Chapter 999

A big hand shone with divine light appeared, engulfed in the aura of Taotao Huangtian, and five avenues of the gods appeared on the fingers, the most reasonable lines!

"Hand of Huang Tian!"

Jiang Shang originally planned to let this person retreat. After all, he had just entered the secret realm and knew nothing about the surrounding terrain and hidden dangers, so he didn't want to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, this guy hiding in the dark is actually a brain!Knowing that he was invincible, he didn't retreat, but instead stalked him relentlessly.Now Jiang Shang was annoyed.

Before entering the teleportation array, he had murderous intentions towards Gu Zhen, and a cold murderous intent lingered in his heart.At this time, because of the anger in his heart, he released his murderous aura, and immediately displayed an unrivaled strong power and mighty power.

Tens of miles away from Jiang Shang, on top of a towering ancient tree, a young man in a green gown burst out with endless green light, and his aura was connected with the entire forest.

It's just that one of his arms was broken at the shoulder, like a broken dead branch, and no blood flowed out.

"Fighting geese all day long, but today I was injured by a guy in the realm of Immortal Two..." With the continuous emission of green light, his whole body seemed to turn into a dead tree in the shape of a human, and his breath was gradually covered by the aura of vegetation.

However, before he could finish speaking, he saw that the sky and the earth had been covered with white bones, and a towering giant palm covering the sky and the sun descended from the sky!

The violent coercion almost shattered the void, rumbled down, unstoppable!
"Hiss! Not good!" The dead tree-like figure suddenly let out a terrified roar, trying to avoid it, but it was too late.

There was an earth-shattering roar, and the jungle with a radius of thousands of feet was razed to the ground, and the huge palm prints directly smashed the ground into a deep pit.

Jiang Shang is like a god, wrapped in divine light, striding towards the sky.

Looking at the messy scene below, he released his divine sense to search, and couldn't help frowning, and said to himself: "Run away?"

Closing his eyes and carefully feeling the subtle changes in the surrounding jungle, a sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Shang's mouth: "The vegetation is full of energy, blending with the mountains and forests? Hehe, today is a lot of insight. Such a strange talent and supernatural power have never been seen before. See you..."

The voice was still floating in the air, the dense world of bones had dissipated into nothingness, and Jiang Shang's figure turned into a rainbow light, flying towards the distant mountain peak.

As soon as he entered the secret realm, he was ambushed.After making him angry, he turned around and ran away?

Jiang Shang has encountered such a person more than once.But he was able to escape without a trace so easily under his unrivaled supernatural power, this was the first one!
Hundreds of miles away from the jungle, near a majestic mountain peak, a young man in a green gown had a pale face, and his eyes were cold as he watched the rushing rainbow light.

He originally wanted to snatch a elixir quietly, but Jiang Shang suddenly fell from the sky, making him think that someone wanted to snatch the elixir, so he used his magical powers to attack Jiang Shang without hesitation.

But what he didn't expect was that Jiang Shang's strength was far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface, and he was extremely shocked by his strong fighting power.

He claims that he is not a proud and supreme being, but his cultivation has also entered the realm of the immortal three for many years, and he is even more miraculously gifted and supernatural. He merges mountains, rivers, plants and trees for his own use, which is hard to guard against.Ordinary monks are no match for him at all!
He never expected that not long after he entered the secret realm, he would meet a guy whose combat power was comparable to that of Immortal Four, but on the surface he only had a cultivation level of Immortal Two...

"I can't run anymore. This person's speed is too fast, I can't hide!" The young man in green had a wry smile on his face, but his eyes flickered endlessly. He stood still, gave up and continued to run.

The sky-piercing rainbow light came in an instant, Jiang Shang stood in the air, his eyes were cold and he said: "Aren't you running?"

The young man in green smiled wryly and shook his head, with a disheartened attitude, he said quite freely: "I thought he was a vulnerable guy, but I didn't expect to kick the iron plate this time. You have such strength and speed, I don't even I can't escape, and I can't hide my energy on the way to avoid your detection. Since I will be caught up by you sooner or later, why should I run?"

"Hehe, disregarding life and death?" Jiang Shang didn't let him go, and sneered, "Then I'll give you a ride!"

The momentum is soaring, containing unparalleled killing power.All of a sudden, there was a thunderstorm between the sky and the earth, and strong winds blew up everywhere.The bones spread under Jiang Shang's feet, and the Taotao River of bones poured down, falling straight to the sky.

Taotao torrent, majestic and vast!
The expression of the young man in green suddenly became cold and resentful, he stretched out his palms, and the green light soared to the sky.A piece of black wood with more than half an inch was held in his hand, exuding ancient aura and overflowing with divine light.

I saw words in his mouth, and he uttered obscure spells, as if praying for a sacrifice, with extremely pious eyes in his cold eyes, and his voice became louder and louder, making the surrounding air vibrate endlessly.

Amidst the soaring green light, the sound of a deep roar pierced through the void, and a phantom of an ancient god evolved from vegetation emerged, holding a black spear, bow and arrow, and launched a berserk attack!

The Taotao vegetation essence gathers from all directions, and the whole land is like a raging sea, the soil is rolling and boiling, and the mountains are falling and the ground is cracking.

The Tianhe River is full of bones, and the torrent plummets straight to the sky, like the Milky Way rewinding. It has great destructive power and is unstoppable!

The endless green light soaring into the sky is like a huge tree that grows extremely fast, and under the protection of many phantoms of vegetation, gods and spirits, it goes straight to the sky!
The two inevitably collided violently, like a thunderbolt furious, exploding in the sky.The place where the two of them were, the surrounding mountains, rivers, vegetation, jungle, earth and rocks all turned into nothingness in an instant.

Above the sky, there is a dense world of bones, blocking the world, and rippling with endless aura of gods and demons.

Among the ruins of the earth, mountains and rivers, the green sea of ​​waves is rolling endlessly, and the rich essence of vegetation is constantly gathering from all directions.The vegetation in the jungle hundreds of miles away quickly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then completely turned into dust.

There was a flash of surprise in Jiang Shang's eyes, staring at the half-inch black ancient wood, thousands of thoughts were flying in his mind.

In Mozu's memory, there are many things about the essence of plants and trees, but Jiang Shang was a little surprised by the magical effect of this piece of black wood.

"What is the origin of this black wood chip? It actually contains such terrifying energy?" At this time, Jiang Shang's curiosity about the black wood chip was far greater than the origin of the young man in green.

A picture flashed in my mind. This picture came from the deep memory of the Demon Ancestor and belonged to an extremely ancient legend.Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he said to himself: "If it is really a fragment of that divine object, then it will be interesting!"

The green light flashed below, and the gods of plants and trees roared together, and they merged into one in an instant, turning into an ancient god and demon in green robes, with big hands in the air, and grabbed Jiang Shang fiercely!

(End of this chapter)

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