Chapter 1025 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 48 [Fanwai 212]

After arriving in the room, Ji Yue immediately closed the door.

Ye Weishang looked at Jun Chenghuan anxiously, "Huanhuan, what are you going to do?"

"Ling'er, give him the clothes."

"Yes, Sister Cheng Huan." Ling'er gave Ye Weishang a cold look, and stuffed the clothes she was holding into his arms.

Ye Weishang looked at the women's clothing in his hand, and was stunned, "Huanhuan, what are you doing?"

"Go and change."

"Huanhuan, this is women's clothing." Ye Weishang reminded her.

Jun Chenghuan nodded, "Don't worry, this is your size, you can wear it."

"Even if I can wear it, I... I can't wear it either." Ye Weishang looked at her pitifully in a dilemma.

"Aren't you the most coquettish and coquettish, I will help you!"

Ye Weishang directly winked at Jun Chenghuan, "But, I just want to be coquettish to you, to be coquettish to you."

"Hey, it's so disgusting!" Ling'er stroked her arm directly, "The big man is delicate, like a woman, and he is not ashamed!"

"You don't need to worry about our husband and wife's affairs!" Ye Weishang gave her an angry look.

The word "husband and wife" immediately hit Jun Chenghuan's back, and she frowned, "Enough!"

"Huanhuan, don't be so fierce, a husband and wife can be kind for a hundred days, not to mention, we just kissed last night..."

After the words fell, everyone in the room looked at Jun Chenghuan, as if they were asking whether the matter was true or not.

Unprepared, Jun Chenghuan blushed slightly.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yue couldn't help but widen her eyes.

He has been with the princess for so many years, and today is the first time he saw her blush.

It seems that what Ye Weishang said is true!

It's really... a good cabbage was arched by a pig!

"Ye Weishang, you dare to take advantage of Cheng Huan's sister, I'll kill you!" Ling'er rushed towards Ye Weishang.

"Stop her, stop her quickly, crazy woman!" Ye Weishang hurriedly hid behind Jun Chenghuan.

"Go and change!" Jun Chenghuan's brows were throbbing, and there was a sudden pain.

She said, and kicked Ye Weishang into the room, "If you don't change it, don't come out!"

"Okay, I listen to Huanhuan."

Hearing the voice from the bedroom, Ling'er punched the door, "Damn man!"

She spoke and walked in front of Jun Chenghuan, "Sister Chenghuan, this man is too cheap, so weak, did you two really..."

"Enough, don't mention this matter again!" Jun Chenghuan gritted his teeth.

"Yes." Ling'er was too scared to look at her.

Not long after, Ye Weishang opened the door.

Cloud temples and emei, peach blossoms and beautiful eyes, full of demons and charms.

The small nose is straight and upturned, coupled with the red lips that are not spotty, it looks like a fairy walking out of a portrait!
No, it's a monster!
The kind of evildoer who is very captivating!
And the pink smoked gauze dress he was wearing made him even more charming.

Several people in the room stared blankly.

A look of amazement flashed unconsciously in Jun Chenghuan's eyes, and his eyes did not move away from him for a long time.

Linger on the side exclaimed directly, "What a beautiful vixen!"

"Huanhuan, do I look good?" Ye Weishang said, winking at Jun Chenghuan.

Jun Chenghuan ignored him, and told Jiyue, "Go and call Yiming."

"Yes, princess!"

Soon, Jiyue brought Yiming to the room.

Jun Chenghuan glanced at Ye Weishang and asked him, "Do you recognize this person?"

Yiming shook his head, "Princess Linglong, when did we have such a girl in our village?"

He stared at Ye Weishang, his eyes straightened.

Jun Chenghuan nodded in satisfaction.

That's right, even his close body guards couldn't tell, so it was even more impossible for others to guess his identity.

Seeing Yiming's straight look, Ye Weishang's eyes were filled with coldness, "Yiming, is Gu good looking?"

"Master...Master?" Yi Ming's eyes widened in shock.

Ye Weishang's eyes turned cold, "Open your dog eyes and take a good look, who is it if it's not the lonely king?"

Yiming was so frightened that he immediately knelt on the ground, "This subordinate deserves to die, this subordinate deserves to die, please forgive me..."

"Get up!" Ye Weishang said coldly.

Yi Ming was frightened into a cold sweat, and after he got up, he no longer dared to look directly at that cheek that brought disaster to the country and the people.

This shade is too big!

"Huanhuan, are you satisfied with my appearance?" Ye Weishang turned to face Jun Chenghuan, and instantly became obedient.

Yiming: "..."

This huge contrast is really going to blind his dog's eyes!

Without opening his mouth, Jun Chenghuan took out the iron mask that Ye Weishang often wore from behind, and put it on his face.

"From now on, I will be Shang Weiye, the head of Heifengzhai!"

"Then what about me?" Ye Weishang was stunned.

Only then did he realize that Jun Chenghuan was wearing men's clothes today, and he was dressed like a man.

Even her height has increased a lot.

"What do you think?" Jun Chenghuan gave him a cold look.

I don't know if it's because of the iron mask, but her eyes are extremely cold.

"I know, I am your Mrs. Yazhai..."

Ye Weishang leaned directly into Jun Chenghuan's arms, almost hanging himself completely on her body.

"Bah, shameless!" Ling'er spat angrily.

"Master, if you don't have any orders, the subordinates will go down first." Yi Ming felt that everything in front of him was too eye-catching, so he had better not look at it.

"You can go down!" Ye Weishang waved his hand, signaling him to leave quickly.

He even hoped that other idlers in the room would go out together, so as not to disturb his intimacy with Jun Chenghuan!

"Ye Weishang, you respect yourself!" Jun Chenghuan threw him away.

"I hate it, people don't call her Ye Weishang now, they call her Huanhuan..." Ye Weishang leaned closer to her facelessly.

"Hey, it's disgusting. It's a pity that you didn't go to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion back then!" Hearing Ye Weishang acting coquettishly, Ling'er almost vomited out her morning meal.

"Princess, this subordinate has to go out first." Ji Yue said that he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, Jiyue, don't go..." Ling'er hurriedly stopped him.

Seeing Jiyue running away in a hurry, she stamped her feet immediately.

Turning around and seeing Ye Weishang, she also felt that her eyes were too hot, and she wished she could leave too.

But thinking that leaving Jun Chenghuan alone in the room would be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, she felt worried again.

"Ling'er, go out too." Jun Chenghuan ordered lightly.

"Sister Cheng Huan, he..." Ling'er pointed at Ye Weishang with resentment on his face.

"Nothing, you go, I have something to tell him."

"Alright then." Ling'er left worriedly.

After the few people left, Ye Weishang immediately closed the door, "These people who are in the way are finally gone!"

"Sit." Jun Chenghuan knocked on the table, motioning him to sit opposite.

"Huanhuan, I want to sit with you..."

Seeing Jun Chenghuan frowned, Ye Weishang didn't dare to make a mistake, and said as usual: "Huanhuan, why did you suddenly make me dress like this?"

"The plan has changed, and I want to use another method."

"Another way is that you pretend to be me and I pretend to be a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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