Chapter 1079 Destructive Assassination
Koizumi Zhuoji's screams were filled with infinite anger, no one knew what happened to Koizumi Zhuoji, maybe only the person involved, Koizumi Zhuoji and his opponent Zhan Wuming knew.

"You are despicable!" Koizumi Zhuoji uttered three words at the end, and then the voice stopped abruptly, like a duck whose neck was cut off at once.

"Boom..." In the dust and mist stirred up by the dark energy, a gust of wind suddenly struck.It exploded suddenly beside Xuanfeng, and then a bright red brilliance burst into flames, turning into a raging flame, as if burning through the void around Xuanfeng in an instant, the fairy of the dark sky surrounding Xuanfeng's body The king backed away in shock, the flame seemed to be alive and scorching hot.

"Let's go..." There was an extra voice from the spirits of Xuan Gang and Xuan Feng.

"Boom...boom..." Xuan Gang and Xuanfeng threw a few small balls with their hands, and they still entered the group of dark heavenly fairy kings. Suddenly, several balls of fire exploded, and the crimson ball that existed around Xuanfeng originally existed. The colored flames are connected into one piece.

An angry exclamation came from the flames, and the void was in chaos. Only a few quick-witted people escaped from the flames, and quickly took off the fairy clothes that were stained with flames and threw them away.

"Abyss Demon Fire!" Someone exclaimed.

A powerful coercion instantly enveloped from afar, and the powerful thoughts imprisoned this void.The burning abyssal magic fire seemed to be violently compressed by that powerful thought, the flames fell down, and finally couldn't bear the heavy pressure and extinguished.

On the ruins, the earth was scorched black.Several figures are still wailing in the extinguished flames. The abyss demon fire not only burns the body, but also burns the soul, devouring people's soul like countless demons. Extinguish it, but it cannot extinguish the flame of the inner demon that has invaded the body.The abyssal magic fire is something that even the immortals don't want to be contaminated.

"Who the hell are they?" Jiang Hailiu looked at the mess all over the place. Of the eight fairy kings of the dark sky, only three stood intact and stunned. No enemy was seen on the scorched ruins. In a pit nearly a hundred feet away, a headless corpse lay there quietly. It was none other than Koizumi Souji, one of the four dark kings of the dark sky.

"It's Gong Huatian's Zhan Wuming and Xuan Gang." The surviving Immortal King's face was pale, and his face was ashen. They were together just now, plus the dark king Koizumi, there were nine people in total, and the other party had only three people, and they were beaten to death. Unprepared, except for Koizumi Zhuer, the three of them were killed by Xuan Gang and Xuan Feng from the very beginning, killing two and seriously injuring one. Xuan Gang's strength crushed the three immortal kings among them, although they He had the upper hand, but he didn't even have a chance to rescue Koizumi Zhuoji.Xuanfeng's speed is fast, and under the fight, the other two fairy kings are also inseparable.

The reason why Xuan Gang was able to suppress them was that there was no strength among them that could match Xuan Gang. At the last moment, after Zhan Wuming killed Koizumi Zhuer, he actually attacked back and killed one person instantly before escaping, and the other two. The soul is currently being burned by the abyssal fire, and I am afraid that there is no life to speak of.

"Gong Huatian's Zhan Wuming and Xuan Gang? Well, I've heard of Xuan Gang. He's not weak. Who is Zhan Wuming? Could it be the Immortal Emperor?" Jiang Hailiu's face became very ugly. The Immortal Emperor dared to attack brazenly because he was so powerful that it was unimaginable, but Gong Huatian's little Immortal Emperor dared to violate the rules of the Immortal World in Yecry City, so he would definitely make Gong Huatian pay the price.

"He...he seems to be a golden fairy." The fairy king's face became even uglier.

"Golden Immortal?" Jiang Hailiu had a weird look on his face, and then his eyes were full of contempt, and he swung his sleeves and cursed: "A bunch of trash!" Then he turned around and left with a few immortal emperors, ignoring him at all. These fairy kings of the dark sky.

The three survivors looked at each other, but they had no face to help. The other party was only three people, and one of them was Jinxian. This was a war under the Immortal Emperor. rule.

If Zhan Wuming and others were accidentally caught by Jiang Hailiu just now, Jiang Hailiu didn't mind killing the three of them directly. He could just use the excuse that these three juniors were disrespectful to him, and it would not be considered a violation of the rules of the fairy world.But let Jiang Hailiu go openly to find three juniors below the Immortal Emperor, and one who is only a Golden Immortal, Jiang Hailiu can't save face.

From Jiang Hailiu's point of view, the so-called dark king was nothing more than that, but he was killed by a little golden fairy of Gong Huatian.Even if he has something to do with the dark sky, and Koizumi Zhuer died, people from the Koizumi family will naturally worry about it. As the Lord of Yecry City, the entire Yecry City is in such a mess now, how can he care about a few of them? junior things.The conquest of the fairy world is normal, and the battle under the fairy king is nothing. He has no reason to intervene.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." A group of figures quickly gathered from all directions, someone has sent a message to the other fairy kings of the dark sky, and the Starry Sky Fleet of the Dark Alliance is moored in the star port of Yecry City, although there are still There are many immortal soldiers, but there are also many people who went to Yecry City to rest and recuperate. That is a star fleet with tens of thousands of people, and there are at least nearly 10 people in Yecry City. They were stunned and didn't know why, they didn't expect that someone would sneak attack against them in Yetiao City.

"What happened?" someone asked.

"Koizumi-kun..." Someone found Koizumi Zhuer's headless body, and he was shocked. The dark king Koizumi Zhuer was killed, who is it?

"Who did it?" came an angry voice.

"Brother Tanaka, the person who killed Mr. Koizumi was Gong Huatian's Zhan Wuming, the murderer who killed his brother Yuansuke Tanaka in the battlefield of gods and demons!" Seeing this man, the surviving fairy king suddenly had a backbone. , hurriedly said.

"Gonghua Tianzhan Wuming? It's him again! Where did they go?" Tanaka Ba had a murderous look on his face.

Zhan Wuming has long been the target of the Tanaka family. They received news that one of the Tanaka family's four dark kings, Tanaka Yuansuke, died at the hands of this kid on the battlefield of gods and demons, although it is not certain that it was this kid at the time. He did it himself, but he died because of this kid's trick.

In the battlefield of gods and demons, the one who died at the hands of Zhan Wuming was Matsushita Guixin of the Matsushita family. Now, Koizumi Zhuyi also died at the hands of this kid. For a while, the hearts of all the fairy kings in the dark sky rose With a shadow, three of the four dark kings of the dark sky died in his hands, no matter whether it was directly or indirectly, people had to re-examine Zhan Wuming. Of course, this kid was also listed as the most dangerous under the immortal emperor. figure.

"Look, find him for me, even if you turn Nightcry City upside down!" Tanaka Hayashi roared angrily. In this Nightcry City, although his star fleet is gone, he still has a powerful army. He didn't believe that Gong Huatian would have more people than him in Yetiao City. That would be an invasion, and Jiang Youtian would never allow it, so he concluded that there would not be many people around Zhan Wuming, even if Zhan Wuming No matter how powerful he is, he can kill the opponent with a pile of people. Once a golden fairy who can kill three dark kings grows up, how powerful is it to let him advance to the rank of fairy king?At that time, I am afraid that even the Son of Light and Darkness may not have a chance to kill him.Therefore, Tanaka Haichi decided that no matter what, Zhan Wuming must not be allowed to leave Nightcry City alive.

"Brother Tian Zhong, just now I received a message from Teng Shengtian Yu Qingqing that her elder brother Yu Konghuang was assassinated. They hope that we can help them find the murderer together." Just as Tanaka Bayi's voice fell, a The Immortal King said quietly.

"What? Emperor Yukong is dead too! Who made the move?" Tanaka Bayi's face changed again, and Emperor Yukong knew very well that this son's cultivation base was not weaker than him, and he was the son of Teng Shengtian's quasi-god , which is equivalent to the four dark kings of the dark sky, who were also assassinated, what happened to Yecry City.

"The person who made the move seems to be Mei Yunluo from Huangjiatian," said the fairy king.

"Mei Yunluo?" Tanaka Hayashi's expression changed slightly.

Mei Yunluo is the son of God of Huangjiatian, and is the most talented person among the seven Mei brothers of Huangjiatian. Even if the dark king Koizumi Zhuer makes a move, I am afraid that he is not his opponent. Emperor Yukong died in Mei In Yunluo's hands, it is understandable, not to mention assassination, the death of a god to assassinate another quasi-god's son, I am afraid it is not difficult.

"By the way, let's find Mei Yunluo. Once you find out about Mei Yunluo, don't make a move. Tell Teng Shengtian's whereabouts. Let Yu Qingqing and the others handle this matter. Our main goal is Zhan Wuming. !" Tanaka Hayashi thought for a while, then took a deep breath and said.

The Immortal King immediately understood what Tanaka Bayi meant. Why didn't he know that Mei Yunluo was not a character to mess with. If they used crowd tactics, they might be able to kill each other, but they would certainly suffer a lot.Mei Yunluo didn't take the initiative to provoke her, so why bother to find that person to be unhappy, even if Teng Shengtian and Hei Hetian have an alliance relationship, they don't want to get involved in this muddy water.What's more, Teng Shengtian also has a lot of manpower in Yetiao City, so they can naturally handle their own affairs well.

Soon, Tanaka Bayi's frown became deeper and deeper. After receiving the assassination of Emperor Yukong, he received news one after another that all the important figures in their star fleet were assassinated. All the team leaders were assassinated to death, some found the murderer, and some didn't even know who the murderer was.

As soon as the leaders of the major immortal domains died, all the coalition forces of the Dark Alliance in the major immortal domains in Yecry City gathered together and began to search for the whereabouts of the murderer.

Tanaka Bayi vaguely felt that this was a conspiracy planned long ago, but he had no way of knowing what kind of conspiracy it was. This must be the counterattack of the so-called Justice League. With a large number of resource stars, the major fairylands finally organized a fierce counterattack, assassinating the representatives of the major fairylands one by one, as if to give them a warning to the Dark Alliance?But is this really the case?No one can tell, because they haven't found even one murderer so far.

(End of this chapter)

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