Chapter 1024 Consummation of Origin
The imperial city is still prosperous, no one knows that the emperor has experienced life and death, and no one knows that the dark devil emperor sneaked into the imperial city, and even made a secret attack on Xuanming Immortal Emperor in the imperial palace.As for the means by which the Dark Demon Emperor planted the dark demon into the god refining furnace, causing Xuan Ji to be plotted against, no one knew the inside story, even Xuan Ji herself was baffled.

Xuanji didn't know about this process, because she was seriously injured in the catastrophe, and she was trying her best to recover from her injuries. She was in the depths of the imperial palace, so she lost her vigilance, and she was tricked by the plot, but she appeared in the imperial palace. For such a thing, someone must take the responsibility. As for who will bear the responsibility for this matter, the senior officials of the Imperial Clan who know about this matter will wait for Emperor Zun to speak in person.

Emperor Zun is the symbol of the entire Immortal Domain, and is also the supreme figure in the entire Immortal Domain. When Emperor Zun is plotted against, in many cases, any suspect can be dealt with directly without much evidence.

Therefore, a bloody storm broke out in the imperial city very quickly. All those who are eligible to enter the imperial palace are respected in Gonghuatian, but no matter how prestigious they are, once they touch the real Nilin of the imperial clan, there will be absolutely no one. able to escape the final judgment.

The prosperity of the imperial city was still there, but sensitive people soon discovered that during this period of time, many people suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.Then Immortal Emperor Xuanming issued an imperial decree to ban several major families of Gong Huatian, including the Yue family and some families closely related to the Yue family.

Many people once speculated that Immortal Emperor Xuanming was seriously injured after that terrifying thunder calamity, but when many people saw Immortal Emperor Xuanming's elegant figure again, they had to reassess the situation of Gong Huatian.

Emperor Zun is safe and sound, which is the good news for the entire fairyland, and the nervous mood has become stable.Originally, the atmosphere in Gonghuatian was not good. Even if the imperial city was prosperous, it still couldn’t make the big families feel better. Many families’ resource planets were attacked by other star fields, especially the mopping up of the dark sky, which almost made the families feel better. All the major families suffered heavy losses, and later news came from Xuanzu Mountain that many geniuses in Gonghuatian had fallen in the battlefield of gods and demons.For the major families, this is definitely a heavy blow.

When the emotions of the major families were depressed, the Imperial Clan announced an important news, which was to confirm that Zhan Wuming was Gong Huatian's second candidate for Son of God, with the same status as Yan Feifei.This can be regarded as a spiritual stimulus to the people of the Imperial Clan.

Zhan Wuming didn't know that the Imperial Clan had declared him to be the second candidate for the Son of God of the Imperial Clan. Huatian's identity as the elite leader came naturally.

Zhan Wuming may not attach importance to the identity of this elite leader, but he represents the elite of the Imperial Clan and becomes the captain of one of the four major teams of Gong Huatian this time. Then, he represents the Imperial Clan and becomes the leader of this operation That is indisputable.

Xuan Gang, Ye Lang and the others could not find Zhan Wuming all the time, they only knew that Zhan Wuming never came out after entering the imperial palace, and when the imperial clan announced the news a few days later, Zhan Wuming still did not show up.For Xuan Gang, Xuan Feng, Ye Lang and the others, Zhan Wuming became the candidate for the second Son of God, which is a welcome thing.This also greatly improved their team's status on Xuanzu Mountain, and it was difficult for Yan Feifei to be better than the former.

But after more than ten days, Zhan Wuming was still silent, which made Xuan Gang, Ye Lang and others start to become anxious, although they each brought back a lot of wealth to the family after returning to the imperial city, which made their own status rise. But they dare not forget that this is the luck brought to them by Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming didn't know that he had been in this underground world for more than ten days, he felt that it seemed very long, like several years, even decades, hundreds of years, his mind was completely caught in a mysterious and mysterious In the realm, his qi sea and starry sky became clearer and clearer, and the terrifying power of darkness was swallowed by the Chaos God Tree, which fed back the wonderful power of time and space, which originated from chaos.

Zhan Wuming felt that the bright planet in the starfish sky had become very solid, while the dark cave was also perfect. This result was a surprise to him. After the two sources of darkness and light were simultaneously perfected, he only needed to If the other major sources have been cultivated to perfection, then he can pass the tribulation and be promoted to the rank of Immortal King.

His biggest achievement this time is not the original perfection of his own light and darkness, but that he once again triggered the power of chaos, and the power of chaos that erupted this time is much stronger than when he was on the road of the war emperor , that chaotic power directly transformed the Great Hall of Heroic Spirits in the Emperor's Burial Ground, and he even took out his space magic weapon to temper it once, and the space inside expanded several times, and the entire space wall was also much tougher up.The strength of his magic weapon space, even if the immortal enters it, it will not burst due to the rage of the law.

The power of chaos has unimaginable benefits to refining weapons. Zhan Wuming has more than [-] pieces of treasure clothes of the immortal rank around him, especially the piece of heaven-stealing armor on his body. Under the tempering of the power of chaos, it becomes It became more spiritual, and its weapon spirit grew rapidly under the power of chaos, almost completely upgrading to a new level.

Even his heavenly artifact has received great benefits. Of course, the power of chaos does not have much effect on the artifact. It is said that many artifacts are tempered by the power of chaos. Of course, it can be used directly in the chaos The ones that grow out of it are not called artifacts, but Dao artifacts. Dao artifacts, Zhan Wuming also have them, and his Kaitian Armor is a Dao artifact picked off from Xuanwu. Even the gods are extremely jealous The precious treasure, born in chaos, is an invincible treasure in this world.

The power of chaos has the power of the most complete law, which can derive the aura of the avenue of heaven and earth. This realization directly allowed Zhan Wuming's cultivation to break through the middle stage of the Golden Immortal and reach the late stage of the Golden Immortal. As long as his other If the power of several laws is fulfilled, then he will directly advance to the rank. Once he becomes the Immortal King, it will not be too difficult for him to advance to the Immortal Emperor rank by cooperating with the Broken Jin Pill given to him by the ancestor Xuanzhu. .

For Zhan Wuming to spend more time in the rank of Immortal King and give himself the opportunity to explore and hunt for treasures on the battlefield of gods and demons, this is not very attractive to Zhan Wuming.There is no shortage of treasures in Zhan Wuming's body, but what really attracts him is the burial place of gods in the original lower realm. In that burial place of gods is the place where the real treasures are gathered, and there are inheritances from the gods of the gods.The thing that can really make the entire fairy world go crazy is definitely the broken godhead obtained from the God Burial Ground.

For countless years in the fairy world, I don't know why, but no one has ever become a god, and no traces of godheads have been found. However, in the lower realm, some broken godheads can be found. What kind of secrets exist in this? Zhan Wuming can't say clearly, but one thing is certain, if he takes out a shattered godhead, it will definitely drive all the immortal emperors in the fairy world crazy.

Therefore, Zhan Wuming has never forgotten the place where the gods were buried in Shiyuan.He saw that the divine halberd in Bai Yu's hand was so similar to the Kunpeng divine weapon that flew away from the Kunpeng Dojo. He suspected that there must be a passage from the emperor's burial place to the lower realm that outsiders do not know. Through the passage, one can definitely find unimaginable wealth, and even change the pattern of the entire fairy world.You can find countless backup talents for Gong Huatian.

Zhan Wuming didn't know how long it had been, he finally woke up from the mysterious artistic conception, he found himself under a huge dome, this is no longer a giant hall, but more Xuanzu An enlarged version of the temple in the mountain.He found that those huge statues that were originally lifeless were full of spirituality, and spirituality was born in such a short period of time.Like a demon, they all came alive.On these stone statues, Zhan Wuming felt a sense of intimacy.

"Xuan Ji..." Zhan Wuming called out softly, he knew that Xuan Ji must have woken up, but he was naked at the moment, Xuan Ji was still a little girlish, and he didn't dare to open his eyes. Because, even without eyes, Zhan Wuming can be seen completely with just his spiritual sense. The act of closing his eyes is more like deceiving his ears, which makes Zhan Wuming a little funny.

Zhan Wuming's call didn't make Xuan Ji open her eyes, but the slender eyelashes moved slightly up and down, and she still didn't open her eyes.

"I'm already dressed!" Zhan Wuming laughed suddenly.

"You're lying, you don't have any clothes on at all." Xuan Ji said slightly annoyed.

"Look, you know I'm not wearing it even if you close your eyes, so what does it matter if you close your eyes or not? It's not like you haven't seen it before!" Zhan Wuming laughed, and he actually molested an immortal emperor, Zhan Wuming will definitely be secretly happy for a long time.

"You scoundrel, hurry up and put on your clothes." Xuan Ji cursed angrily.

"I've been in samadhi for such a long time, and you haven't left this giant hall. I don't know how many times you've seen me, but why did you become shy? Find a time to look back." Zhan Wuming muttered.

"You!" Xuan Ji scowled.

When Zhan Wuming was on the black and white clouds before, she did read it all over, but later she also felt something in her heart, so she also went to meditate.

"Okay, let's stop teasing you. How is your injury recovering? How long have I been in meditation?" Zhan Wuming asked the question in his heart. He felt that a lot of time had passed, but he didn't know the exact details. What is the time.

"After you absorbed the dark demon seed, we stayed here for about half a month, and now about [-]% of the injury has recovered, but the original loss has not been recovered so quickly!" Xuan Ji didn't put on any airs, even if she She is the Immortal Emperor, but she has also become Zhan Wuming's woman, so her weak pride is completely unnecessary.

"Well, to be able to recover [-]% to [-]% in such a short period of time, it seems that these days have also been affected a lot. This thing, Yuanyuan, I have good things here, which can make you recover quickly." Zhan Wuming doesn't matter typical.

He took out a large piece of flesh and blood of the spirit of the god veins, which was a treasure obtained from the wood god's underground world, and its vitality instantly filled the entire stone chamber with green light.

"What a powerful vitality!" Xuan Ji couldn't help but see the big piece of flesh and blood, and lost her voice.

"Of course, this is the flesh and blood taken from the spirit of the divine vein. It belongs to the high-level pulse soul, which is stronger than the flesh and blood of those gods and immortals." Zhan Wuming smiled proudly.

This is absolutely priceless.But Zhan Wuming didn't stop there, and took out a jade bottle again and said: "This is the flesh and blood of a ruin beast at the peak of the imperial rank. The most wonderful thing is that this beast at the peak of the emperor rank is still a life of wood attribute, with a powerful Regeneration and repair ability, its vitality is enough to restore your original ten times faster."

This time Xuan Ji was really shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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