Chapter 985

On the square, pedestrians are bustling.In front of the palace, a group of monks in armor guarded the palace gate.These monks were all shocked, they were all at the fourth and half saint level!

The armor on these monks is quite similar to that of the Golden Wolf Army, but in terms of shape, it is much more refined and radiant, and it can be seen at a glance that its defense is amazing.

From the reception staff in front of the palace, Jiang Shang learned a piece of information, which was exactly the same as what Black Eagle inquired about: teleport to the county mansion at the edge of Qingtian Territory, one hundred thousand sky crystals!

Jiang Shang shook his head and smiled wryly as he left the palace, joined Black Eagle, and sighed: "One hundred thousand heavenly crystals, this is the value of ten ordinary demigod weapons..."

Black Eagle comforted: "My lord, let's think of a way slowly. The teleportation array is here, and I won't run away by myself. Mirror Moon City is so big, there is always a place to earn treasure."

Jiang Shang restrained his mind, calmed down, nodded and said: "That's right. There are always more ways than difficulties, so take your time."

"Jiang Shang?!"

Suddenly, a shout full of surprise came from not far away, and the three immediately turned their heads to look.

I saw, among a group of monks in simple clothes, a burly young man with a handsome face was striding towards this side with a big smile, his eyes flickering with surprise on his face.

A group of monks who were traveling with this person suddenly looked towards this side.The eyes of several old men lit up, as if they had thought of something, they whispered to each other, and looked up at Jiang Shang from time to time.

Seeing this person's face clearly, Jiang Shang immediately let down his vigilance, and said with a smile: "Brother Gu, it's been a long time."

Both Heiying and Heiying also knew this person, the alien supreme in the Xuanyuan world, named Gu Teng.Back then, when the world was fighting for the top, this person was also an unrivaled arrogance in Xuanyuan.It's just that compared with Jiang Shang, his brilliance is much dimmed.

In the whole Xuanyuan world and even in the extraterrestrial starry sky, who would dare to compete with Jiang Shang among the geniuses of the younger generation?Which one is not worthy of being a genius when meeting him?

When meeting an old friend in a foreign country, some pleasantries are naturally indispensable.

Gu Teng never thought that he would meet Jiang Shang, a monstrous genius, in Mirror Moon City under the rule of Golden Wolf Ancient Region.In addition, the two came out of Xuanyuan together, and they are both the arrogance of the world. He also admires Jiang Shang, so he naturally has a lot to say.

Gu Teng introduced his clan elders to Jiang Shang and the others, and everyone had heard about this powerful Xuanyuan taboo body for a long time, and they came forward to greet each other.

Afterwards, Gu Teng said: "Since I have come to Mirror Moon City, and I am reunited with an old friend, how can I not entertain them well. Elders, I will trouble you for today's matter."

An old man from the Skywolf tribe smiled and said, "Go and entertain the three of you, Jiang Shang, and I'll be there soon."

The three of Jiang Shang followed Guteng and left the square, took a beautiful flying boat, and left the northern area of ​​the city.

The flying boat galloped in the air, and the mountains, rivers and rivers below quickly receded.

Inside the cabin, Gu Teng held the wine glass with a look of surprise, and said with emotion: "Hey, there were so many arrogance back then, and we were waiting for the wind and clouds. It's just that it's a great pity that I couldn't witness your last peerless demeanor."

After finishing speaking, Gu Teng asked with doubts: "But Brother Jiang, why did you come to Mirror Moon City? You know, this is the Golden Wolf Ancient Realm! The human monks who came from the lower realms all went to Qingtian Realm. There are hundreds of millions of miles between these two places."

Jiang Shang shook his head and sighed: "It's a long story, it's hard to explain it in one word! To put it simply, I encountered an accident during the transmission, was hit by a storm in the starry sky, and deviated from the intended transmission destination..."

Jiang Shang briefly explained the matter, with a wry smile on his face.

Gu Teng sighed in admiration: "Brother Jiang, I have to say, you guys are so lucky! You are safe and sound when you encounter a storm in the starry sky... Tsk tsk!"

Jiang Shang smiled and said, "Brother Gu, why are you here?"

Gu Teng drank the wine in the cup and said: "My Sirius clan belongs to the same branch as the Chijin Sirius clan. It's just that the blood of the Golden Wolf clan is purer. Moreover, in this hundred thousand miles mirror In Moon City, I, Sirius One, are one of the most powerful clans, and can be regarded as a relatively powerful force in Moon City."

Jiang Shang raised his brows and said with a smile: "So, Brother Gu is the boss here?"

"Haha, that's true." Gu Teng smiled and asked, "Brother Jiang, what are you doing in the Teleportation Hall in the North District today?"

Jiang Shang immediately interrupted his desire to go to Qingtianyu, and told him from beginning to end.

Gu Teng pondered and said: "If you want to go to Qingtian Territory, the teleportation array is not the only way to go."


Getting off the flying boat, the three of them followed Gu Teng to a mansion, passed through many Langyuans, and entered a quiet courtyard.Gu Teng ordered his servants to buy food and wine, and they had a long talk by candlelight.

This conversation covered many topics and involved many aspects.

From the Human King Conference in the lower realm, the fairy gate of mythology, to how Guteng came to the heavenly realm, and then broke through to the realm of the three immortals;
From the status of the Sirius clan in Mirror Moon City, to the relationship between the various forces in Mirror Moon City;
There is also the Golden Dragon List of Ten Thousand Races that has made Jiang Shang famous in the lower realms for a long time.

Among them, there are two pieces of information that are quite important to Jiang Shang.

One is another way to go to Qingtian Domain.The second is the selection contest for the Golden Dragon Ranking of Ten Thousand Races in the Heaven Realm, which is about to kick off.

To go to the Qingtian Territory, apart from direct teleportation through the teleportation array, there is another way, that is, the merchant team between the realms.

Gu Teng introduced: "Usually the teleportation array to the Qingtian Territory is expensive and prohibitive. Except for those big powers and big chambers of commerce, no one is willing to spend this [-] crystals. And the merchants in the domain are all big chambers of commerce. A joint formation, with expert protection among them. If you can join such a caravan, you can also reach Qingtianyu. The only disadvantage is that the destination of the caravan may be different from where you want to go."

At the same time, Gu Teng also said.Merchant between domains usually only happens once every ten years.It is less than two years before the next caravan departs.Gu Teng suggested that the three of Jiang Shang stay in Mirror Moon City for the time being and be guests in his tribe.When the time is up, it is not too late to leave.

Jiang Shang also felt that this suggestion was very good, so he nodded and agreed, and thanked Gu Teng.

As for the battle to delete the Ten Thousand Races Golden Dragon List, Gu Teng didn't say much.Just to clarify, the opening of the deletion contest is not far away, and you will know when the time comes.

After drinking to his heart's content, Gu Teng was so drunk that he staggered away.

After his figure disappeared, the drunkenness in Hei Ying's eyes disappeared instantly, and he said in a low voice: "My lord, it seems that Gu Teng's life was not satisfactory after he came to the heaven! He is in the situation of the Sirius clan, not the one he seems to be in." So……"

Jiang Shang nodded, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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