Chapter 1005 You Make a Big Difference

If the person who spoke was not the ancestor of Xuanzhu, who was it?But at the moment, Xuanzhu's body was full of smog. From that look, he couldn't have just come out of the furnace again.

"This... Patriarch, yours exploded again?" Zhan Wuming asked tentatively.

"Blow your head, do you think my ancestor's technique is that bad? Fry the furnace every now and then?" Xuanzhu ancestor cursed angrily.

"Then why does your body look like it's been scorched?" Zhan Wuming asked in surprise.

"It's not that old immortal Chi Lingzi, I just discussed techniques with him, but don't worry, he is worse than me now." Xuanzhu Patriarch said proudly.

It was obvious that he had the upper hand against Chi Lingzi this time, so he looked terrified, as if he deserved a beating.

"You shameless Xuanzhu, you are cheating..." Zhan Wuming was speechless, Chi Lingzi's angry voice came over, and then only half of his hair was burnt, his body was white and black, and his whole body was full of bruises. Ripped clothes.

"Okay, the two of you together are tens of thousands of years old, so old!" At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came, and Chi Lingzi's voice stopped abruptly, and he hummed unhappily.

Patriarch Xuan Zhu originally wanted to say something, but he shrank his neck and pretended not to hear.

"Ancestor Xuantian!" Zhan Wuming saluted immediately when he saw the person coming.

He knew that this old guy's cultivation base was very terrifying, not much inferior to that of Xuan Qingzi, but Xuan Tian was not a member of the Elders' Association, but the guardian of the Imperial Clan. There are many masters in the Imperial Clan, not all of them They will all enter the Elders' Association, and in that case, the Elders' Association will become the emperor's clan.

For countless years, the Emperor Clan does not know how many strong people of the rank of Immortals have been cultivating latently. Just like the Baiyu Temple here, it does not belong to the Elders' Council, but belongs to the Emperor Clan alone. Although Chi Lingzi is not a member of the Xuan Family Although they are old enemies, Xuan Zhu and Chi Lingzi have a close relationship, which is better than others.

"Well, kid, you're here, sit down." Patriarch Xuantian waved his hand, and a stone chair appeared out of thin air behind Zhan Wuming, as if transferred from another dimension, Zhan Wuming didn't realize how it appeared .

"I don't know why the ancestors called the kid here? Well, such a big battle with the ancestors made Wuming feel uncomfortable." Zhan Wuming glanced at the ancestor Xuantian, who was still behind him. There are two old monsters he has seen in the weapon cave, and there are five old monsters of the immortal level in the hall of the temple. It was a coincidence that all the ancestors were forced to come out after the ground fire was gone. Now that the five immortal ancestors were so grand to see him, a middle-level golden fairy, he was really shocked.

"Boy, you made a big fuss this time!" Chi Lingzi said carelessly when he saw Zhan Wuming.

"What's the big news?" Zhan Wuming was stunned. He didn't know what Chi Lingzi was talking about. It wouldn't be a matter of going there to exchange contribution points. The process was a little arrogant, but it wouldn't disturb the five of them. Grandpa.

Or the things that I went to the Elders' Association to talk about, did this matter spread so quickly? It shouldn't be so. Besides, he has handed over everything that he should have handed over to the Elders' Association. What's the use.

"That's right, you did make a big commotion. If it wasn't for the few of us who suppressed this matter, I'm afraid it would not be so easy for you to get out of the Council of Elders." Patriarch Xuantian took a deep breath, solemnly road.

"No way, I don't know what the patriarchs are talking about? I don't quite understand, kid." Zhan Wuming was startled, even Patriarch Xuantian said so, I'm afraid this matter is not groundless.

"Did you bring out living creatures from the battlefield of gods and demons?" Patriarch Xuan Zhu suddenly asked.

Zhan Wuming's heart skipped a beat, not to mention, he really brought out two creatures from the battlefield of gods and demons, one is the leader of the Nether Beast, and the other is the very mysterious Xiaolan.As for whether Xiaolan is a creature from the battlefield of gods and demons, he is still not sure what it is, it looks like a human, but its intelligence is like a three-year-old child.

"Well, I brought something back from the battlefield of gods and demons, but how do you know? I put it in the magic weapon space!" Zhan Wuming asked in surprise.

"So it's really you, kid. Do you know that the creatures in the Gods and Demons Battlefield are cursed by the fairy world, and the various fairylands and fairy houses are actually a kind of seal for the passages of the Gods and Demons Battlefield. No matter where you put the creature, as long as you bring it into The fairy world will trigger the seal, and may even break the enchantment. Therefore, all people who enter the battlefield of gods and demons cannot bring any living things back to the fairyland, because it may cause huge damage to our enchantment. If the battlefield of gods and demons If the creatures in the cave want to penetrate the barrier, they will be counterattacked to death, but if someone protects it and covers up their aura, they may enter the fairy world, but the rules of the barrier will be broken. We found that your team After returning to Xuanzu Mountain, there was a crack in the enchantment, which was obviously counterattacked by the curse of the creatures on the battlefield of gods and demons. Fortunately, we found it early and repaired it, otherwise, once the elders find out, they will definitely punish the carrier." Xuan Xuan Zhu Zi said angrily.

"Damn, what's the matter? No one told me before!" Zhan Wuming said in a daze.

Neither Xuan Kuang nor Ye Lang had ever told him about this matter, so they didn't know there was such a taboo at all.If he breaks the enchantment of the fairyland, then his crime will be serious.

"Only the top ones among the Immortal Kings know about this. If the creatures you bring back are not very powerful, it will have no effect. If the creatures you bring back are very powerful, even surpassing the Immortal King, it will cause fluctuations in the enchantment. Only when it is stronger will cracks appear in the barrier. Originally, with your cultivation, it was absolutely impossible to capture such a powerful creature. I don’t know what you brought out this time.” Xuantian Patriarch said lightly, I really can't blame Zhan Wuming, Zhan Wuming really didn't know there was such a taboo.

The reason why not many people know about this taboo is because it protects the enchantment. Once too many people know about this situation, some interested people are very likely to use this method to break the sealing enchantment of Gonghua Immortal Mansion.Therefore, generally they have not reached a certain level, and most of them will not speak out easily.

"A powerful creature?" Zhan Wuming was slightly taken aback, he couldn't really be Xiaolan, although that Nether Beast was very powerful, but it was only equivalent to the queen of the Immortal King.

"I only brought back a Nether Beast leader." Zhan Wuming didn't want Xiao Lan to be exposed, so he only recruited the Nether Beast leader.

"Leader of the Nether Beast, can you even catch the Nether Beast?" Chi Lingzi was stunned, and suddenly asked in surprise.

"This, it's just a fluke." Zhan Wuming looked embarrassed.

Although he knew that the Nether Beast was very difficult to find, it was elusive, and it could travel through space like nothing. It was indeed one of the most terrifying and mysterious beasts in the battlefield of gods and demons, because it was almost invisible.

"Leader of the Nether Beast, take it out and have a look." Patriarch Xuantian frowned slightly. Nether Beasts are hard to catch, but usually Nether Beasts are of the Immortal King rank. It's only right that there are cracks in the world.

Zhan Wuming was also unambiguous, and quickly summoned the leader of the ghost beast. There seemed to be a wave of air rippling in the temple, and a huge figure looming appeared in front of everyone. The huge figure was half hidden in the void. The leader's aura is very strong, and he has the feeling of breaking through the rank of Immortal Emperor.

"Sure enough, it's a Nether Beast. Well, I'm afraid it's top-notch among Nether Beasts, and it feels like a breakthrough." Chi Lingzi's eyes lit up, and the Nether Beast's dual attributes of darkness and space made it a god. The most mysterious killer in the battlefield of demons, to the experienced fairy king in the battlefield of gods and demons, the ghost beast is like a god of death.It's just that this kind of ghost beast is very rare, and it is not easy to find one or two of them. They are hard to find, and they are elusive. Therefore, in Chi Lingzi's memory, he has not seen anyone who can bring a living ghost beast out of the battlefield of gods and demons. Yes, he has seen a few dead ghost beasts, and it takes tens of thousands of years to see the corpse of a ghost beast.

"Well, because it has eaten a lot of fairy kings from the dark sky, it is estimated that the dark attributes of those fairy kings are more suitable for it, which makes him about to break through." Zhan Wuming thought for a while, and also found that the ghost beast's The breath is much stronger than when he caught it.During this period of time, after eating the fairy baby of Makino Meteor, it also ate a lot of geniuses from the Dark Sky. Even the two Dark Kings did not escape the sharp teeth of the Nether Beast.The Nether Beast has naturally improved after being greatly supplemented.Zhan Wuming briefly talked about the events in the battlefield of gods and demons, and he did not hide the fact that he and the elites of several other great fairylands jointly slaughtered the team and the coalition forces of the two dark kings of the dark sky. The monster was delighted after hearing this.

"That's right, to make He Hetian suffer such a big loss, he really deserves to be a good disciple that I'm optimistic about." Patriarch Xuanzhu couldn't help but praise.

"Xuanzhu, don't you want to be ashamed, why is he your good disciple, I, Chi Lingzi, haven't agreed yet." Chi Lingzi immediately refused, and Xuanzhu directly named him, he would not give in.

"Okay, both of you shut up!" Patriarch Xuantian reprimanded impatiently, looked at the Nether Beast, nodded for a while and said: "This Nether Beast is not bad, its blood is extremely pure, and it has great potential! It’s not small, if you can use it well, it will be a right-hand man, I didn’t expect you to know how to tame beasts, not bad.”

"Know a little bit." Zhan Wuming was not polite.

This Nether Beast is under his control, an old monster like Xuan Tian can naturally see the clue, and he doesn't need to cheat.As for Xiaolan, he doesn't want to expose it. Although Xiaolan is very strong, she is definitely not the enemy of the five old monsters in front of him. What kind of moth comes, he can't stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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