Chapter 1062 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 86 [Fanwai 250]

Hearing this sentence, Ling'er looked at the snack in his hand again, and suddenly felt dull.

"Are you still eating?" Jun Chenghuan closed the file and handed it over.

Ling'er shook her head, and reluctantly took the file, "Sister Chenghuan, I hate you!"

"I've stayed in Taipinghou Mansion for the past two days. Before I leave, you need to record all the information from these days and I'll check it."

"What information?" Ling'er frowned when she heard this, with a look of reluctance.

Jun Chenghuan's face became a little more serious, "Marquis Taiping's preferences, habits, places he frequents, and the people he comes into contact with."

"Sister Cheng Huan, I'm here to play you, Princess Linglong, I can't follow that Tu Feiyuan to investigate him, it's against the rules."

"How to get this information, I have to figure out a way for myself, and I will see the result in three days." Jun Chenghuan's tone was cold, and there was no room for discussion.

Ling'er pursed her lips unhappily, but still nodded, "Sister Chenghuan, I understand."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang San ran back in a hurry, "Princess, there is something wrong with that corpse!"

"What's wrong?" Jun Chenghuan raised his eyes.

"Princess, that person has been dead for three hours, but looking at the body, it seems that he has been dead for more than a day, and now the body has begun to stink."

"I'll go and have a look." Jun Chenghuan said as he walked towards the door.

Linger followed immediately, "Sister Chenghuan, I'm still pretending to be sick..."

"I'll go and see the situation, you just lie down."

Linger nodded, "Be careful."

The corpse was placed in the servant's room at this time, and no one approached because of the stench of the corpse.

Even the guards outside covered their mouths and noses, looking disgusted.

Jun Chenghuan walked to the door and said coldly, "The princess is unwell and cannot perform an autopsy. Let me come over to have a look and invite Lord Hou here."

Not long after, Taiping Hou came to the servant's room with a big belly.

He saw Jun Chenghuan frowned calmly, "Master Jiyue, the princess is not here, can you...can you? I was afraid that the body would be destroyed, so I didn't ask Wu for an autopsy, but I was waiting for the princess."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang San explained: "Jiyue has been with our princess the longest time. In our Dali Temple, besides the princess, he has the best autopsy skills."


Seeing Hou Taiping's hesitation, Jun Chenghuan's eyes flashed coldly, "Why, Hou Taiping doesn't believe me?"


"Then why are you still hesitating?"

Marquis Taiping narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and stretched out his hand to Jun Chenghuan, "Master Jiyue, please."

Jun Chenghuan nodded slightly, and walked into the servant's room.

The deceased was the guard of Taipinghou's mansion, and one of Taipinghou's most trusted secret guards.

When Heiying found out that this person was a spy sent by Ye Weishang, he killed him mercilessly.

After that, the body has been thrown in the servant's room.

The moment the door opened, a smell of corpses filled the nostrils.

Jun Chenghuan, Zhang San and Li Si all looked as usual, but Tai Pinghou frowned, almost wanting to gag.

"If Hou Taiping is unwell, you can go out and wait." Zhang San said lightly.

"No problem." Hou Taiping waved his hand and followed Jun Chenghuan directly.

When he came to the corpse, Jun Chenghuan put on white cloth gloves, inspected it, and asked casually, "When did the deceased die?"

"Master Jiyue came to do the autopsy, can't he find out the time of his death?" Taipinghou asked suspiciously.

"I want to know your answer." Jun Chenghuan raised his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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