Chapter 1095 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 119 [Fanwai 283]

"You can even smell this?" Jun Chenghuan was surprised.

"Others can't smell it, but you, it's different."

Ye Weishang stared at her unblinkingly, "When I was a child, my mother once told me that a male wolf would recognize its female wolf by its smell, and would never forget it for the rest of its life. I do the same with you."

Regarding his words, Jun Chenghuan was very speechless, "You are the wolf."

Ye Weishang laughed slyly when he heard the words, "Is Huanhuan acquiescing to our relationship?"

"What's our relationship?" Jun Chenghuan frowned.

"Naturally, it's the kind of relationship that can't be seen."

Ye Weishang said and kissed her lightly, "Huanhuan, you are so cute."

"Ye Weishang, you..." Jun Chenghuan was about to get angry, but found that he didn't have much anger.

It seems that her temper has long been smoothed out by this rascal in front of her!
Ye Weishang took her hand with a stern face, "Huanhuan, you are doing well at the tea shop today, nothing happened, right?"

"No, is there a problem with this tea shop?"

"That's the secret property of the Feng family."

It was rare for Ye Weishang to be serious, "The tea shop is just across from Zhaixing Building. I won't tell you, but you understand their purpose."

"So they know that Zhaixing Building is your property?"

Ye Weishang nodded, "I can hide this old fox from Marquis Taiping, but the Feng family..."

Back then, the fact that Fenglei was able to escape from his hands without him noticing at all was enough to show his cunning!

"It turned out to be the Feng family."

A flash of blue clothes flashed in Jun Chenghuan's mind, "By the way, today I met the shopkeeper of the tea shop."

Ye Weishang immediately became vigilant when he heard the words, "And then?"

"He invited me to drink tea, but I refused."

Ye Weishang was slightly relieved, and held her in his arms domineeringly, "Huanhuan, you are mine."

"Ye Weishang..."

Seeing that she was impatient, Ye Weishang immediately covered his heart, " hurts so much here, it seems to be a poisonous poison..."

Jun Chenghuan mercilessly exposed his little trick, "Have you had enough trouble?"

Ye Weishang suddenly held her hand, looked at her affectionately, "Huanhuan, you like me too, don't you?"

Jun Chenghuan's heartstrings were immediately pulled, "I..."

"Don't rush to answer, just listen to me..."

Ye Weishang looked at her with burning eyes, "Huanhuan, during the few months we have been together, I have seen and remembered every little thing that happened. The changes you have made to me are even more unforgettable. Now, you don’t reject my hugs, kisses, and all intimate behaviors. We even shared the same bed that day. I know that you are a cold girl who often rejects people thousands of miles away. If you have not accepted it in your heart , you wouldn’t treat me like this, right? In fact, you already liked me, but you didn’t want to admit it. Huanhuan, I’m here now, don’t be afraid, you can face me calmly, face me To yourself, no need to run away from your heart..."

After hearing what he said, Jun Chenghuan felt as if someone had thrown a stone into Jun Chenghuan's peaceful mind.

It's hard to be calm for a long time.

Ye Weishang was interested in her from the beginning, and then fell in love with her...

Although she doesn't understand the situation, she is not blind.Therefore, she can see and know all these things.

But she never responded.

Indeed, as he said, she was avoiding his feelings for her, and she was also avoiding her own heart.

(End of this chapter)

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