Chapter 981 Another green luan! ?

"My lord, the subordinates are lucky to live up to their fate! The two of them have been turned into ashes and completely stayed in the jungle."

Seeing that the battle was over, the two Black Eagles flew over and returned to Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang nodded and said, "Did Lou Chuan and other government troops come after them?"

Hei Ying said respectfully: "No trace of other people was found. However, I believe they should arrive here soon. We should evacuate quickly and stay away from Yue Lanshan."

"That's right." Jiang Shangchang let out a breath and said, "This place is not suitable for staying for a long time. Let's go!"

From a distance, the little girl shouted cheerfully: "Master, this bully has a lot of good things in his hands!"

But seeing Xiaoguai transformed into a figure, holding a pile of crystals in his hands, and a strangely shaped weapon hanging around his neck, flying over with a jingling look, his face full of ecstasy.

Jiang Shang stared at the strange weapon, feeling very grateful in his heart: "The demigod weapon...although it is broken, it is still a demigod weapon! If the barbarian took out the weapon early in the morning, I am afraid that the end of this battle will be over. It’s just another way.”

At this time, the sense of urgency in Jiang Shang's heart became stronger.The picture of Zhu Xian's sword and the four peerless fierce swords were left by him in the Beiming Holy Land in the lower realm.

However, in this wilderness of the heavens, there are too many dangers.With the current strength of the four of them alone, it would be difficult to protect themselves without a demigod weapon as a sharp weapon.

"Eternal Sky Crystal Sword Embryo, Abyss Death Gold... The most urgent thing now is to find a place where you can cast a demigod weapon!" Jiang Shang was calm on the surface, but his thoughts turned sharply, and various thoughts flooded heart.

The four of them quickly packed up all the trophies and headed north along the canyon, preparing to walk out of the Yuelan Mountains and cross the wilderness.

Suddenly, there was an unparalleled and terrifying coercion in the sky. A giant bird with a blue fire all over its body passed by from low altitude and came straight towards the four of them.

"I have felt the aura of divine fire. Could it be that there are members of my Qingluan clan here?" A low voice said to himself, but with a majestic coercion, the four of them were locked in an instant.

Among the four, Hei Ying had the worst aptitude and strength. At this moment, he was almost pressed to the ground, his chest was violently surging, his face was flushed, and he felt extremely suffocated.

Jiang Shang and Ziyan Longxiong couldn't get better either. Their forward figures suddenly became extremely slow, and two potholes were forcibly stepped on the bottom of the valley under their feet, and they couldn't move an inch.

Only Xiaoguai was still very relaxed, turning his head to look.

"Huh? It really is a member of my Qingluan clan!" The voice was full of ecstasy. The next moment, the three of Jiang Shang, who were almost unable to move under the coercion, felt a gust of wind passing by, and an incomparable divine horse appeared in front of them. The huge Qingluan was looking at Xiaoguai with burning eyes.

Xiaoguai stared at him without fear, turned around and saw the miserable situation of Jiang Shang and the other three, and was immediately furious.

A puff of blue divine fire exploded from his body, and his whole body was like a flame god in ancient mythology.

The eyes burst into a terrifying light, and the little girl shouted: "Who are you? Get out of here, or I won't be polite to you, sir!"

In fact, at the moment of seeing this huge Qingluan, Xiaoguai also lost his mind for a short time.The characteristics of this huge Qingluan are too obvious!This is completely an enlarged version of Xiaoguai, and it also has a touch of unspeakable charm.

It's just that the tragic situation of the three of Jiang Shang made his heart instantly overwhelmed with anger and fell into a rage.

At this moment, Jiang Shang and the other three stared at the huge coercion, their mouths and noses were bleeding, their bodies were arched under the pressure, feeling suffocated, they couldn't speak a word!
At the moment when the coercion came, Jiang Shang was instantly alert.But the coercion came so fast that he couldn't react at all.

The giant bird Qingluan took two steps forward, stared at Xiao Guai up and down, and said in his mouth: "Haha, he is actually a little guy with five changes! How wonderful!"

The huge wings flapped, and the three of Jiang Shang were immediately blown away by a gust of wind, hit a rock on one side, and fell to the ground.

The giant bird Qingluan kept nodding, seeing Xiaoguai furiously rushing forward, he couldn't help laughing, raised his wings and lightly tapped, Xiaoguai was immediately imprisoned in place, no matter how hard he struggled, he was still unable to take a step forward.

On the other side, Jiang Shang and the other three who were blown hundreds of feet away by the strong wind immediately stood up.Regardless of the blood flowing from his mouth and nose, Jiang Shang shouted with a very cold expression: "You dare to hurt him, I, Jiang Shang, will make you pay a heavy price even if I die!"

While speaking, Jiang Shang's bones and divine patterns rioted all over his body, Taotao's divine and demonic aura swept across the valley, and the earth trembled rumblingly.At this time, the two Black Hawks are also fully in power, ready to go.

At this moment, Xiaoguai is being controlled by the giant bird Qingluan, they are a little bit cautious and dare not do it easily.I'm afraid that if I make a move, Xiaoguai will be killed instantly on the spot!
The giant bird, Qingluan, ignored the three of them, and only looked at Xiaoguai, the ecstasy in his eyes was beyond words.

A divine light flashed on the giant bird Qingluan, and it turned into a handsome middle-aged man, circled around the struggling little boy, and said with a smile: "Little guy, show me the body before you manifest it." look?"

On the other side, the faces of Jiang Shang and the others turned completely cold, and Jiang Shang growled almost word by word: "You, who are you!"


The middle-aged man turned around abruptly and let out a soft drink.When it was over, he turned his head to look at Xiaoguai with a smile on his face, and exclaimed in his mouth.

Circles of berserk energy rolled over with a sharp howl and rumble, knocking the three of them into the air again.

Jiang Shang, who can make his combat power comparable to that of a half-sage king, has no power to fight back, which shows how terrifying this person is!
In the Qingkong tribe, Jiang Shang was worried about the future, and even imagined what would happen after he met Xiaoguai's fellow clansman... But he never imagined that this day would come so soon!
"Ahhhhhhhhh...I'm fighting with you! How dare you hurt my master, I'll burn you to death!" Seeing Jiang Shang and the other three being blown out again, Xiaoguai was a little flustered, and immediately became furious, and the flames rising from his body once again Boiling, struggling desperately, put on a desperate posture.

The smile on the middle-aged man's face disappeared instantly, and a tyrannical light flashed in his eyes, and he whispered, "Master?"

Immediately, the middle-aged man turned around again and roared angrily: "Who is so daring to be the master of my Qingluan Shenniao clan?!"

I saw him waving his sleeve robe, and his big hand gently grabbed in the direction of Jiang Shang and the three of them.Immediately, a majestic force emerged between the heaven and the earth, turning into a terrifying hand, and directly grabbed the three people who had no resistance.

The middle-aged man's frightening eyes swept over the three of them, his tone became extremely cold, he stared at Black Eagle and growled, "You? A trash among human monks, I'm sorry you don't have the guts!" , Throwing the black eagle out casually.

After that, he stared at the purple-eyed dragon bear again, curled his lips and said, "You? You're just a bastard!" Before he finished speaking, the purple-eyed dragon bear was also thrown out.

In the end, he stared at Jiang Shang, with a cold smile on his face, and said slowly, "That's you? You've tempered your physical body pretty well, kid!"

(End of this chapter)

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