Chapter 546

"The Kowloon Order is worth some money on me."

Jun Yanzhi's answer to Tang Jiu is also very natural. The Nine Dragon Token is already the most valuable thing in him.

Tang Jiu: "..."

Well, the ancestors of their Laojun family have already set off here to find this unworthy descendant. Anyone with a little brain knows that the Kowloon Token is valuable, but it doesn't mean that this man can throw out the Kowloon Token like a toy, okay? .

Tang Jiu withdrew his gaze and decided not to poison his eyes anymore.

In fact, after such a long time, she is also hungry. Now it seems that everyone is busy, and she is too embarrassed to let others cook for herself, not to mention that she seems to have not cooked for a long time.

I'm thinking about it.

Occasional cooking is just fun.

"You put away the Kowloon order, and you can return the 500 taels of silver to the capital."

"Aren't you afraid that I won't keep my promise?"

"Would you?"


Tang Jiu: "..."

How can we continue talking?She thought it was incredible that a good starting point for a chat, after Jun Yanzhi said it, this man would always have a way to make the chat unsustainable.

In order to avoid continuing to chat with someone, and possibly being pissed off, Tang Jiu took the lead in ending the conversation.

The one that cut off unilaterally does not give Jun Yanzhi the slightest chance to recover.

Jun Yanzhi wanted to say something more, but Tang Jiu refused to respond to him in the slightest.He was determined to carry through the matter of ignoring Jun Yanzhi to the end.

In the end, Tang Jiu kicked Jun Yanzhi out of the room because he disliked Jun Yanzhi for being too annoying.

Jun Yanzhi stood outside, asking the sky speechlessly. He always felt that he was disgusted by others just now, and he was disgusted very thoroughly.

Standing alone in a room full of ingredients, Tang Jiu looked at the dazzling array of things, and suddenly had the illusion that he had acquired the whole world.

Looking at the dazzling array of ingredients, he took a deep breath.

Make at least four people's weight.As for those shadow guards, even if they made it themselves, they might not dare to eat it, not to mention that there was a jar of vinegar there. Tang Jiu had no doubt that if he made more on purpose, someone would definitely eat them all in the name of not having enough food. Light.

In order to prevent the emperor of Nanzhao from directly supporting himself to death under his own hands, Tang Jiu still felt that he should do less.

The ingredients in the kitchen are complete, and there are even some noodles that have been processed into semi-finished products.

Looking around and the weather, Tang Jiu finally decided to make some noodles with fried sauce.

And if it's's easy.

Tang Jiu was an orphan in his previous life, and it was said that children from poor families should be in charge of the family early, but orphans should be in charge of the family early, because he is a family, so these things are no strangers to Tang Jiu.

Not long after, there was a burst of aroma from the kitchen.

The people who seduce directly are salivating.

Jun Yanzhi, who was already hungry, was even more anxious.

If it weren't for the fear that scratching the wall would hurt his face too much, Jun Yanzhi really wanted to do it.

After waiting for a while, the door was finally opened by Tang Jiu who was inside.

Jun Yanzhi rushed in almost without any hesitation. The speed of his movements was so fast that before Tang Jiu could react, Jun Yanzhi put everything down.

Tang Jiu: "..."

Never seen such a fresh man.

 No, I can't write anymore. . . . .Can't stand it,,,,,
(End of this chapter)

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