Chapter 1030 Return to the Lower Realm
Xuan Ji was stunned for a while, thinking of Zhan Wuming's guess, it might be related to the ancient secrets, as for whether the emperor's burial place is the tomb of the great god Bai Xiao, who can say clearly, it may also be her ancestor Accidentally obtained the sacred treasure of the great god Bai Yu, and thus possessed the divine blood, which passed down the entire Xuan family.

The great god Baimao is a divine beast, and the disciples of their imperial clan are all human monks, without the talent of a divine beast. They absolutely cannot be the descendants of the great god Baimao, and they may have received the inheritance of the great god Baimao.As for the ancient things, it was too long ago, so long that there were no detailed records at all, so it was naturally impossible for them to know the cause and effect.

"This place is much better than we imagined. If we can send the babies of our family into this world, then they will definitely be able to obtain the complete laws of heaven and earth. When they return to the fairy world, they will definitely be far stronger than those of other families. My son, Wuming, you are really the lucky star of our imperial family!" Xuan Ji felt the law of heaven and earth in the primordial, hugged Zhan Wuming excitedly for a while, and said with great joy.

This land is of great significance to the Emperor Clan. If she can complete her own laws in this space, then he may become the first immortal emperor to take the last step in the entire fairy world since ancient times. Become the eternal No.1 in the fairy world!
The fairyland is incomplete, which Xuan Ji felt very clearly when she and Zhan Wuming practiced together. She felt that the laws of heaven and earth communicated with Zhan Wuming's body and the aura formed by the power of chaos made her feel the power of life in the soul. However, this piece of land is actually an important part of the Primordial Continent, which is different from the Immortal Realm, and it is normal to have the power of laws that are not the same as those in the Immortal Realm.

"I'm not just your lucky star, I'm also your husband. It's a good idea of ​​yours, but it's a pity that every time these two spaces connect, I have to do it myself, otherwise you won't be able to penetrate this space at all." Zhan Wuming said in a speechless manner, he would not become a porter of the Imperial Clan by then, then he would be in trouble.

Xuan Ji's pretty face blushed a little, but she didn't reject it.Zhan Wuming is not wrong, he is not only his lucky star, but also his husband, his first man.If she used to reject Zhan Wuming's cultivation as being too weak, but now she no longer has such scruples. In her heart, she believes that Zhan Wuming must have come from the God Realm, and his cultivation has dropped only because of his heavy injuries. , if not so, how could it be possible to have such a powerful force.

Kunpeng's bloodline is one of the highest bloodlines in the world. It can swallow and assimilate Kunpeng's bloodline, which only shows that Zhan Wuming's own bloodline is more noble than Kunpeng's. If he can have offspring with Zhan Wuming, then the baby will definitely have the highest bloodline. It will allow the foundation of the imperial family to make a big leap.

The supreme bloodline, what is that concept?Most of the emperors in the fairyland only obtained the blood inheritance of some ancient gods, not the real descendants of the gods, so they can rely on the advantages of blood to make them the rulers of the major fairylands. If the real descendants of the gods , is even more unimaginable.

The bloodline that Zhan Wuming possesses is probably much higher than the bloodline of ordinary gods. It can swallow and assimilate the highest bloodline, which is stronger than the most powerful bloodline of beasts. The power of the bloodline will never say anything about the boring son of God. Those immortal emperors are afraid that they can't wait to give all their daughters and granddaughters to Zhan Wuming, hoping to leave a bloodline inheritance from Zhan Wuming.

Although she is an immortal emperor, being able to win the favor of Zhan Wuming will not lose her status, not to mention that Zhan Wuming is destined to restore glory in the future. .

"As long as my husband is happy at that time, just help our imperial family send more juniors here to lay a good foundation. If my husband doesn't like it, just pretend to be Xuanji and leave it alone." Xuanji responded very obediently, there was no trace of it. Immortal emperor style.

Zhan Wuming smiled, stretched out his hand to stroke Xuanji's flowing long hair, and said: "If necessary, I promise you, but this world belongs to a lower plane, I don't want someone who is too powerful in the fairy world When people come to this world, they will disturb the order of this world. Every plane has its own rules and order. When the juniors come over, it is also a special experience, try to choose those with low cultivation bases, and set rules for them!"

"Everything is up to my husband. You can draw up any rules that need to be established. You are the most familiar with this world. I believe you can master the rules." Xuanji nodded in response.

What Zhan Wuming said is correct, once the balance and order of a world are disrupted, it will inevitably lead to catastrophe, and it will be counterattacked by God's will.

"Hey, there seems to be someone in front. Well, but it's so weak, it seems that someone is fighting." Just when Zhan Wuming was about to respond, Xuan Ji suddenly pointed to the southwest and said in surprise.

"Oh, let's go and have a look, the monks who can come here are the elite of this world." Zhan Wuming was slightly surprised.

He knew that Xuanji, as an immortal emperor, could not cover a wider range of spiritual consciousness than he could. Even if the original primordial suppressed people's spiritual consciousness, Xuanji's spiritual consciousness still Can cover thousands of miles with ease.Zhan Wuming is not like before, and his spiritual consciousness can cover hundreds of miles.

He really wants to see who is fighting here. If it can attract a group of people to fight, there must be something good to show up. If it is something from the gods, it will be the best.


Rong Chengshou was very depressed. He managed to break through to the late supreme stage and obtained the qualification to enter the original. In the past few months, the breakthrough has been extremely fast. Since he separated from Zhan Wuming, it has been almost a thousand miles a day. Therefore, he also has the qualification to enter the original. It is not easy to break through from the supreme peak to the earth immortal, so he thought of looking for opportunities in the original, saying that there are many opportunities in the original, and there are many treasures in the original, but after he entered, he found that the original The forces in it are more complicated than those in the endless star sea.

Although his Tianxie Dao has some influence in the endless sea of ​​stars, after entering this primordial, he discovered that compared with the forces in this primordial, Tianxie Dao is just a small side effect, because in this primordial Among them, there are many masters of earth immortals. This is because many beings who have already broken through to the level of true immortals can't wait to choose to ascend to the immortal world, which makes the number of strong people in Yuanyuan much less.

Just because some powerful existences left suddenly, the Earth Immortals and some supreme beings who had been oppressed were in chaos. They knew that the Immortal World could ascend, so they wanted to plunder various resources before ascension, so that they could get them after entering the Immortal World. A better opportunity to improve. More than half a year ago, the killing of the Destiny Sect in the entire lower realm that lasted for more than a year also left a huge hidden danger for the entire lower realm. Many families and forces were implicated by the Destiny Sect. Killing, many of them escaped the net, and these escaped fish did not dare to make any movement before those terrifying strong men ascended to the fairy world, but after those terrifying existences ascended, they felt that the opportunity had come, so in the The Nether launched a frenzied revenge.

Those old monsters who survived the annihilation of their families, after launching a bloody revenge, felt that they could ascend to the fairy world at any time without worrying about being retaliated at all, and the younger generations in their families were almost cleaned up in the catastrophe, so they had no scruples at all. Therefore, it can be said that this is a real and unscrupulous catastrophe.

From the City of All Beings to the Endless Star Sea, from the Endless Star Sea to the Primordial, and even the entire star field of the new universe, all fell into turmoil. The major combined forces that originally had the advantage of powerful bosses could not wait to soar up because of the old monsters. Now, the power of the real high-level cannot form a sufficient advantage, so this chaotic battle, both sides are extremely tragic.

Those families who were destroyed also seemed to know that all of this was caused by a once unknown boy, that is, Zhan Wuming. It was this boy who provoked a huge catastrophe. Some people did not know the origin of Zhan Wuming. Familiar, I only know that this kid seems to have popped up suddenly, making a big fuss in the endless star sea, bringing the terrifying ancient god of the Sushen star field to sweep up the destiny religion in the entire endless star sea. There is such a terrifying existence.

Those who want to take revenge on Zhan Wuming can no longer find Zhan Wuming, even the planet where Zhan Wuming is located has disappeared, and the entire Xuanwu world has a huge enchantment seal, and external forces cannot enter at all. In the past, someone found out that people like Tianxie Mozun, the gold thief, and the Supreme Skyfire of the Western Zoroastrianism were very closely related to Zhan Wuming. At the beginning, they destroyed Heaven Star together. This history made people remember these people, so this Instead, several major forces became the targets of revenge by those crazy old monsters.

It is in this environment that Rong Chengshou, the demon beast of Tianxie, has finally broken through to the supreme peak state that has survived the second catastrophe, but the sneak attack is annoying, so Demon Lord Tianxie feels that it is better to reach this primordial state earlier. Find some opportunities to break through to the Earth Immortal Rank, and then you can ascend to the Immortal Realm, otherwise, the entire Heavenly Evil Dao will be restless because of his existence.

It's just that Demon Lord Tianxie underestimated the background of those families for thousands of years. Many families have some sleeping old monsters. They have long forgotten their origins, and they just hope to delay the time of their lives in this space, so as to wait for the chance to open the fairy gate one day.

And the fairy gate opened, and some people ascended, but when these old monsters knew that their families were destroyed and their descendants were eliminated, they did not ascend in time, but stayed in the realm. When there were no tigers in the mountains, monkeys became kings. Originally just a small person with a cultivation base of the Earth Immortal rank, originally the bottom of the original, but now he has become the strongest in this world. The Heavenly Evil Mo Zunrong Chengshou is Zhan Wuming's friend, so they are the ones who must kill The goal.Therefore, after Tianxie Mozun entered the original, he became a bereaved dog and ran for his life in embarrassment.

Tianxie Mozun is glad that there is such a special environment in this primordial, so that those powerful family spirits can't play much role, and in this world, the realm is not the most important thing, the important thing is the power of the body, Therefore, he has the opportunity to escape with his life repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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