Chapter 1073 Yantong Supreme
Da Chitian, the Most Holy Palace is not in Taiqing City, but hidden somewhere in the void of Taiqing City, it is self-contained and surpasses the entire Taiqing Emperor City.

The most holy palace is the place where the Great Chitian Emperor respected the Taiqing Immortal Emperor. This is not the imperial palace. The imperial palace in Taiqing City is only a symbol of the imperial family. Only a few people in the Great Chitian know that there is a place above the imperial palace called For the most holy palace.Some people say it is a spiritual mountain, others say it is a small world, and some say it is just a small cave. Although there are different opinions, few people know how to reach the Holy Palace.

Chi Xingyun is one of the few people in Da Chitian who knows the passage to the Holy Palace, because he is a disciple of Emperor Zun, the king of fairy kings in Da Chitian, and the son of God in Da Chitian, and his status is transcendent. Therefore, although Chi Xingyun's cultivation is no more than the Immortal King rank, but he has special treatment that many immortals cannot enjoy, that is, he can freely enter and leave the Holy Palace.

Zhan Wuming and the others returned to Dachitian and planned to return to Gonghuatian immediately. What happened in the past few days made him realize that a huge crisis was quietly approaching, and he had to return to Gonghuatian earlier to let Xuanji make early preparations .When they were about to leave, they received a message from the Taiqing Emperor's palace, and the Taiqing Immortal Emperor actually summoned him.

Immortal Emperor Taiqing, the strongest of Da Chitian, Zhan Wuming did not dare to show off, that is a stronger existence than Xuanji, after all, Da Chitian ranks relatively high in the fairy world, one hundred and eight days, can rank The tenth place is not unrelated to the supreme cultivation of Taiqing Xianzun.

Zhan Wuming is just a junior, he didn't expect to be able to receive a message from the Immortal Emperor when he returned to the Great Scarlet Heaven Immortal Realm Continent, which filled him with anticipation.He was not the only one summoned by Immortal Emperor Taiqing, but all the immortal kings who survived this time. Therefore, all the immortal kings who were planning to break up stayed behind, and went to the Holy Palace together with Chi Xingyun.

Regarding the name of the most holy palace, Zhan Wuming felt that it was a bit exaggerated, who in this fairy world would dare to call himself the most holy?The most sacred palace in Da Chitian has existed for so many years, and there may be reasons for it, so Zhan Wuming has no time to investigate whether this existence is reasonable.

The Holy Palace is not a palace, but more like a spiritual mountain, a spiritual mountain floating in the void. Seeing this mountain, Zhan Wuming thought of the half-mountain that Xuanwu opened up on Yuanhuangtai, the palace of Xuanwu It exists in the void that is misplaced with Yuanhuangtai. At the beginning, Zhan Wuming found some mysterious and regular road and climbed up step by step. When he walked through the dozens of steps, he found Xuanwu's palace and Yuanhuangtai. In fact, the starry sky is hundreds of thousands of miles apart.

This is also the case in the most sacred palace at present, but the Taiqing Immortal Emperor obviously cannot create a regular path like Xuanwu, but simply built a few short-distance teleportation formations in the imperial palace, which can be directly teleported to the most holy palace. In front of the Holy Palace.

This is a spiritual mountain with rich aura, which can be said to be a blessed place.Zhan Wuming can be sure that cultivating on this spiritual mountain can definitely get twice the result with half the effort. The spiritual energy here is as thick as fog, which cannot be dispersed, and can even affect everyone's sight.

Zhan Wuming is very interested in this spiritual mountain inhabiting the unknown coordinates of the void. The Gonghua Heavenly Emperor Clan has a different world where the emperor is buried, but Da Chitian has a spiritual mountain in the void. Entering, people simply cannot find the coordinates of this spiritual mountain in the starry sky, which shows the magic of this mountain.

"That's Yantong Supreme of Yue Letian!" Zhan Wuming and the others waited quietly outside the gate of the Holy Palace, seeing one or two powerful beings coming out of it from time to time, mostly immortals.Those people are not the immortals of Da Chitian, but come from other immortal realms.Mei Yunluo recognized the Immortal Venerable who just came out, and whispered in Zhan Wuming's ear.

"Mei Yunluo has seen Old Yan!" Seeing the sullen-looking immortal come out, Mei Yunluo stepped forward and saluted.

"Oh, it's the sister-in-law of the Mei family... boy... why are you here?" Supreme Yan Tong asked slightly surprised when he saw Mei Yunluo.

"The old man was summoned by Emperor Taiqing, so we had to come here first. Originally, we wanted to go back to Huangjiatian to report to Master and Emperor." Mei Yunluo said helplessly.

"Hey, did Huang Jiatian come back alone?" Yan Tong asked with a very ugly expression.

"Yes, unfortunately, I was unable to save Brother Yan at that time." Mei Yunluo said shyly.

"I don't blame you for this. Emperor Taiqing will give us Yue Letian an explanation. If it is you, since Emperor Zun summoned you, then you have to ask the emperor for some explanations for the suffering you have suffered this time. If you have any wishes, you may wish to ask the emperor directly. The Great Emperor is just as old as he said, and with the generosity of the Great Emperor, I will ensure that you juniors will benefit endlessly."

"Yan Tong, you still don't want to leave, okay, don't teach, teach these juniors to blackmail?" Yan Tong Zhizun hadn't finished speaking, a carefree voice came over, and then an extremely fat old guy rolled like a ball come over.

"Extortion? Do you dare to extort money from the old man? If you dare to do so, I guarantee that you will lose weight successfully." Yan Tong looked at the old man who rolled over like a lump of flesh, and sneered.

"Well, what kind of character is the Great Emperor, besides, I, Yan Fei, am not the kind of little hooligan."Just kidding, blackmailing Taiqing Emperor, that can really lose weight, but he would rather die of fat than use this method to lose weight.

"It's fine if you know how much you weigh. I'm just teaching these juniors to be more polite when they meet the Great Emperor. Why are you talking so much nonsense!" Tong Yan turned her head and walked down the mountain.

The lump of fat bouncing like a bouncing ball and chasing after Yan Tong's figure, obviously this person is not from Da Chitian either.

"Everyone, I kept you waiting for a long time. Master asked me to take you in." Zhan Wuming and others waited for a long time before Chi Xingyun came out of the palace and said to everyone.

"Brother Chi, what exactly does Emperor Zun want us for? We are just juniors." Yan Feifei asked suspiciously.

He looked at Chi Xingyun's appearance, although he had entered the hall not long ago, but he seemed to have recovered to his peak state, his aura was more vigorous, and he was afraid that he had benefited a lot from Immortal Emperor Taiqing.

"Just received a news that the Starship Fleet of the Dark Alliance that escaped from Tianhe star has docked at Jiang Youtian's starport. Master was very angry when he heard the news." Chi Xingyun smiled wryly.

"Jiang Youtian?" Mei Yunluo's face changed slightly, and she said in a daze, "Then Jiang Youtian also fell to the Dark Alliance? Isn't he always neutral?"

"Who knows, maybe it is because of this that the master is angry. Jiang Youtian's Wusi Emperor has always said that he is neutral, but now he is openly opening a channel for the fleet of Star Warships of the Dark Alliance and supplying supplies. It is obvious that he has turned The Dark Alliance. This is still when our Da Chitian issued a notice to the major fairylands about the attack on Tianhe Star and the identity of the attacker was also announced. Jiang Youtian still allowed him to enter Hong Kong safely, and he didn't even worry about the starry sky. The battleship attacked them, which shows that they have agreed long ago. This is a slap in the face of our Great Chitian." Chi Xingyun could not hide the anger in his heart.

Zhan Wuming and the others were stunned. Jiang Youtian had indeed been a neutral fairyland in the fairyland before. That fairyland was not famous for its powerful force, but for its business.Jiang Youtian is a huge free trade place in the fairy world, it is entirely because Jiang Youtian has an advantage that the major fairylands in the fairyland do not have at all, that is, they have the most comprehensive wormholes and rule gates, almost most of the fairylands in the fairyland have It can directly lead to Jiang Youtian.

Although Jiang Youtian is not the center of the entire fairyland, it is very convenient to go from Jiangyoutian to the major fairylands.Jiang Youtian's unique geographical advantages have allowed it to develop into the largest gathering place for business and trade.Because of the special location of the Immortal Territory, although the major Immortal Territories really want to share a little interest in it, they know very well that once they make a move, they will inevitably become the target of public criticism. Except for the original owner of this Immortal Territory, other people who want to Anyone who competes for this fairyland will take action.

All the powers peeped in, and the people of all parties consciously took care of themselves, holding a piece of hot potato in exchange for endless troubles, which was not the result desired by the great immortal realms, so they would rather not think about Jiang Youtian, Changing his thinking and integrating into Jiang Youtian's business, instead made Jiang Youtian a transit point for the major fairylands, and Jiang Youtian declared neutrality in a timely manner.

Especially recently, Dark Sky quietly set up a dark alliance, and Da Chitian also wanted to organize a justice alliance. Jiang Youtian was recruited by both sides, but Jiang Youtian directly rejected Da Chitian, saying that he remained neutral, Will not participate in the battle between the two sides.

However, Jiang Youtian blatantly let the Starry Sky Fleet that invaded Great Chitian stop at his own star port for supplies, and even sold Xianxiu, who was plundered from Tianhe Star, as a slave in Jiang Youtian.This had already broken Jiang Youtian's original declaration of neutrality, so it was no surprise that Immortal Emperor Taiqing was angry.

Zhan Wuming couldn't figure it out, what was the use of the Emperor Taiqing recruiting them here? Could it be that these fairy kings were going to Jiang Youtian to chase after those murderers who invaded the Great Chitian?It's just a joke, no matter how stupid these people are, they can't be stupid enough to accompany Da Chitian to do this kind of thing. Almost all the brothers around me died on the way to rescue Tianhexing. Risk your own life.

"Squeak..." With a long hissing sound, Zhan Wuming and the others followed Chi Xingyun into a distance of dozens of miles, and then saw a huge palace with a huge red gate that was hundreds of feet high. The gate that opens slowly seems to be as thick as a mountain. The so-called portal is more appropriate to say that it opens a passage to another dimension of space.

The huge portal opened, but Zhan Wuming and the others were stunned. What they saw was not a splendid palace with golden walls, but a deep starry sky.Not only Zhan Wuming was stunned, but Mei Yunluo and the others were also stunned. Originally, they thought there would be an incomparably majestic and magnificent palace behind this gate, but when Chi Xingyun brought them under the giant gate, the giant gate opened After that, it turned out to be an endless starry sky, with stars twinkling on the blue sky, and occasional pieces of white clouds drifting by, accompanied by meteors passing through the sky from time to time, which is extremely beautiful.

"Isn't it possible that your master lives in the starry sky?" Makinoba asked staring blankly at the boundless void.

Chi Xingyun just smiled and said: "You all come with me!" He said and walked towards the boundless starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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