Chapter 1069 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 93 [Fanwai 257]

"Princess, I know that this case has not been filed in Dali Temple. It is against the rules for you to take over rashly, and this request is even more abrupt. But the southern border is far away, and there are not many capable people. Now only you can solve it." In this case, I beg you, please help Mr. Jia so that he won't come to the house every day to cry..."

Taiping Hou said he was about to kneel down, but his stomach was too big, so he knelt down twice without success.

For a while, he didn't kneel, and he didn't kneel, and the situation was very embarrassing.

Seeing his clumsy appearance, Ling'er almost laughed out loud.

This soil fat circle has become much rounder recently, it seems that he has been living a very comfortable life recently!
When she raised her eyes, Hou Taiping was still kneeling there with difficulty, she couldn't stand it anymore, and gave her a look to her side.

Zhang San immediately understood, and raised his hand to help him up, "Master Hou, don't be too polite."

"Princess, look at this..."

Ling'er looked cold, "I can't help you."

The hope in Taipinghou's eyes gradually dissipated, and he glanced at Shangguanyu calmly.

"Princess Linglong, you have repeatedly refused to handle the case. Could it be that you are not as good as the rumors say, so is it true that you can judge cases like a god?"

When Zhang San and Li Si heard the words, they immediately became angry, frowned and looked at Shang Guanyu, "Presumptuous, how dare you disrespect the princess?"

"Bastard, how dare you talk to the princess like that, why don't you apologize to the princess!" Taiping Hou snapped.

Shangguan Yu bowed immediately, "The humble official speaks without restraint, please don't blame the princess."

Ling'er waved her hand and didn't care, "It's okay, it's just that I won't take this case."

"Princess Linglong..."

Just as Hou Taiping was about to speak, Jiyue hurried over.

After saluting, he handed a letter to Linger, "Princess, this is a letter from the imperial capital, written by the emperor himself."

Ling'er nodded slightly, and took it over.

Seeing this, Marquis Taiping locked the letter calmly.

Ling'er opened the envelope directly in front of everyone, and began to browse.

Taipinghou immediately stretched his neck, as if he really wanted to know what was written on it.

Ling'er saw half of it, suddenly raised her eyes, and swept towards the opposite side.

Hou Taiping's heart skipped a beat, and just about to open his mouth, Ling'er lowered his eyes and continued to read the letter.

He had no choice but to wait.

After a cup of tea, Ling'er finally finished reading the letter and took back the envelope.

She twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, then looked at Taipinghou with unsatisfactory eyes, but did not express any words.

Taiping Hou was immediately sweated by her.

In an instant, his heart was hoisted up, up and down.

What exactly does this Linglong princess mean? Did the emperor mention him in the letter?

Shangguan Yu glanced lightly at the tormented Taiping Hou, and suppressed a smile in his heart.

I didn't expect Linger, a bluffing little girl, to have such a powerful side.

After today's events, I'm afraid Taiping Hou will not be able to sleep at night.

In this way, he should not have the energy to investigate Ling'er's identity for a while.

"It's getting late, I won't bother you anymore, and I'll take my leave."

Ling'er said, put the letter into her sleeve, and walked away.

Taipinghou suddenly became anxious, "Princess Linglong..."

"Master Hou, is there anything else?" Ling'er paused.

"Princess, just now, the letter from the emperor just now..." Hou Taiping did not hold his breath after all.

Ling'er raised her eyebrows slightly, "Why, Lord Hou wants to read my father's letter?"

"No, I dare not..."

"Then I'll take my leave." Ling'er stalked away.

(End of this chapter)

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