.

Fang Yu looked at the massacre in front of him, and there was a ferocious look in his eyes, but he suppressed his anger forcibly, and gave the order to retreat immediately.

"Go, go quickly, go back and fetch the rescuers!" After such a roar, Fang Yu turned into a flash of light and disappeared quickly.

Hei Ying did not continue to chase and kill, but murmured silently on the spot: "After Fang Yu goes back to rescue the soldiers, the Blood Silkworm Palace will definitely come out to kill, so let's hurry up and notify the Palace Master to come over."

When the Blood Silkworm Palace came back, the three golden elixirs and elites would definitely come out together, and he would definitely not be able to resist it alone, so only by notifying Jiang Shang to come as soon as possible, their troops will be able to fight in the final battle.

At the same time, Jiang Shang, who was still in the Black Eagle Palace, also received a summons.

A flickering ray of light rushed out of the palace quickly, heading towards the direction of Yuanye Earth Vein.

(End of this chapter)

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