Chapter 120 She Is His Woman
Qin Yufeng stared at the glutinous rice balls, and walked slowly towards him.

The steps under his feet were extremely difficult, as if he was about to approach a sweet and happy dream, tempting him to touch it, but he was afraid that the dream would be broken if he touched it.

He slowly sat on the edge of the bed, looked down at the little guy carved in pink and jade, and caressed the little guy's face with trembling fingers.


sweet dumpling……

Are you really father's real son?

Do you know, the more your father loves you and loves you these past few years, the more regretful you are in your heart, why you are not his child, why can't your father have such a cute and cute baby like you.

In the end, are you really the father's son?
Qin Yufeng's heart was agitated, and he suppressed his emotions so hard that he didn't let himself make a sound to wake up his son.

He moved his palm away from his son's face, gently grabbed his son's little hand and held it in his palm.

Staring at his son's sleeping face, he recalled the past five years ago in his mind.

Although he was forced to marry the eldest princess back then, he lied that he had a hidden disease and refused to consummate the marriage with her.

He was already "too bad", no matter how annoyed the eldest princess was, she couldn't help it, so she could only share a room with him and rest separately.

They got married in October, and by February of the following year, there was no problem between them.

On the Qingming Festival on the eighth day of March, he and his mother went back to their hometown to pay respects to their ancestors and visit their graves. His elder brother Qin Yuyang was ill for a few days and couldn't travel, so he stayed in Beijing.

And the eldest princess is a majestic imperial daughter, so she followed the royal family to the imperial mausoleum to worship the ancestors during the Qingming Festival, and did not return home with him.

On the night after finishing the ancestor worship and preparing to return, he vaguely had a dream...

The memory in the dream was very vague, he only remembered that he was very happy in the dream, and the person who brought him the supreme joy had a face exactly like the eldest princess.

What impressed him the most was that when the man in the dream was emotional, a large strange flower that he had never seen before appeared on the white back, with layers of petals and winding branches, extending from the left shoulder to the waist , extremely beautiful, unparalleled in the world...

The next day he woke up, he was alone in the room, the bed was clean, and there were no traces of anything that shouldn't be there.

Apart from a trace of regret, he was more annoyed.

He hated himself for clearly loathing the eldest princess so much, but ended up having this kind of dream, damn it!
He didn't take this dream seriously, because his home was in a remote southern town half a month away from the capital, and it was impossible for the eldest princess to travel thousands of miles to do this ridiculous thing with him...

And after returning to Beijing, he also inquired. During the month he left, Ji Wushuang called friends to go out to play every day, and she never missed a single day. How could she go to a small town in the south half a month away?
Therefore, even if "Ji Wushuang" was diagnosed by the doctor that she was pregnant in May, he never thought that the flesh and blood in her belly was his own child.

Thinking about it now, at that time the real eldest princess had disappeared inexplicably, and the person who was diagnosed as pregnant was already Tangyuan's mother, right?
From the appearance of Tangyuan's mother to the disappearance of Tangyuan's mother after giving birth to a child, where did the real eldest princess go in the ten long months?

Why did the real eldest princess come back later, but Tangyuan's mother suddenly disappeared and didn't come back until a few days ago?

And now, where is the real princess?
is dead...

Or is it hidden?

Qin Yufeng rubbed the center of his brows, and stopped thinking about these confusing things.

He held the little hand of the glutinous rice balls and put them on his lips to kiss gently. The warm body temperature of the little child made his eyes warm.

"Tangyuan, you must be your father's own flesh and blood."

And this Ji Wushuang who appeared out of nowhere in the past few days, no matter what her origin is, whether she is a human, a ghost or a demon, in his eyes, she has only one identity——

She was the mother of his children, his woman.


(ps: To explain, when the heroine appeared in front of the hero, the eldest princess was no longer there. After the eldest princess came back, the heroine who had just given birth to glutinous rice balls was killed and died in the last days, so babies, don’t wonder how the two of them are at the same time exists)

(End of this chapter)

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