Chapter 1048

Facing an opponent like Zhan Wuming, Yun Qing was already very careful, and did not act until he walked out of the wormhole and away from the Taiqing Emperor City, because they had no chance at all, and this guy's reaction speed was faster than his Imagine fast.

"Boom..." Yun Qing's body was shaken suddenly, and a huge force slammed into him. His body was smashed heavily on the bulkhead of the fairy ship, and his spirit finally woke up. It was the same when he came back, and then, he saw the sword light penetrate his companion, another late Immortal King.At this moment, the person was at the same position as he was just now, and only then did he know that the sudden force just now was the force of his companions pushing him away with their bodies.Zhan Wuming's sword that originally killed him pierced through his companion.

Yun Qing felt a bit of bitterness in his heart, he never thought that at the most critical moment, the other party would risk his life to save her.

"Mo Yu!" Yun Qing burst out, and Zhan Wuming was more terrifying than they imagined. Originally, they thought that Zhan Wuming would find a way to avoid the flying debris, but they didn't expect that the other party not only did not avoid those debris, but let the Shards shot at him while fighting back.The young man was more vicious than they had imagined.

Zhan Wuming had no expression on his face, no surprise or anger, but his heart was full of twists and turns, Mo Yu, a member of the Mo family.

"Ding..." In Mo Yu's hand appeared a short knife of about one foot long, and he touched Zhan Wuming's Heaven-Defying Sword, and a crisp dragon chant sounded, his body shook, and he retreated from the edge of Zhan Wuming's sword.

"Hey..." Mo Yu felt that he could minimize his damage, because he retreated very fast, and the short knife suppressed Zhan Wuming's sword, but unfortunately he underestimated the sword in Zhan Wuming's hand.The moment the Nitian sword struck with the dagger, it trembled like an electric shock, and this slight vibration tore open the wound on his shoulder.

Mo Yu screamed, his shoulder was almost cut off, and blood sprayed out like a spring.

Mo Yu retreated, Zhan Wuming chased after him like a shadow, Mo Yu's Immortal King Domain had no effect on Zhan Wuming's speed at all, chasing his retreating trajectory was like a gust of wind, Zhan Wuming's sword turned into a dragon, cracked Biting his mouth towards Mo Yu, the overwhelming pressure made his soul tremble.

This is an Immortal Emperor's Artifact, and it is a high-level Immortal Emperor's Artifact. Mo Yu can be sure of the quality of the sword in Zhan Wuming's hand.

"Ding, ding, ding..." Mo Yu's short knife formed a light curtain around his body. Because it was short, it could seal off the surroundings of his body faster.

Sword radiance and sword energy splashed in all directions, flickering like fireflies in the narrow fairy ship, countless scars appeared on the bulkhead of the fairy ship in a moment, as if hit by a violent meteor shower, it was shocking to see.

"When..." The shocking sound resounded in the immortal ship, Yun Qing finally joined the battle, his natal immortal weapon was a golden mace.It's just that his golden mace didn't hit Zhan Wuming, it hit heavily on the sword net that Zhan Wuming swung, Zhan Wuming's sword, Mo Yu's knife, and Yun Qing's mace collided together, a violent impact The force stirred up a storm, and the shock wave not only knocked Zhan Wuming back, but also made Mo Yu fall out with a muffled grunt, and Yun Qing was overturned on the bulkhead again by the air wave.

"Porf..." Just as the three of them retreated violently, there was a sound of cracking above their heads, and the piercing wind and cold poured in from above their heads, and the cabin of the fairy ship was cut open by this terrifying air wave.The fairy boat drove at high speed, the huge wind pressure filled the dense cracks, and the powerful air flow rushed into the fairy boat.

Yun Qing was also slightly surprised by this blow, his attack seemed to be pulled by a force, the three forces touched together, and the explosive force formed by the chaotic law force was destructive.

This imprecise fairy ship has already made a "squeak" sound at this time, as if it will fall apart at any time.Mo Yu's image was the most embarrassing at the moment, his body hit the bulkhead, and one arm was almost cut off.Zhan Wuming made a round of berserk attacks, although he blocked most of them, countless sword intents still fell on Mo Yu.At this moment, Mo Yu was like a fish that had been slashed countless times, covered in blood.

"Cough, cough..." Mo Yu coughed out a mouthful of blood, with a ferocious look on his face.

Zhan Wuming is stronger than he imagined, a golden fairy, if Yunqing and him hadn't teamed up, none of them would be the opponent of this kid in front of him, not only fast, but also strange and inexplicable attack, especially the sword technique contains The power of the law is shocking.

It was because of his miscalculation with Yun Qing that Zhan Wuming took the lead and was injured. Although it affected his combat power, as long as his arm was still there, this injury would recover quickly. He didn't believe that with him and The combination of Yun Qing and the two of them still couldn't take down a little golden fairy.

"It seems that Suo Hun's death in your hands is not wronged." Yun Qing stood up, and a human-shaped imprint appeared on the bulkhead behind him, his body almost smashed through the fairy ship.

"Soul lock? What the hell!" Zhan Wuming was startled.

One of Yun Qing and Mo Yu belonged to Yue Letian, and the other belonged to Du Suitian, Zhan Wuming was puzzled, he didn't offend Du Suitian and Yue Letian's people, why did these two people put themselves to death? Wu Shunyuan, the fairy king of Da Chitian who he called on the fairy boat, must be with these two.

At first he thought it was Chi Xingyun who wanted to deal with him, but after thinking about it again, Chi Xingyun was not necessary. For Da Chitian, the crisis of Tianhe Star was the most important thing. No matter what he said, it was also Da Chitian's help No matter how stupid Chi Xingyun is, it is impossible for him to break his arm at such a time, causing Gong Huatian to resent him.

Although Gong Huatian ranked No. 70 and eighth among the [-] immortals, it was not easy to offend.Hearing Yun Qing's words, he realized that the origins of these two fairy kings might not be that simple. Mo Yu and Yun Qing are not fairy kings from the same fairy realm, and it is impossible for them to have a friendship to die for each other. To actually block a sword for Yun Qing, the relationship between these two is definitely not simple.

"Shuhun is the assassin who died in your hands." Yun Qing said coldly.

"Assassin..." Zhan Wuming immediately thought of the identities of the two in front of him, and said, "So you are from Naihetang."

"That's right, no matter where you flee to, it's impossible to escape from our grasp!" Mo Yu said fiercely with a frenzied killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"Damn, so you are the lackeys trained by Naihetang. What a pity, your fairyland still treats you as treasure." Zhan Wuming was suddenly depressed.

He didn't expect that the people from Naihe Hall would find them so quickly. He thought that he would be free for a while, but he went to Tianhe Star with the starry sky battleship of Da Chitian.Unexpectedly, among the geniuses of the major fairylands, there are also spies of Naihetang, who even arranged such a murderous situation.

"It is an honor for every fairy king to be a member of Nai He Hall." Yun Qing snorted coldly.

"So, Wu Shunyuan is also a member of your Naihetang, this is really pervasive!" Zhan Wuming sighed.

"Hmph, there are many things you can't think of." Mo Yu's eyes flashed with color.

"Yes, there are indeed many things that I couldn't think of, but there are also many things that you can't think of." Seeing Mo Yu's expression, Zhan Wuming smiled, a bit sinister.

Seeing Zhan Wuming's smile, Mo Yu and Yun Qing were extremely disturbed, and for a while, he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

"Okay, the game should be over." Zhan Wuming sneered, his body moved suddenly, this time the target was Yun Qing.

When Zhan Wuming moved, both Yun Qing and Mo Yu moved, and they would never let Zhan Wuming have a chance to attack one-on-one.As soon as Mo Yu's figure moved, he felt something was wrong, because he found that the space around him was fluctuating violently. Before he could figure out what was going on, a huge, pitch-black claw protruded from the void, reaching the extreme , It was also extremely abrupt, that claw completely passed through another dimension, without any warning.

"Ghost beast!" Yun Qing and Mo Yu exclaimed at the same time.

They have all stayed in the Gods and Demons Battlefield for a long time. Although the ghost beasts are very rare, they are very famous. They are the opponents that all experienced people in the Gods and Demons Battlefield do not want to meet.Naturally, they had seen it before, but he never expected that the monster that would only appear on the battlefield of gods and demons would appear on this small fairy ship.

Mo Yu didn't expect that the Nether Beast didn't give him time to think. When he wanted to defend, the Nether Beast's sharp claws had already entered his body and penetrated directly without any hindrance. are penetrated.

"Mo Yu!" Yun Qing cried out sadly. He never expected that ghost beasts would appear here. Such terrifying creatures should never appear outside the battlefield of gods and demons. There is only one possibility. of.This is what Zhan Wuming said, something they didn't expect.

"Boom..." The moment Yun Qing's mind was shocked by the Nether Beast, Zhan Wuming's body had already hit him.Yun Qing only felt a chill in his heart, a scorching heat burned from his heart, Zhan Wuming's sword had already pierced through his heart, and his golden mace stabbed heavily on Zhan Wuming's body.

Yun Qing's eyes widened, Zhan Wuming went crazy, and chose to play with both sides hurting, and did not defend against his attack at all, and both died.The boy in front of him is a lunatic.

Zhan Wuming is not a lunatic, let alone trade his life for another.The golden mace didn't penetrate Zhan Wuming's body at all, there was a layer of green brilliance on Zhan Wuming's body, it was a piece of armor, faintly visible.

The moment Yun Qing's mind was shaken by the Nether Beast, his attack power had been weakened a lot. Even so, his attack could not be blocked by any defensive weapon, and the armor on Zhan Wuming's body unexpectedly blocked it.

"How... is it possible..." Yun Qing couldn't breathe anymore, his whole body was swelling, his heart was broken, and that terrifying force burned all his vitality.

"I said before, there are more things you can't think of. This fairy clothes is called stealing the sky armor." Zhan Wuming's face turned pale. Although Yun Qing's blow failed to penetrate his body, the terrifying impact still It made his blood surge, and he almost spurted out a mouthful of blood, but he forced it down.

It is by no means a fluke that Yun Qing gained such a reputation among the Immortal Kings, his attack power is not weaker than most Immortal Kings.Thief Tianjia helped him offset a few percent of his strength, but still caused him a slight injury. Zhan Wuming's physical strength at this time was completely comparable to that of the middle-level Immortal Emperor.

"Stealing Tianjia..." Yun Qing's mouth turned bitter. He never expected that the seamless killing round planned by the two immortal kings Mo Yu and him in the later stage was actually reversed by the other party. The so-called killing round was just a Big joke.On Zhan Wuming's body, not only was there a terrifying Nether Beast, but he also had a defensive fairy weapon that he couldn't penetrate with a full blow.

"If you tell me who wants to buy my life, I can find a new body for your soul, and you still have the hope of being reborn." Zhan Wuming tempted Yun Qing.

Zhan Wuming doesn't believe that he doesn't want to live. People who cultivate immortals go against the sky and compete with the sky for longevity, don't they just want to live?Zhan Wuming wants to know who wants to buy his life, so he dispatches Naihetang.

(End of this chapter)

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