Chapter 1060 Blood Suppression

No one has any objections, everyone is eager to break out of the starry sky beasts alive, and Zhan Wuming is willing to tie his life with everyone. No matter how selfish they are, they will definitely become the target of public criticism.With that kind of medicine powder, they can not be attacked by the star beasts in a short period of time. There are more than ten thousand star beasts behind them. With their speed, they may be able to give it a go. It is better than sitting and waiting to die, or becoming Naihetang. The puppet is strong.

Zhan Wuming didn't hesitate, the starry sky beast was only a few miles away from the crowd, and it arrived in the blink of an eye. He crushed the six bottles, and a burst of energy turned the sprayed powder into a cloud of mist, which evenly fell on everyone. , Xuan Gang, Yan Feifei and the other Immortal King domains all opened up, blocking the violent storm from outside the domain, so that the powder of the medicine did not scatter in any way.

Just as Zhan Wuming and the others finished all this, thunderous hooves rolled towards the crowd like a frenzy, and huge star beasts jumped over their heads like hills, and the star beasts actually ignored them.

"Let's go!" Zhan Wuming shouted, carrying Chixingyun on his back and ran towards the opposite direction of the herd of beasts in the starry sky. Beast legs like giant pillars kept running past them, everyone's minds were tense It's tight, they know that any negligence will cause them to smash their heads on those pillars, and what awaits them afterwards is to be trampled into flesh.

At this time, they were not worried about the attack of the starry sky beasts, as long as they carefully avoided those galloping hooves, they would be able to rush out of the starry sky beast herd smoothly.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, even if they didn't know how long the medicine would last, when they passed by the star beast, it was equivalent to letting them pass through this desperate place at double speed, and it only took a moment to rush past.

"Be careful!" Just as everyone was running away in the starry sky beast, Zhan Wuming whispered in his ear, it was Mei Yunluo's voice, he was startled, and saw a shadow coming from the gap of the starry sky beast Zhong Biao shot over.The target was him and Chi Xingyun on his shoulders. The other party felt that he was just a golden fairy with a person on his back, so he was the target.

"There is an ambush!" Mei Yunluo let out a low cry, and everyone soon discovered that there were actually quite a few fairy kings among the group of running starry sky beasts. On the back of the Starry Sky Beast, even though those Starry Sky Beasts will not attack them, the Immortal King above will not let them go.

It seems that the starry sky beasts are not all attracted by the sound of the starry sky horn, but also driven by people, which makes the starry sky beasts maintain their unity.It's just that everyone was so exhausted at the beginning that they didn't realize that there was a group of fairy kings among the starry sky beast herd.

"Boom..." The light and shadow exploded on the ground, and Zhan Wuming's figure pierced through the giant legs of the starry sky beast like a ghost. The thick giant legs are a huge threat to people walking through the herd of starry sky beasts, but this For a moment, it became his barrier.

"Don't get entangled, rush out!" Zhan Wuming shouted when the light and shadow flashed by, without stopping at his feet, he quickly evaded with the body of the starry sky beast, like a shadow, it was difficult to catch his figure at all.

"Boom..." The stone man flew up, and slapped the fairy king on the back of the star beast. The huge impact made the star beasts around him furious, and the huge claws hit this little ant who dared to provoke them. It went down.

The stone man almost shot down the fairy king on the back of the starry sky beast, and was proud of it, but he did not expect to be attacked by the starry sky beast. With a strange cry, he dodged quickly, but was still slapped down from the air by the giant claw.

"Damn, you're looking for abuse!" The stone man fell to the ground, seeing the starry sky beast crashing in front of him like a mountain, just when the stone man thought that he would die this time, his body suddenly lightened, and a wave Pulling him aside vigorously, Zhan Wuming's voice came from the ear of the stone man covered in cold sweat.

"Thank you..." It was Zhan Wuming who saved him, and the stone man said with gratitude and embarrassment.

"Now is not the time to be impulsive." Zhan Wuming let go of the stone man, and disappeared in front of the stone man in a blink of an eye, flashing and blinking with the beast's legs in the starry sky, as if jumping in the air.

The stone man was slightly startled, and said to himself: "What kind of movement technique is this, it's so weird."

Although the stone man was very curious about Zhan Wuming's movement skills, he didn't dare to stay, and he didn't dare to fight back against the fairy king on the back of the starry sky beast. Just like Zhan Wuming said, he was looking for abuse.

The fairy king riding on the back of the star beasts communicates with the surrounding star beasts. Under normal circumstances, the star beasts will not attack people with breath on their bodies. That is because these star beasts are too big and their eyes are not very good. Human practitioners are like a small grasshopper in their eyes, and it is difficult for them to see the grasshopper jumping under their feet in the wild herd.But they have a super sense of smell, they can locate the position of the enemy by smell, and then attack.

If the little grasshopper was overwhelmed and insisted on jumping in front of the Starry Sky Beast, the Starry Sky Beast's eyes were not blind, so it would naturally shoot it to death when it saw it.The stone man didn't know the characteristics of the starry sky beast, so he rushed up to fight the fairy king on the back of the starry sky beast, which was tantamount to being directly exposed to the starry sky beast.Fortunately, those few starry sky beasts are not the most powerful, but ordinary wild beasts, which are equivalent to the rank of Immortal King, but the power generated by their huge body shape is not something the stone man can resist. Pulling it apart, he couldn't stabilize his figure, and he might be trampled into a pulp.

"Damn Naihetang!" Mei Yunluo was also attacked several times. He was already seriously injured and couldn't dodge in time, and was shot through the body by a cold arrow.Fortunately, the fairy kings on the back of the starry sky beasts can't turn around. Although they are on the backs of the starry sky beasts, not all the starry sky beasts have been tamed, and it is impossible for them to turn the entire starry sky beast herd around when all the beasts are galloping. .

In the herd of starry sky beasts, unless they get into the belly of the starry sky like Zhan Wuming, the starry sky beasts can only run along with the direction of the beast tide. There is only one, that is, the starry sky beast under their seats was trampled into a pulp by this torrent of beasts.

That's why Zhan Wuming made everyone run for their lives without too much entanglement.Wait until the herd of beasts in the starry sky is out, and then find a way to settle accounts with the people in Naihe Hall.Not to mention that there are only nearly a hundred fairy king knights on the back of the star beast, even if they have nearly a thousand people, they dare not go under the belly of the star beast to chase after them. In the chaos, they don't even know the exact number of Zhan Wuming. , Zhan Wuming and his group are all the kings among the immortal kings, the elite among the elites of the major immortal domains. With the same number, it is a joke for them to want to kill Zhan Wuming and others.

Because of this, they didn't have the courage to go down to the ground to pursue Zhan Wuming and others. After all, unlike at the beginning, the fairy kings who were in trouble were scattered on this planet. To wipe out these people in one go, we must concentrate our strength on a head-on confrontation.

Zhan Wuming and others quickly passed through the starry sky beast herd, making the cavalry on the starry sky beast's back depressed to death. They never thought that Zhan Wuming and others could walk safely through the starry sky beast herd. Not being attacked by starry sky beasts, thinking about it afterwards, these people must have beheaded their companions, and obtained animal repellent powder from their companions, which made the herd of beasts that were originally life-threatening to these people become a hindrance to their pursuit. barrier.

Seeing the figures of Zhan Wuming and others flashing a few times in the dust and storm, they were covered by the huge bodies of countless star beasts, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight. The fairy kings of Naihetang looked at each other, helpless .

"Have they all come out?" The sound of hooves gradually faded away, and in the wild storm, sand and stones hit everyone's body guards like bullets, crackling.Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, they finally rushed out of the starry sky herd.Seeing the herd of beasts in the starry sky drifting away behind them, cold sweat broke out from the palms of everyone.

"It's all here? Hey, Le Pingchuan, who was forbidden to go to heaven, hasn't come out." The stone man glanced at the crowd, his face changed.

"Did Le Pingchuan fail to come out? Has anyone seen him?" Mei Yunluo asked after thinking about it.

"Wait a while, I'll go back and have a look!" Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, he said that he didn't want to leave anyone behind, although he seemed to have the weakest cultivation among this group of people, but he knew that in these In people's hearts, his every move will affect everyone's decision. If you want to be a real leader, you have to show it to others.

Zhan Wuming is ambitious, even if he doesn't have the medicine powder of Naihetang, he doesn't have to worry about the starry sky beast attacking him, he has the blood of Kunpeng, he is the supreme beast, even the god beast will be suppressed by his blood power, but He couldn't let other people know that escaping from the herd was an easy task. He wanted to make these people feel grateful and trust him, so he had to play the trick.

"If we waste time here, will the people from Naihe Hall chase after us?" Mu Yeba asked worriedly, frowning.

"Those herds of starry sky beasts have to run for a while, even if they turn around, they won't be able to form a siege like just now, so don't worry too much!" Yan Feifei interjected.

At this time, everyone gathered together. Although the major fairylands have suffered heavy losses this time, at least they are still alive. As long as they are alive, everything can start all over again. But this is also an opportunity for them, because it can highlight their own importance in the star field.

"It seems that Le Pingchuan can't come back anymore." Mu Yeba saw that Zhan Wuming returned quickly, holding a rotten corpse in his hand, and he could vaguely recognize the clothes of Le Pingchuan, who was forbidden to heaven.

Le Pingchuan was also unlucky enough, when he was escaping, he was attacked by the fairy king on the back of the starry sky beast. More than a hundred starry sky beast knights were distributed on more than [-] starry sky beasts, and there was only one fairy king on top of hundreds of starry sky beasts. The probability actually caused Le Pingchuan to bump into several.Under serious injury, he couldn't escape from the hooves of those starry sky beasts, his entire fairy body was trampled to pieces, and even the fairy baby couldn't escape.

(End of this chapter)

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