Chapter 1126 Cheng Huan Ye Weishang 149 [Fanwai 313]


Jun Chenghuan opened his eyes with difficulty, and subconsciously covered his heart.

There, it seems that there is still a dull pain.

She remembered that in the evening, the Gu poison suddenly broke out, and she was in so much pain that she broke out in a cold sweat.

In the end, I still couldn't hold it back, and passed out from the pain.

At this time, it was dark, and she didn't know how long she had been in a coma, but the cold sweat on her body had already gone down.

However, the damp lock of black hair still sticks to the forehead.

It's just that without the sweat beads, it's hard to do.

He raised his hand and brushed his hair, then supported the bed with both hands, trying to get up.

However, after the Gu poison broke out, her whole body was sore and limp, and she couldn't get up.

Jun Chenghuan didn't insist, and continued to lie on the couch.

The window was half open, and the cool night breeze blew in, she suddenly felt a little cold, subconsciously pulled off the brocade quilt, and covered her body.

Outside, there was a dark night and a bright moonlight.

The moon is sinking in the west, and it seems that the day is about to dawn.

Unexpectedly, she fell into a coma all night.

The pain in her heart gradually disappeared, her consciousness gradually cleared up, and she no longer felt drowsy.

Listening to the wind outside the window, she suddenly thought of Ye Weishang.

She is not around, and I don't know if Qingqian can take good care of him.

The queen mother often said that she was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but she didn't take it seriously.

Now it seems that the one who knows her best is the queen mother.

She was right, although she had a cold temper, once her heart was warmed up, it could no longer cool down.

When I first met love, it turned out that I was so worried.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

In my mind, the figure of father, queen and mother flashed across.

As long as she can remember, her father and mother have always been loving.

Even after more than ten years, their attachment to each other is still not in the slightest.

Every day when the father came back from court, he would happily go back to Hanqing Palace to visit the queen mother.

The look of can't wait is like reunion after a long absence.

In his father's own words, if he doesn't see her for a day, it's like three autumns. If he doesn't see the shadow of his mother for a while, it seems that something is missing in his heart.

He is the king of the world, but in front of the queen mother, he doesn't look like an emperor at all.

In winter he warmed his mother's hands, and in summer he fanned her mother.

The first bite of seasonal fruits that come into the palace from the south is always from the queen mother.

Moreover, in order to make the queen mother happy, he even cooks for the queen himself.

There are so many emperors in their Jun family, the father is the first to cook for his wife.

Not only that, but for the sake of the queen, the father also suspended the sixth palace.Over the years, many courtiers have played the imperial father's draft to fill the harem, but... once mentioned, the imperial father beheaded once.After a few times, no one dared to mention it again.

As a result, there are only four of them in the huge palace, which is very warm and beautiful like an ordinary family.

The same is true for the queen mother, who is extremely dependent on her father.

At such an old age, I have to be tired of being beside my father every day, and I dare not even walk at night because I am afraid of the dark.

She just didn't believe it, how could she be afraid of the dark even though she was born in an occupation?

I heard from the servants of Hanqing Palace that every time the father went to court, the two would kiss again and again. It is said that it was a good morning kiss, it was not sticky.

Apart from autopsy, what she likes most these years is to dress herself up, and then hang out in front of her father.

Every time she heard a compliment, she was as happy as a girl who just opened the cardamom.

Such a naive mother, sometimes she is very helpless.

However, her father was willing to pamper her.

Once, she didn't understand why both of them were still the same at such an old age.

Now, after she has experienced it, she understands.

This is probably love.

(End of this chapter)

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