Chapter 983 Gone Sadly
Xiaoguai's crying made Jiang Shangyu feel unbearable several times, but in the end he turned around in great pain and stopped looking.

Agreeing that Xiaoguai should be taken away, Jiang Shang thought carefully.

Based on their current situation, Xiao Guai might encounter danger at any time following him.And once Xiaoguai returns to the Qingluan clan, his strength and talents in all aspects will be fully discovered.Going back can allow Xiaoguai to make further progress and grow!
After Xiaoguai was taken away, Jiang Shang was very depressed, and quickly left Yue Lanshan with the injured Black Eagle.The figures of the three people quickly disappeared into the depths of the wilderness...

About half an hour later, a majestic building roared through the sky.A group of soldiers of the Golden Wolf Mansion army looked down gloomyly, with extremely fierce expressions.

At the bow of the boat, a slender, beardless monk squinted his eyes at the canyon below, as if he was looking for something in the messy ruins.This person is also wearing armor, just like the one on Manba.

"The divine fire breath of the blue luan bird? It seems that things are not simple. The two guys, Man Ba ​​and Ba Shorty, won't be burned to ashes, right?" A light flashed in this person's eyes, and he whispered : "That's fine, I have an explanation after I go back."

Don't worry about why the divine bird Qingluan appeared here, and don't think about the root cause behind it.He waved his hand, indicating to leave the place.The majestic building boat slowly started, galloped towards the eastern sky, and finally disappeared into a stream of light.


In the depths of the vast wasteland, Jiang Shang stood on a soil slope with his hands behind his back, looking across the boundless wasteland to the east.

Not far behind it, the ground collapsed to form a huge cave.Inside the cave, the two Black Eagles were sitting cross-legged at one end, their bodies were filled with blood and smoke.

This time, killing a powerful enemy brought a lot of good things back to life.For the poor and tinkling three people, the treasures on Baxiangshan and Manba can be described as a huge fortune.Fortunately, among the piles of trophies, there are quite a few healing pills that can help the two of them recover their blood.

At this time, Jiang Shang was not in the mood to check those things, and walked out of the cave alone, lost in thought.

The Yuelan Mountains, located in the depths of the wilderness, are a million miles away from the city of the county, almost at the edge of a county.Such a location, no matter which direction you go, you have to cross millions of miles of mountains, rivers and swamps, and the road is dangerous.

Compared with each other, going to the county capital city in the east is undoubtedly the best choice.But staying in the deep mountains and great swamps, every step of the way is dangerous and full of dangers.

Jiang Shang has never forgotten the tide of ferocious beasts he just experienced.However, what made him hesitate was that the retreating direction of the army of ferocious beasts was the eastern wasteland.How to get out of this wasteland without alarming the beasts has become a difficult problem.

It has been three days since Xiaoguai was taken away.During these three days, Jiang Shang has been thinking of safer ways to avoid some potential dangers.But the vast wasteland in front of him made him a little helpless.

There was a loud noise in the huge cave, and the black eagle flew out and landed beside Jiang Shang.

"Thank you, Palace Master." Black Eagle's attitude was still very respectful.The reason for the thanks is that Jiang Shang has been guarding here for the past three days to prevent the beast from interrupting the healing of Hei Ying and the other two.

Hei Ying hesitated slightly, and said: "My lord, the little guy was taken away..."

Jiang Shang sighed, and said: "For now, doing this is the best choice. The Qingluan divine bird that has achieved five changes is definitely much stronger than Xiaoguai now. The inheritance of the immortal bird divine bird is only known among their tribes." have."

Hei Ying nodded with a heavy face, and said, "My lord, what shall we do next?"

"Go to the city of the county! Although the city is a million miles away, the teleportation array to the Qingtian Territory is the only one there! As for my little boy, as long as I don't die, we will meet again one day " Jiang Shang said calmly, but his tone was extremely firm.


Millions of miles of mountains and rivers are naturally not all barren mountains and wild mountains.

On this million-mile-long journey, various tribes and forces are scattered scattered.There are even some powerful tribal bases that have formed cities of a certain size, accommodating hundreds of thousands of clansmen, monks, and powerful people.

However, in the news that Jiang Shang and others kept getting, they discovered that the small cities formed by these tribes' residences were not qualified to be called "city" at all.

In the vast expanse of heaven, a place that is qualified to be called a city, the area covered by the city is astonishingly large!The tribal town was already comparable to the size of any holy place in the lower realm, but it was nothing compared to the real city.

Taking the Golden Wolf Ancient Domain where Jiang Shang and others lived as an example, under the rule of the entire domain, there are only more than [-] places that are qualified to be called cities.And every city is the location of the county government that rules all the forces in a radius of a million miles.

The three of them came all the way east along the established direction.Fortunately, the three of them tremblingly concealed their aura and walked through the wilderness carefully without disturbing any high-level beasts.

It wasn't that Jiang Shang and the others were unwilling to travel quickly, but that they didn't dare to fly or run at high speed in this wilderness.

Flying, it will undoubtedly startle the birds of prey that fly over the low altitude from time to time.However, galloping at extreme speed on the ground will disturb the herds of beasts in the wasteland.

All kinds of dangers are hard to guard against. In the end, we can only walk through the wilderness cautiously. It took more than ten days to come to the end of the wilderness.With the previous experience of crossing the entire wasteland, the speed of the three of them increased.

Among the beautiful mountains, three figures galloped out, looking at the towering city wall at the end of the earth, they couldn't help but let out a long breath.

After several months of trekking, eating and sleeping in the open air, the three of them finally walked out of the wilderness and came to the vicinity of the county capital city.The long-distance journey of millions of miles kept the spirits of the three of them tense, and they had to be vigilant anytime and anywhere.

On the way, they encountered all kinds of dangers, and there were many difficult accidents, which made the three of them have to be in a hurry, but the cautiousness of Jiang Shang and the others was rewarded, and everything was safe and sound.

Jiang Shang squinted his eyes, with a smile on his face, and said, "Mirror Moon City is ahead, and we have finally come out."

Hei Ying sighed with lingering fear: "There are dangers everywhere in the wilderness of the heavens, and it is impossible to guard against. Thanks to the presence of the palace master, otherwise the subordinates would have become the prey of fierce beasts."

The purple-eyed dragon bear looked into the distance, the majestic city gate and the continuous city wall that looked like a giant dragon were extremely shocking.But I heard him say: "What a big city..."

Jiang Shang smiled slightly, and said with emotion: "A city of a prefecture has a larger sphere of influence than a holy land in the lower realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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