Chapter 1045 Tianhe Star Wars

There is only one starship in the southwest sky, but there are quite a few guardian formations. Although these formations cannot attack continuously, the destructive power produced by each blow is very terrifying.

"Spread out..." Tanaka Bayi let out a low growl, the beams of light came too fast, although everyone had a lot of experience in facing this kind of attack, their speed couldn't compare with the beams of light.

"Boom..." A few pillars of light passed through the twenty thousand immortal cultivators in the dark sky, suddenly like a few rays of sunlight passing through the dark clouds, a large space was cleared above the sky, and there were countless people in this space. Broken artifact fragments and some flesh and blood were floating in it, and hundreds of people were lost in just one blow.

"Kill..." Tanaka Ba Yi roared, those guarding formations must have recharge time after each blow, this time is enough for them to rush to the gap.Once they rushed to the gap, Tianhe Star's Xianxiu could only block the gap with his flesh and blood. At that time, it was his chance.

"Boom...boom..." A few powerful beams of light shot out from the gap, but this time it was not the terrifying energy emission from the guardian formation, but the law attack of the immortal cultivators.

Tanaka Haichi did not stop, and nearly 2 people attacked downward again with all their strength.The power of thousands of laws falling from the sky and the thousands of laws rising from the Tianhe star suddenly collided at the gap in Tiantian's net, and the endless energy swept in all directions like raging sea waves, huge The shock wave tore apart the skynet that had already been breached.

"Boom... Boom..." More than a hundred beams of light blasted from the sky through the crowd of Tian Pinba and the others from the torn gap, like a huge brilliant spark in the void. Penetrating in the middle, the guardian who rose to the sky below was immediately cleared of a large vacancy.

The giant cannons of the starship battleship and the main cannons of the auxiliary ship fired together, the huge energy burned through the sky, and the beam of light passed through countless groups of immortal cultivators, causing landslides and earth-shattering roars on Tianhe Star.The immortal cultivator in the air flew down from the void like a bird with broken wings, and directly sank into the violent dust rising above the earth.

The attack power of the giant ship is too powerful, and the attack with full power is equivalent to the power of the immortal. Ten giant ships attack at the same time. Although they are separated by a distant void, the destructive power is still unimaginable. This is because of the blocking of Skynet. reason.The pattern of the Skynet enchantment has no ability to repair. This kind of damage not only tore a bigger gap in the Skynet, but also caused nearly a thousand immortal cultivators on Tianhe Star to fall.The giant ship in the sky cannot stimulate this level of attack for a short time.

There was a flash of excitement in Tanaka Ba's eyes, this is definitely the best opportunity.Nearly [-] powerful immortal cultivators fell from the sky like locusts.

"Boom...boom..." The immortal cultivators on Tianhe star did not have the slightest fear, and frantically collided with the invaders above the sky. Countless fairy lights turned into various forms of light and shadow, arousing endless destructive power. At the crack of Skynet, it is like a huge flesh and blood mill.

The sky and the ground, like meteors colliding, and then falling to the earth with roaring sound like meteorites being pulled down by gravity, the bodies of some immortal cultivators were either broken into pieces or broken into several pieces during the falling process , On the ground, there were seriously injured and mutilated immortals. Before they could struggle to move away, they found that there was a torrential rain of blood in the sky. Along with the blood rain, there were countless pieces of flesh and blood and some mutilated immortal weapons. .

The person who reluctantly brought up the rise of the fairy to stabilize his figure in the void rushed to the sky again, and entered the battle at the gap in the sky net.

Tanaka Haichi doesn't know how many Tianhe Star Immortals rise from below, the number is definitely more than them, but the average strength of the individual is definitely stronger than the nearly [-] fighters behind him.The cultivators of Tianhe Star seemed to have been prepared a long time ago, and even a few of them formed a formation together. Although the violent collision just now caused a lot of losses to both sides, Tianhe Star's immortal cultivators layered on each other, penetrating a There was a second floor, and the immortal Xiuhan on Tianhe star bumped into it without fear of death.

Their 2 people failed to penetrate the crowd, and instead fell into a bitter battle, with attackers coming from all directions, and they had to call in more backup, otherwise they would have no way of breaking into Tianhe Star.

The Jujian saw the predicament of Tanaka Bayi. Although the number of high-level immortal cultivators of Tianhe Star is small, they cannot support their large number, and they all seem to be familiar with simple attack formations. Tianhe Xingxiu only wants to pester them.

After several rounds of shocks, Tanaka Haichi felt that he might have killed nearly ten thousand Tianhe star immortals, but they also lost nearly three thousand people. These people either fell into pieces and fell into Tianhe star, or fell into Tianhe The land of the star turned into a puddle of flesh.

The gap in the Skynet is thousands of miles away from the land of Tianhe Star. If it falls freely from this height, even the Immortal Emperor will be smashed into meatloaf.Now that the force of their impact from the sky has been exhausted, they are suddenly trapped in a quagmire, the domains of countless fairy kings, countless chaotic laws, wind, water, fire, thunder, wood, earth and other original forces intertwined Together, they form a huge vortex, like a colorful grinding disc of flesh and blood. People die every minute and every second. In the chaotic attack, they are like a group of vultures flying into the formation of a group of goshawks in the sky. The two sides launched a life-and-death desperate fight.

The two sides are intertwined. Under such circumstances, neither Tianhe Star's guardian circle nor the warships in the starry sky can launch an attack.In this kind of melee, although there is a gap in cultivation between the Immortal King in Tianhe Star and Tanaka Bayi, this gap can't really play a role in the battle of tens of thousands or even nearly a hundred thousand immortals.This was a crazy war. Tanaka saw that on the land of Tianhe Star, there were countless immortals flying towards the sky, one after another, almost like locusts.

The news of the destruction of the guardian circles came, but Chi Yundong was not particularly panicked.

"Dong Xi, how is the evacuation going?" Chi Yundong turned his head and asked the young man behind him lightly.

"Most of them have already withdrawn into the cave, and the elders of the various sects are also gathering elites to lead the cave to the sand city." The young man replied.Just now came the news that the elders of various sects are evacuating one after another. Sand City is the last stronghold of Tianhe Star. Sand City controls the huge desert area of ​​the entire Tianhe Continent. There is the largest mining area in Tianhe City. As long as the sand city can be guarded, Tianhe star is not considered fallen.If the residents of Tianhe Star can be protected, then even if the entire building of Tianhe Star is destroyed, they can rebuild it.All of this is the prelude to the ground stabbing plan.

"Okay, we should withdraw too! Leave this piece of sky to them." Chi Yundong turned his gaze to the distant sky, where the dark sky starry sky fleet is located. This direction is Tianhe Port, which is also the enemy's closest The main place of attack, but now the huge Tianhe port has been bombarded into ruins by the giant cannons of the starship, and the few starship battleships on Tianhe star have also been broken into piles of scrap iron.

"Boom...boom..." Outside the sky, thousands of huge beams of light suddenly bombarded Tianhe Star's huge sky net barrier. The light film that originally had azure color finally couldn't bear the terrifying impact. Like a shattered ice surface, huge cracks quickly spread in all directions from the mask.The main and auxiliary guns of nearly a thousand starry space battleships fired at the same time, which was equivalent to a combined attack by ten immortals and hundreds of immortal emperors, and the damage caused was unimaginable.

"Wow..." The huge light curtain finally completed its mission, turning into countless light spots in the void, like flickering fireflies, blinking in the void for a moment, and then completely dissipated in the void.A force of chaotic law rapidly expanded in all directions of the sky, and the sky net exploded, forming a powerful void storm in the void, sweeping past like a hurricane, and the size of the starry sky sub-ships above the sky was not large. It wasn't too big, and after retreating for more than a hundred miles in this storm, it barely stabilized.Those starships are like giant mountains, unmoved.

"It's finally broken, Tianhe is ours." Above the sky, on a giant starship, Koizumi looked at the Skynet enchantment that dissipated like a rain of flowers, and let go for a long time. Tone, Tianhe Xing is like a beautiful woman who has taken off her clothes at this moment, allowing him to insult, what else can stop their giant ship from attacking?

However, Koizumi Zhuer is not so stupid as to bring the Star Warship and Tianhe Star too close. Before all the guardian circles are completely cleared, those beams of light have a great deterrent power to the Star Warship. In the midst of the energy bombardment, even the starry sky ship has no choice but to collapse.

Those guardian magic circles are very hidden. When they are not activated, what you see may be just some simple houses, or just a small cave. Their real power does not come from the starship battleship, but the close-up on the battleship. Million soldiers.

As one of the four dark kings of the dark sky, when Tosuke Tanaka and Matsushita Guixin died, his status was immediately promoted. If two of the four dark kings were lost, someone would naturally make up for it. The younger generation who came up naturally couldn't compare with the dark king of his older generation, so Koizumi Souji was mainly responsible for this big move.

Is Tianhe star really just a simple resource planet?Even he has doubts in his heart, because although he is the person in charge of this operation, he has a group of followers who even he is not qualified to question. His mission is to capture all the people on Tianhe, Other things are no longer in his control.

Koizumi Zhuer vaguely got the news from his father that this operation was planned by Mo Tianji, the son of light and darkness.For this son of light and darkness, Mo Tianji, Koizumi Zhuer's heart was full of awe.

(End of this chapter)

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