Chapter 1057 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 80 [Fanwai 244]

Jun Chenghuan glanced at the censer with aphrodisiac incense rising in the hall, and walked in.

When Li Mei saw her, she stopped singing immediately.

Ye Weishang tapped his fingertips in harmony with the singing, and after Xiaoquer stopped, he frowned in displeasure, "Continue."

"Your Majesty..." Li Mei looked at Jun Chenghuan with dissatisfaction.

Ye Weishang narrowed his eyes and looked at Jun Chenghuan, as if he had just noticed her, "What are you doing here looking for the lonely king?"

Jun Chenghuan didn't speak, but glanced at the door lightly.

Ye Weishang immediately waved his hand, signaling the maid outside to close the door, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, this man is so ignorant." Li Mei slightly pursed her red lips, dissatisfied with being coquettish.

"What, the beauty is angry?" Ye Weishang spoke in a charming manner.

The coquettish peach blossom eyes are full of affection, and the tenderness seems to be overflowing.

Jun Chenghuan frowned subconsciously, and hurriedly looked away.

At this moment, Li Mei's aggrieved voice came over, "I am not angry, but I am afraid of disturbing the king's interest."

"The Lonely King likes your understanding." Ye Weishang smiled charmingly, taking his soul away.

Li Mei lowered her head shyly when she heard the words, "In that case, the king will let her go out, so we can continue."

She looked at that astonished cheek, and her heart jumped wildly.

Even though his face was full of sickness, he still couldn't hide his elegance.

Although she was ordered to kill him, she was fascinated by him and fell in love with him from the first moment she saw him.

Now, she has already forgotten the things Taiping Hou explained to her, her eyes are full of her heart, and she wants to stay with him for the rest of her life.

Ye Weishang looked at Jun Chenghuan lightly, "Why are you looking for the lonely king?"

The man's voice was cold, and he looked at her as if he was looking at a stranger.

Jun Chenghuan felt inexplicably stagnant, a little astringent.

She looked at the drunken man in front of her without blinking, and for a moment she couldn't tell who was the real him from the stern-faced him in the past and the cold him at this moment.

I knew before that in order to control him, Marquis Taiping stuffed a lot of women into the southern border palace, and he handled it with ease.

Now, seeing this scene with her own eyes, she saw his ability, as if she got to know him again.

Just one look can captivate people's souls, fascinate them into obsession, and make them fall in love with him.

And he is so gentle and pampering to every woman, he can be called a master in love.

Then is he acting to her?
Thinking of this, Jun Chenghuan frowned slightly, and without looking at Ye Weishang, he walked up to Li Mei with a cold expression.

"You, what do you want to do?" Li Meiren subconsciously said.

A cold look flashed across Jun Chenghuan's eyes, and as soon as he raised his hand, he knocked him out.

Immediately, two silver needles were shot out from her fingertips, and they shot directly towards the door.

With a "plop", the two little maids guarding outside fell down.

Without any hesitation, Jun Chenghuan extinguished the aphrodisiac incense in the incense burner with the tea on the table.

As soon as he raised his eyes, the man on the couch looked at her with burning eyes, changing from the coldness just now.

"Huanhuan, why are you here?"


Jun Chenghuan replied coldly, and was about to turn out from the window.

With a flash, Ye Weishang came behind her and protected her, "Since you're here, don't leave, stay with me."

Seeing the man's rambunctious appearance, Jun Chenghuan suddenly frowned.

"Don't frown, I don't have other people's rouge smell on me, I only have you in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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