Chapter 1026 Seeking the Inheritance of God
Xuan Ji breathed a sigh of relief. She always felt that her man was just a little golden fairy, but the man of an immortal emperor was just a golden fairy. He would definitely become the biggest joke in the fairy world for countless years. The entire Gonghuatian has become the laughing stock of the fairy world.

But at this moment, Xuanji felt a sense of relief. Zhan Wuming came from an interface more powerful than the fairy world. Zhan Wuming used to be an existence beyond the emperor rank, but now it hurts the original source. One day, Zhan Wuming will There is no doubt about becoming the most powerful existence in the entire fairy world.

Others are just groping for cultivation, from Jinxian to Immortal King, from Immortal King to Immortal Emperor, and then to Immortal Venerable and Immortal Emperor, if they just explore by themselves, the time needed is unimaginable, but Zhan Wuming is different, He was just going through the experience again.

Therefore, Xuanji felt that Zhan Wuming would be able to stand on the peak of the entire fairy world in a short time. What made her even more excited was that there was something in the plane where Zhan Wuming existed. Ship, then, maybe one day she can really return to that world with Zhan Wuming. At that time, she can also break through the final barrier, take the last step, and achieve the god position.

Think about it, she is already a woman of Zhan Wuming now, if Zhan Wuming really wants to return to the upper realm, she will definitely not abandon herself, and when she thinks of Zhan Wuming's profound and strange cultivation method, she can't help but feel piping hot.

Zhan Wuming's words made Xuan Ji full of hope, Zhan Wuming was dumbfounded.He didn't expect Xuan Ji to believe his words so easily, but the words have already been spoken, so he has to continue to make up. Anyway, there is no way to verify this matter, so it can be regarded as a well-intentioned deception.Besides, it's really hard to explain so many secrets about him. With this layer of aura, Xuan Ji won't ask questions anymore.Moreover, the mouth art that two people practiced is something in "Tai Xu Nerve". Even if it is placed in the God Realm, it is probably the most powerful thing. In this fairy world, it will definitely make Xuan Ji suspicious.

"What kind of place is the upper world?" Xuan Ji couldn't help asking, suddenly she looked like a curious girl, and instantly changed from a fierce look to a small bird, Zhan Wuming was still a little uncomfortable .It seems that this Immortal Emperor is not immune to common customs. If she is so snobbish, if she knows the truth, he is not with some rich man, but a counterfeit parallel importer, will he immediately change his face and swing a knife at him?Zhan Wuming was a little speechless.But that's something for the future, and in this period of time, this woman may have been subdued.

"It's just a broken primitive continent there, but it's bigger than the Immortal World, with more abundant resources and more complete rules of heaven and earth, but I have been away from the Upper Realm for a long time, and I am going to explore a place called the Land of God's Burial , I finally found that crack, and out of curiosity, I got out of it. Who knew that you would be tricked by you in such a muddle-headed way, and let me fight with the dark demon god. The rules of heaven and earth here in the fairy world are lacking. I don't know how long it will take to recover to the peak, but I believe it won't take too long." Zhan Wuming said casually.

"The place where the gods are buried?" Excitement flashed in Xuan Ji's eyes, and she paused and said, "You said that the place where the gods are buried after passing through that crack?"

"That's right, we can indeed reach the God's Burial Ground through there, but in our current state, we can't penetrate at all, and neither can the Immortal Emperor. The void between that crack and the God's Burial Ground in the lower realm is the Dark Ruin. God knows if there are any dark demon gods there, if I can recover to the peak, I can pass through, but not now." Zhan Wuming saw the light in Xuan Ji's eyes, and his heart trembled, he didn't want to be forced by Xuan Ji. Then go down from that passage to the lower realm.

Although he wanted to go to the lower realm, he didn't want to walk through that dark crack. If Cang Yu hadn't made a move that day, he would never have had the chance to penetrate that crack. Even with Cang Yu's help, it would be very dangerous. I don't want to go a second time.

Hearing what Zhan Wuming said, Xuanji was a little disappointed.The burial place of the gods is the post-war ruins like the battlefield of gods and demons. It is the place where all the bodies end up. Countless gods are buried there. There are their tombs, and there are many good things in each tomb. , That is the real place of God's possession.

If one can obtain the inheritance of a certain god, even an immortal emperor can definitely go one step further.Therefore, Xuan Ji was very tempted.But she is very clear that what Zhan Wuming said is the truth, that crack is under the abyss, since a dark demon god can appear, who can guarantee that there won't be a second dark demon god, she really doesn't have the courage to go there alone cracks.If Zhan Wuming can return to his peak state, maybe he can pass, and she has a little more hope.

"However, I feel that the Emperor's Tomb is very complicated. I'm afraid there are secrets hidden in another dimension. I don't know Xuanji, do you know how the Emperor's Tomb came about?" Zhan Wuming suddenly changed the subject. .

"The place of the emperor's burial?" Xuan Ji was startled suddenly, and her heart skipped a beat when Zhan Wuming said that this is the place left by the ancestor of the Xuan family. This can be said to be a world connected with the fairy world, or a An independent world, what's even more amazing is that this world seems to be connected with another world, but unfortunately they couldn't find a way out for countless years.

The main peak on the island seems to protrude from another space, piercing through the space barrier to enter the emperor's burial place.This world has the power of the very pure source of fire, and the giant mountains on the island have been unable to detect the secret of its space travel. Perhaps Zhan Wuming, who comes from a high plane, has a broader insight and can find out the problem.

"According to our ancestors' speculation, this world may be connected to the three realms. One side can reach the fairy world, while the other end is connected to another layer of space, and it can independently form a space world. This is the strange thing, but we have not been able to Find out where this Emperor's Tomb is connected to besides the fairy world. If you take a closer look, you may be able to find out the clue." Xuan Ji frowned slightly.

"Well, I feel that there may be an anomaly in this space, so I asked." Zhan Wuming nodded slightly. He didn't see any difference in this space, but the halberd in the hand of the statue of Bai Yu , Thinking of the second-generation Kunpeng weapons in the Kunpeng Dojo, he concluded that this space might have intersected with Kunpeng, which made Kunpeng have the halberd in the statue's hand.

It may also be that Kunpeng accidentally obtained the artifact of the long-fallen beast Baiyu, but Zhan Wuming would rather believe that the second generation of Kunpeng had been here before and returned to the Xuanwu Great World, otherwise it would be impossible to establish the Kunpeng Dojo.Therefore, Zhan Wuming wanted to search in this space to see if he could find anything.

"Well, I'll accompany you to take a look at that time." Xuan Ji nodded, at this moment she seemed to lose the pride of the Immortal Emperor and turned into a little woman, even she didn't realize it.

"You are here to recuperate well. You have fully recovered. I still have a baby for you. Be my Zhan Wuming's woman, and I will make you the jealous object of all the women in the fairy world!" Zhan Wuming stretched out his hand and pinched Xuan Ji chin, and grinned.

Xuanji rarely resisted, and let Zhan Wuming gently caress her chin, her beautiful face showed a hint of shyness, she didn't dislike Zhan Wuming's frivolous gesture, on the contrary, she really enjoyed being treated as a little girl. woman's feeling.

Zhan Wuming's domineering words made her heart full of sweetness, making her the envy of all the women in the fairy world. Only when Zhan Wuming said these words, Xuan Ji would believe them.She was looking forward to the gift Zhan Wuming gave him, because she believed that Zhan Wuming came from a higher plane, so what would Zhan Wuming's treasure be?Is it more precious than the spirit of the divine vein and the flesh and blood of the beast at the peak of the imperial rank?

Thinking of this, Xuan Ji's body immediately went limp, and she snuggled into Zhan Wuming's arms.

Zhan Wuming suddenly became angry, and for a while, the two became entangled again.This time, Xuan Ji let Zhan Wuming do what he did, and was extremely obedient. The feeling of intertwining soul and flesh, and entanglement of spirit and soul made the lives of both of them sublimate without knowing it.The cultivation way of Taixu Shenjue is the Dao of Heaven and Earth. When the two devote themselves wholeheartedly, there will naturally be a sympathy between heaven and man, and the Dao will sing together.

Xuan Ji found that the injuries in her body and the original loss were recovering at a speed that she could feel. She never thought that the matter of men and women can not only enjoy boundless happiness, but also make her injuries recover so quickly.The essence of life in Zhan Wuming's body seemed to contain some kind of unspeakable true meaning, which could change the essence of her life and sublimate her life.

She didn't have the slightest doubt about Zhan Wuming's identity. He naturally didn't know that Zhan Wuming's Taixu Immortal Physique was far superior to all the physiques in the Immortal Realm.Although it is still in the realm of immortals, the body of Taixu is close to chaos, even if it is only in the realm of immortals, it is also a divine body, Xuanji naturally cannot tell the difference.

After a long time, Xuan Ji woke up from the mysterious feeling, she was lazy and didn't want to move, but Zhan Wuming was no longer by her side.

Xuanji didn't know when Zhan Wuming left. Thinking about the madness just now, her face couldn't help but feel hot, and she suddenly realized that she was like a girl who didn't know much about the world, and she just gave herself to a man. He also gave it to the other party wholeheartedly.

The feeling of being a little woman is not so unacceptable to Xuan Ji, at least, she feels very sweet and happy now.

Xuan Ji found that her physical injuries had recovered a lot, and even the damage of her soul had turned around. It was like a miracle that happened to her and Zhan Wuming. She believed that Zhan Wuming was the maker of that miracle.

Zhan Wuming came to Gonghuatian, came to Emperor City and entered Qilingchi, maybe it was Zhan Wuming's intention, he became Zhan Wuming's woman, Zhan Wuming had already taken a fancy to her.For a moment, Xuanji's mind was full of thoughts, no matter whether Zhan Wuming was intentional or not, she had accepted this man wholeheartedly, and she was secretly ruthless, she must break through as soon as possible with Zhan Wuming's help, and enter the top level of the fairy world , waiting for the opportunity to break through the last step.

Xuanji thought of the earnest words that Zhan Wuming said before, the fairy world is about to face a huge catastrophe, is there really a catastrophe approaching?Otherwise, Zhan Wuming would never be so solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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