Chapter 1075

In the depths of the endless void, half of a huge tower floats in the chaos, and half stays in the clear starry sky.Here, the chaos and the starry sky are like two halves of clear and turbidity, and a clear and clear line extends to endless nothingness. This is the so-called realm of chaos in the entire fairy world. The ancient giant tower seems to have always existed in this starry sky, like It is an old cow standing in the starry sky but drinking the water of chaos, with an indescribable charm.

On the top of the giant tower, a person who looked like a dead wood statue suddenly opened his eyes, because the huge orb on the top of the giant tower suddenly lit up, illuminating the half of the giant tower in the chaos.

Seeing the glaring brilliance of the water tank-like orb on the top of the giant tower, it illuminated the chaos for thousands of miles, and the mottled and rusty stains eroded by the chaos on the giant tower of thousands of miles were shocking like patches of sores. The old man said to himself: "The Town Boundary Bead is actually lit up. After so long, the Town Boundary Bead is finally lit up. It seems that the catastrophe in the Immortal World is inevitable!"

"Om..." Just as the old man was talking to himself, a slight fluctuation suddenly appeared in the void. The old man raised his head slightly, and saw a figure stepping out of nothingness, as if passing through endless time and space, coming suddenly, behind him The ripples in the void like water quickly healed, and that figure emerged from the ripples.

"Shi Tiandi." The old man spat out three words lightly.

"Shi Tian has seen the Emperor of Heaven!" The figure that stepped out of the void knelt down at the bottom of the tower and kowtowed.

"Emperor Shi Tian is not in the ancient heaven, but came to this chaotic border, but what happened in the fairy world?" The old man's tone was like a dry well.

"Taiqing told me that he wanted to take action against Jiang Youtian." Shi Tiandi said a little gloomyly.

"Taiqing, why is that kid so angry?" The old man on the ancient pagoda was slightly surprised.

"The dark sky has recently organized a dark alliance, looting everywhere in the fairyland, and even Jiang Youtian, who has never intervened in the affairs of the major fairylands, has been involved and has become a running dog of the dark alliance. Naihetang and the dark alliance have joined forces to make Taiqing I have suffered a great loss, so Taiqing hopes to save this face." Emperor Shi Tian said solemnly.

"Dark Alliance, what a Dark Alliance, I'm afraid it's the old immortals in the ancient fairyland who are testing our bottom line. It seems that we have been silent for too long. However, the rules of the fairyland are not easy to break. You reply to that boy Taiqing, if he makes a move, don’t be too stingy. This fairy world has been recuperating for too long, and many people no longer know who is in charge of this fairy world, so it’s time to shuffle the cards. Not everyone can become the master of a domain, nor can everyone disturb the wind and rain!" The old man had a cold killing intent on his face, and after saying this, his eyes fell on the huge orb on the top of the giant tower.

"Shi Tian understands, Shi Tian will leave first." Emperor Shi Tian saluted, turned around and stepped out.

Ripples appeared in the void again, like the surface of a rippling lake, and his body instantly disappeared into the water lines and disappeared without a trace.

Watching Shi Tiandi leave, the old man took a deep breath and said to himself: "The chaos in the world has its own destiny, and no one can reverse it. It depends on who is the real protagonist of this era!"


Yecry City, the largest commercial center in the south of Jiangyoutian.The reason why it is called Yetiao City is because this city is more lively at night, and its prosperity is comparable to many imperial cities in the fairyland, and even more lively than many imperial cities, because as long as you have money here, you can even enjoy To the treatment of the Immortal Emperor.

Jiang Youtian's own resource planets are not many, but because of their high commercial status, although they do not have their own resource planets, Jiang Youtian is still one of the richest fairylands in the [-] days.Apart from the few great fairylands in the fairyland, Jiang Youtian is the only one with abundant financial resources.Of course, they are incomparable to the ancient immortal realms like the ancient immortal realm and the ancient heaven realm, which are always ranked first and second. Even the dark sky and bright tomorrow are not necessarily richer than Jiang Youtian.All this is due to Jiang Youtian's unique and convenient transportation, which can freely lead to most of the fairy world.

The Port of Starry Sky in Yecry City is docked with fairy ships from various fairylands, and it is the most popular place for the rich. A mysterious star fleet is parked, and as for the origin of this star fleet, not many people know.

Jiang Youtian has always claimed that he is not involved in the battles between the fairy realms, but at this moment he let a star fleet station in his star port, which made the hearts of the immortal cultivators who came here from the major fairy realms jump wildly, and their hearts were clouded. A shade.

Most of the immortal cultivators are still enjoying it. They come here for pleasure and business.Yetiao City, as Jiang Youtian's important commercial city, the Jiang Youtian Emperor Clan is not worried, so I have nothing to worry about.So, what do many people do or what, isn't it just to seal off an area of ​​the star port, and the star port of Yeti City is not small, enough for them to transport their goods.

Many fairylands have their own commercial firms in Yecry City, and merchants are after profits. As long as Yecry City is profitable, no fairyland will give up.Xuan Sen is Gong Huatian's representative in Yecry City, he is in charge of all the business networks of Gong Huatian in the imperial clan of Yecry City, and is an important figure in the imperial clan of Gonghuatian.

At this moment, Xuan Sen's face was very heavy. He had just received the latest news from the Imperial Clan, which actually asked him to reduce his business in Jiang Youtian as much as possible to reduce possible losses.He has never quite understood what the news from the Presbyterian Council meant. However, as a loyal child of the Imperial Clan who is in charge of the business of the family and stands alone on one side, he did as he did, putting all the original acquisition plans on hold, and The properties that were originally ready to be sold but wanted to be resold were resolutely sold. He stopped four acquisitions in one day and reached five resales.

All in all, he felt that his business was doing a bit of a loss. However, he still cut down one-third of the property in Yetu City. Facing his subordinates' questioning, Xuan Sen couldn't explain it. After all, it was the Presbyterian Council He has only one explanation for why he gave such an order, that is, Jiang Youtian is about to change, and it may be related to the entire mysterious star fleet parked in the star port.

The whole fairy world is not peaceful recently, Gong Huatian has suffered a lot in this weird turmoil, now the elders will issue weird orders, Xuan Sen didn't ask further.

"Xuandong, tell Uncle Yuan to put the batches of goods they delivered the day after tomorrow on hold first. Don't rush to send Jiang Youtian, but let them go in Yueletian first. As for when they will be delivered, wait for my news." Xuan Sen passed on the orders one by one, regardless of what other people thought.

"Shopkeeper, there is a man named Zhan Wuming asking to see you outside." Just as Xuan Sen kept giving orders, a shop clerk came in and said.

Xuan Sen was stunned, and called Xuan Dong who was about to leave and said, "Xuan Dong, you go and invite him in first. Wang Sheng, the store closes early today, you go and say sorry to the customers."

The store clerk was taken aback, he didn't expect Xuan Sen to give such an order, but since the shopkeeper said so, he naturally had to do so, but he didn't understand the origin of that boy named Zhan Wuming, who made Xuan Sen Dong went to pick it up in person, and it was closed early because of the arrival of this kid, which was indeed something that had never happened before.

This is the first time Zhan Wuming has seen Xuansen. Xuansen's status in the imperial clan is slightly lower than Yuanzu's, but his cultivation level is not weaker than Yuanzu's. One of the old monsters of the Heavenly Elders' Association, the status of the Yuanzu is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.Xuan Sen is an offshoot disciple, and being able to become the head of business in one of the Immortal Territories can be considered a high position and authority. Once he is in charge of one, having the cultivation base of a fairy queen is not a big deal.

"I didn't expect the Son of God to come, Xuan Sen was far away to welcome him!" Seeing Zhan Wuming, although Xuan Sen's cultivation was much higher than Zhan Wuming's, he didn't show off. After all, Zhan Wuming was the Son of God announced by the Emperor Clan. Candidates have an unlimited future, and it is very necessary to have a good relationship with such a person.

"Uncle Sen, you don't have to be polite to me. I'm here today for something. Please, Uncle Sen, let all Gong Huatian's disciples in Yetiao City find a safe place to hide." This was the first time Zhan Wuming saw Xuan Sen. In a word.

Xuan Sen's complexion suddenly became very ugly. He received a message from the elders' meeting early this morning. At this time, Zhan Wuming suddenly appeared in Jiang Youtian again, and brought such a sentence, which made it hard for him to accept for a while.

"What happened?" Xuan Sen asked suspiciously.

"There will be major events in Yetiao City, and even the whole of Jiang Youtian. In order to minimize losses, Uncle Sen, you have to prepare in advance. Our time is running out. Uncle Sen, let someone contact Gong Huatian's companions everywhere. " Zhan Wuming said solemnly.

"A big event is going to happen in Yetiao City or even Jiang Youtian? What kind of event will it be? Zhan Wuming's serious look, coupled with the inexplicable order of the elders, he believes a little bit.

"Xuandong, quickly spread the news about the Son of God, and tell the disciples of the imperial clan not to run out if they have nothing to do, and try not to come out in our other palaces. If you have something to leave, you can leave in advance, and if you have nothing to do, pack your things and prepare to leave at any time People." Xuan Sen said calmly.

"This one……"

"Boom...boom..." Just when Xuan Dong was about to say something, there was a sudden shocking sound, as if the sky was falling apart, and Xuan Sen, Xuan Dong and others almost couldn't stand still.

"Damn, it's so fast. Quickly, open all the protective shields immediately." Zhan Wuming's expression changed, he cursed in a low voice, and then shouted loudly.

"All the protective shields?" Xuansen was startled, and then his figure flashed out, and layers of dense brilliance suddenly appeared on the entire fairy tower, like layers of rainbow films, buckling upside down on the entire fairy tower. On the four sides of the building, on the walls of the fairy building in all directions, countless runes seem to come alive, full of aura and vitality.

"Boom... Boom..." At the same time that the various masks of the fairy building were opened, a violent and destructive energy swept down from the sky like a doomsday hurricane, hitting all the buildings on the earth, and respecting the fairy building Also under the impact of that terrifying hurricane, but that terrifying force was blocked by various buildings, the various masks of Xianlou shook for a while, and then shattered three layers of air like a bursting bubble. In the end, the entire fairy building was shaken suddenly, and the huge fairy building seemed to be unable to withstand the terrifying impact, and almost fell down.

Through the masks of the fairy buildings, Zhan Wuming, Xuan Sen and others saw many fairy buildings and pavilions in front of them and behind them like harvested wheat, which were torn into pieces in the violent destructive energy. debris.The entire city of Crying seemed to be reduced to ruins in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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