Chapter 1078 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 102 [Fanwai 266]

"Of course." Shangguan Yu laughed.

"Great!" Ling'er rejoiced.

There will be snacks in the future!
When she smiled, her eyes were bent into crescent moons, very cute.

Shangguan Yu looked at her and couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Yu, you look so pretty when you smile." Ling'er said with a smile.

Although he promised not to make it difficult for him to be his brother-in-law, it was a pity when he thought about it.

Ye Weishang, that scoundrel, how could brother Yu love others!
She didn't know how much her casual words caused waves in Shangguan Yu's heart.

A slight blush appeared on his face.

He coughed lightly, trying to hide his nervousness at the moment.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from outside, followed by the voice of Marquis Taiping, "Where did the black shadow go?"

"Back to Lord Hou, this subordinate just saw Mr. Black Shadow, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Ling'er widened her eyes in panic when she heard the words, "No, it's Tu Feiyuan who is here! Brother Yu, let's go!"

They are only separated from Taiping Hou by a wooden door, as long as he takes a step forward, he can see them!

If he finds out that the two of them meet secretly here, their identities will be exposed!

"Come with me!"

Shangguan Yu also knew that the matter was important, so he didn't dare to delay for a moment, he hugged Ling'er in a flash, and his figure disappeared.

As soon as they left, Marquis Taiping came over with his dark guards, "Hurry up and look for Hei Ying, the Marquis is in a hurry to find him!"

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

At this time, Shangguan Yu held Ling'er and hid in the gap between the two laundry rooms, very concealed.

However, because of the small space, the bodies of the two are tightly attached to each other, and they are very intimate!

Breathing the sweet fragrance from the girl's body, Shangguan Yu's hands broke out in a thin layer of sweat, and his nervous heart beat faster.


Listening to the approaching footsteps, Ling'er looked ahead without blinking, and her two little hands couldn't help grasping the clothes in front of Shangguan Yu.

Her grasping made the already nervous Shangguan Yu's heart beat even harder.

Her chin was pressed against her smooth forehead, and it seemed that even her breathing became short of breath.

Just when he was suffering, the hidden guard finally walked over from here, "Master Hou, he is not here."

"Then look elsewhere!" Hou Taiping said coldly, and then left with a big belly.

Soon, the hidden guard followed him out.

"Finally gone!"

Ling'er relaxed and leaned into Shangguan Yu's arms.

She didn't notice anything wrong, and stretched out her hands to him, "Look, Brother Yu, my nervous hands are sweating! It was too dangerous just now, we were almost discovered !"

"Yes, yes, it's too dangerous."

Shangguan Yu's nervousness had nothing to do with Taipinghou, it was always brought to him by her.

From the moment the two hugged each other tightly, his heartbeat never stopped.

Ling'er soon discovered this, and immediately comforted her, "Brother Yu, your heart is beating so fast, are you afraid?"

Shangguan Yu didn't know how to answer.

Just when she opened her mouth, Linger's soft voice came over, "Brother Yu, don't be afraid, Tu Feiyuan has already left."

"Well, I'm not afraid." Shangguan Yu looked at her without blinking.

Ling'er's eyes trembled when she was watched, and her calm heart beat twice violently, breaking all the peace.

In the heart, it seems that something has washed away the ripples.

She hurriedly left the gap, "Brother Yu, Tu Feiyuan is looking for you, you should go there quickly, I should go back too, lest he find out about my flaws."

"Go ahead and be careful yourself."

Ling'er nodded, "I'll go first, Brother Yu remember to come to me when you have time."

Looking at the girl's agile figure, Shangguan Yu unconsciously formed a smile.

It seems that the sweet fragrance is still lingering in the nose at this time.


Southern Border Palace.

After the heavy rain, the air is fresh.

The next day, after Jun Chenghuan got up and opened the window, he immediately felt refreshed.

Just after eating breakfast, Yiming came over in a hurry.

Seeing his eager steps, Jun Chenghuan's heart skipped a beat, and he asked eagerly, "Did something happen to him there?"

"It's not the king, it's Fengyun! News of Fengyun's death came out early this morning!"

Jun Chenghuan frowned suddenly, "How is he?"

Ye Weishang was just taken to Fengyun yesterday, but today Fengyun died suddenly.

Obviously, Fengyun's death was the work of Ye Weishang!
If she could guess it, so could Fenglei.

Then, after Fengyun's death, Ye Weishang's situation will only be more ominous than ominous!
"Princess, don't worry, Fengyun not only met the king yesterday, but also Marquis Taiping!" Yiming reminded.

Jun Chenghuan was a little relieved when he heard the words.

This man Ye Weishang is really cunning!
If there was Taiping Hou as a scapegoat, his sense of existence would be greatly reduced.

In addition, Marquis Taiping had just killed a hidden guard of Fenglei a few days ago, so killing Fengyun was a matter of course.

"I see, you go and watch the situation over there, if there is any accident, report it immediately!"

"Yes, princess." Yi Ming left in a hurry.

Actually, he didn't tell her all the situation on the king's side just now.

Although Fenglei suspects that Marquis Taiping killed Fengyun, but he has anger in his heart, so everyone who has contact with Fengyun will be rewarded with [-] boards, even the king is no exception.

He didn't say it because he didn't want her to worry.

What the king said before he left was right. Although this Princess Linglong had a cold face, her heart was soft.

She will miss him and feel sorry for him!

He thought, Princess Linglong has fallen in love with his king!
However, he didn't know that Jun Chenghuan was able to guess Ye Weishang's beating.

In this matter, even if he is a trivial person, he will not be spared!

Looking at the good weather outside the window, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

I don't know since when, she has liked to worry about that man.

Apart from her relatives, Ye Weishang is the only person who makes her worry about her!
After an unknown amount of time, Qingqian walked over eagerly, with worry on her face.

"Your Majesty, something has happened!"

"What's wrong?" Jun Chenghuan turned around.

"Two court ladies died in the palace last night."

Jun Chenghuan frowned immediately, "Have you checked it?"

Qingqian nodded, "I have seen it, and I have no abnormal thoughts. I heard from other people that these two people died of typhoid fever. Princess, this servant knows that you are the minister of Dali Temple, and you have excellent autopsy skills, so I came here to look for you, you Looking at the two maids, do you want an autopsy?"

Jun Chenghuan nodded, "You order to go down and throw the corpse out, and then you secretly bring the corpse back to me."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this servant understands." Qingqian took the order and left.

Jun Chenghuan glanced out the window, the originally good weather suddenly turned into a storm.

(End of this chapter)

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