Chapter 1081 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 105 [Fanwai 269]

However, Linger is different.

She has long been used to Gu worms, and while studying the chubby worms, she ate them with relish.

"What kind of Gu insect is this?"

"Fatty chubby." Ling'er replied casually, and then stuffed candied fruit into her mouth.

Jun Chenghuan: "...variety."

"Brain-eating Gu, also known as Golden Silkworm Gu, is somewhat similar to the Silver Silkworm Gu that the emperor's aunt investigated back then, but it is different. This Golden Silkworm Gu is the most overbearing Gu in southern Xinjiang, because they have a strong reproductive ability. The scary point. After they enter the human body, they will live in the blood vessels at the beginning. When the time is ripe, they will climb to the heart to lay eggs and give birth to the next generation. Once the blood clots, that is, after death, they will enter the human brain , eating brains. This is a clever Gu worm!"

Jun Chenghuan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this sentence, "They will lay eggs in... the human body?"

Ling'er nodded, "This kind of Gu worm often lays eggs more than once. Under normal circumstances, a female Gu worm will lay eggs seven times in a lifetime."

Jun Chenghuan's heart sank even more.

Thinking of Ye Weishang, her heart felt as if a caterpillar had crawled over her, and goose bumps appeared all over her body.

Ling'er noticed what was wrong with her, and said with concern, "Sister Chenghuan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Jun Chenghuan said lightly, but his eyes were tightly locked on the Gu worm that Ling'er was pinching.

Ling'er didn't notice her subtle changes, and continued to introduce her, "This Gu worm is very easy to be infected, that is to say, once a person is planted with this Gu worm, it is easy to infect other people. Sometimes, two people don't know each other. Be careful if you touch your hands, you may be infected."

"How long does it take for the golden silkworm Gu to enter the human body to lay eggs?"

"The shortest is one month, and the longest is three months."

After the words fell, Jun Chenghuan frowned fiercely.

Linger finally saw it, "Sister Chenghuan, you are not worried about Ye Weishang, are you?"

Jun Chenghuan didn't answer, and continued to ask, "Did these two Gu worms lay eggs?"

"No, it looks like it has only been planted for more than ten days." Ling'er said as she crushed the chubby Gu worms, and pointed to the eggs inside to show Jun Chenghuan, "Sister Chenghuan, you can see that they are all here. "

Jun Chenghuan's stomach suddenly churned.

However, Ling'er's mood was not affected in any way, and she kept nibbling melon seeds with the other hand.

"After falling into Gu, what are the symptoms?"

"I can't eat, I can't sleep at night, I lose weight rapidly, and I can lose a small waist in three days. By the way, the complexion of the general Gu people is sallow, and they look like refugees."

Jun Chenghuan nodded slightly, "Either deal with the Gu worms, or don't eat them."

Her stomach was churning so badly she was about to throw up.

Dissecting a rotting corpse has never been so disgusting.

"Okay, okay, I won't eat now." Ling'er was helpless.

Every time she had an autopsy, she was so disgusted that she couldn't eat, okay?
Jun Chenghuan lifted his robe and sat on the couch, "Does the Marquis of Taiping doubt your identity now?"

Ling'er washed her hands and said, "Yes, I tried it once, but I can't figure out where I was exposed."

"I'm afraid he will make another move tomorrow."

"What? Are you still here? Is it over?" Ling'er frowned suddenly.

Jun Chenghuan took off his night clothes, "I will stay here tonight."

"Really?" Ling'er came to the bed excitedly upon hearing this, and couldn't help but want to give her a big bear hug.

Jun Chenghuan hurriedly avoided, "Don't sleep without washing."

"I've already washed it, you can smell it delicious!" Ling'er immediately raised her watery little hand.

"Go wash again." Jun Chenghuan said with a blank expression, and then took off his clothes.

"Okay." Ling'er pursed her lips unhappily.

Even though she washed her hands several times and used saponins, Jun Chenghuan still refused her approach, "Stay away from me."

Ling'er was very bold, and directly stretched out her little hand to Jun Chenghuan's arms, and hugged her with a smile, "Sister Chenghuan, don't do this, I don't dislike the smell of corpses on your body, and you don't dislike me either."

Jun Chenghuan: "..."

"Sister Chenghuan, we haven't slept together for many years. I really miss when I was a child, I lived in your palace and slept in your bed..." Ling'er rambled about the past.

"You still snatched my quilt at night." Jun Chenghuan said quietly.

Ling'er immediately pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, "Sister Chenghuan, why do you still hold grudges!"

"If you grab my quilt again, I will throw you down."

Ling'er was not afraid of her threat at all, and desperately stabbed into her arms, "I don't want to go down, I want to hug Sister Chenghuan!"

The night is getting darker.

The two fell asleep in each other's arms, hugging each other tightly, with the corners of their mouths slightly hooked.

This scene seemed to return to my childhood.


The next morning.

When Ling'er woke up rubbing her eyes, Jun Chenghuan had already sat down and washed up, and sat aside to check her files.

"Sister Chenghuan, this is not in Dali Temple, why are you still up so early?" Linger muttered in confusion.

"Time to wake up."

"Wait a while, wait a little longer..." Ling'er lost her voice as she spoke, leaving only the sound of even breathing.

Jun Chenghuan shook his head helplessly, found the couch, and directly dragged him up, "If you don't get up again, the Marquis of Taiping will be here soon."

"I'll get up, I'll get up now..." Ling'er struggled to sit up from the couch.

As a result, halfway through her clothes, she fell asleep sitting up.

"Knock knock knock..."

At this moment, Zhang San Li Si's voice came from outside, "Princess, breakfast is ready."

"Breakfast!" Ling'er opened her eyes instantly, and there was no pajamas left.

Jun Chenghuan: "..."

Ling'er hurriedly got dressed, didn't care about washing up, so she opened the door and took the food box over.

"Do you usually get up so late?" Jun Chenghuan asked.

"No, no, of course not. I usually get up very early, and... I often do morning exercises in the yard." Ling'er was so guilty that she didn't dare to look her in the eyes.

Jun Chenghuan looked her up and down, and couldn't help shaking his head, "There is a reason why Taipinghou doubted your identity."

"Sister Chenghuan, believe me, I'm not like this usually, it's not that we slept together last night, talked too late, and got up late today."

"Go wash up and eat quickly."

"Sister Chenghuan, why is your nasal voice so heavy? Is there something wrong? How about I ask Zhang San and Li Si to get you some medicine?" Ling'er had a strong desire to survive.

"Last night, you robbed my quilt."

Because it had just rained, it was still relatively cold at night.

"Sister Cheng Huan, you are so ruthless. Every time you say you want to grab your quilt again, you will kick me off, but you didn't kick me once." Ling'er couldn't help hugging her again.

Not long after the two of them had breakfast, Marquis Taiping came over, "I heard that the princess has caught a cold, so I came to visit."

(End of this chapter)

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