Chapter 1087 Deadly Insect Attack
NO.13 is just the first stage of the fairy king, and the speed is slower than them. After they tracked for more than a thousand miles in an instant, NO.13 opened a distance of dozens of miles from them. This gap made NO.13 the opponent's opponent. attack target.

No. [-] and the fairy kings around him turned their heads and took a look. A few tens of miles away, there was a strange fluctuation in the void. They vaguely saw a pitch-black shadow, like a giant claw, or a piece of strange tree. In short, they didn't fully see the shadow's appearance, and then the shadow disappeared, a blood rain sprinkled in the void, and a head rolled and fell tens of feet away.

"Boom..." No. 13 is the closest to No. 13, because he was a little hesitant when he acted. Although his speed was much faster than No. 13, but because of his hesitation, the distance between him and No. [-] was not close. Far away, he didn't expect his target to have an accomplice, let alone that the other party would sneak attack the laggards from behind.

After he found that NO.13's head was cut off by the defendant, he quickly attacked, but his full blow failed. The huge energy caused bursts of air explosions in the void, but he didn't see the disappearing shadow, as if it had come from Never appeared, or entered another space.

"How is it possible?" No. 13's face was very ugly. In the ripples in the void, he didn't feel a trace of the enemy's breath, as if just now was just an illusion. If it wasn't for No.[-]'s head still rolling on the ground, he really felt that what happened just now It's all just my eyes dazzled.

A few figures quickly landed beside the body of NO.13, but No. 13 turned his head and looked in the direction of the Golden Immortal. The boy who appeared suddenly just now disappeared like a ghost again. Due to the influence of NO.[-], everyone was distracted For a moment, this distraction caused them to lose track of their target.

"What is it?" Number Three rushed back angrily, staring at No.13's body, and asked in a deep voice.

"It seems to be a ferocious beast. No. 13 was killed with one claw." Number Seven took a deep breath, with a heavy look on his face.

He saw clearly the appearance of the pitch-black shadow that shrank into the void and disappeared. It was a huge claw. When he saw that claw, that claw had already killed NO.13 in one blow without stopping for a moment. Then it retracted into the void, leaving no trace at all.

No. 13's brows were tightly frowned, there was no breath of No. [-] fairy baby, as if this body was originally an empty shell, I'm afraid the fairy baby would become the food of that ferocious beast when it left the body , What kind of beast is that?
"Everyone be careful!" No. [-] frowned. At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis that he had never felt before. They had already lost four fairy kings, but they didn't even touch each other's sides. It is a mysterious cheetah that comes and goes, and although they are numerous, they are like a group of antelopes being targeted.

"Huh... it's so itchy..." At this moment, a fairy king stretched out his hand and scratched his neck.

"What is this?" The man was stunned after scratching a few times. He found layers of white powder on his fingers. When he looked carefully, his face became extremely ugly, and he lost his voice: " Help me look at my neck."

The exclamation of the fairy king immediately attracted everyone's attention. No. [-] turned around and looked at the fairy king's neck, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face. A layer of white powder, like a thick layer of foundation.

"What is this?" Number Three stretched out his hand and was about to touch it, but the fairy king yelled in horror: "Don't touch it, it's alive."

"Alive?" No. [-] and several fairy kings who saw the layer of powder were all startled, and soon realized something.

"It's so itchy... help me clean it up..." the Immortal King hurriedly said.

"I'll do it." Number Seven pulled out a silver knife and scraped the fairy king's neck, and immediately the silver knife scraped off a thick layer of powder.

"Om..." A raging flame instantly rose from the silver knife, devouring the powder and burning it into a scorched black piece in an instant, so Number Seven flicked the blade, and the black powder flew away instantly, but when Number Seven turned back, He was surprised to find that there was still a thick layer of white powder on the fairy king's neck, so he kept repeating the actions just now.

Soon the fairy king's wailing became louder and louder, and his whole body began to itch for a moment.No. [-]'s knife was getting faster and faster, but to his surprise, the white powder was still there no matter how much he scraped, and the more he scraped, the more he scraped.For a moment, sweat stains appeared on his forehead.

"Get out of the way, everyone. These things don't seem to be burnt to death, but they are still alive." Just as everyone was terrified, No. [-] squatted down and picked a little bit from the charred powder on the ground, and found that these things seemed to be burning. The powder that had been burned into coke was still squirming slightly, and it turned out to be extremely tiny bugs.

"What?" No. [-] was also taken aback, and suddenly he thought that the black powder scattered when No. Contaminated with those scorched black powder, he felt that something was wrong at that time. When he wanted to speak, he was attracted by that mysterious target.Obviously, the mysterious person who distracted everyone's attention was not unintentional, but intentionally interrupted his words, and then he suddenly appeared.

"Everyone, take a quick look to see if there is anything unusual on your body. This kind of living insects are probably spread out when No. [-]'s body exploded. They can ignore the body protector." No. [-] hurriedly called out.

"No. [-]..." No. [-] finished speaking. Someone looked at the fairy king who had just helped No. [-] scratch his neck in horror, and retreated in horror. A large amount of white powder gushed out, like bee pupae splashing out, and soon, those white powders covered No. [-]'s whole body along the front door, and No. [-] just kept howling, constantly Scratching the ground on the body, the fairy clothes were completely torn off. Wherever the fingers passed, there was no blood, and white powder gushed out from under the layers of flesh and blood, as if the entire fairy body was composed of these powders.

"No. [-], hurry up, the fairy baby is out of the body." Someone exclaimed, it is obvious that No. [-]'s fairy body is hopeless at this moment, and the whole body seems to quickly turn into a white powder-like worm.

"I...I can't do it...they're eating my fairy babies..." Number Five wailed and cried out in terror, which made everyone feel chills in their hearts.

"What the hell is this?" Those people stayed away from the wailing No. [-] in horror, looking for strange things on their bodies. No. [-] is a strong man in the late stage of the Immortal King, and even he can't resist this terrifying little bug. Don't dare to mess with it.

"NO.12, on your back..." When several people hurriedly tore off the fairy clothes and asked their companions to help find the abnormality, No. 12 quickly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong on NO.[-]'s back. Because the color of some skins was abnormal, I took a closer look and screamed.

"Quick, help me dig it out."

"Hey..." A bloody light burst out, No. [-] didn't hesitate at all, he dug up the strange piece of skin with one knife, and dug a bowl-sized blood hole in his fairy body.

"Ah..." No. 12 screamed, but before he could cry out the pain, he hurriedly asked, "How is it? Have you dug it out?" The indescribable fear in his heart, seeing No. [-] end, even Fairy babies can be eaten by those unknown bugs.

"It's blood...maybe it's okay," No. [-] said with some uncertainty.

His eyes fell on the piece of flesh and blood that he dug out from No.12's body, but he saw that the mass of flesh and blood quickly formed a layer of white powder on the surface at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if a layer of frost had formed. , that mass of flesh and blood completely turned into some white powder-like bugs, flying around in the wind, like dandelion seeds.

"I don't believe it can't be killed." No. [-] suddenly shot out a series of flame spells, and the hot flames quickly trapped the white powder.

"Huh...they have changed." When the No. [-] flame was burning wildly, the Immortal King at the side vaguely saw that the white powder in the flame seemed to have changed.

Everyone looked carefully, and they found that the white powder in the fire was really less, and they were slightly relieved, but soon, their hearts were raised again. What he saw was not that there was less powder, but Those powders are like small fish meal, much larger than the dust-like one just now.

"They are devouring each other." Finally, someone saw the problem. The flames of No. [-] were still intensifying, but the powder was not burned to death, but was rapidly devouring each other under the terrifying high temperature, and the volume was also rapidly increasing. It grew bigger, but after a while, the pile of white powder was gone, replaced by a few worms the size of pigeon eggs, which were off-white in color in the flames.

After growing in size, the mutual engulfment between them became clearer. Everyone could see that the flat heads of those bugs seemed to have a pair of extremely sharp pincers, and they rushed to their companions with incomparable ferocity, crushing each other. It was cut into two partners, and then pulled apart with pliers. A leech-like mouth was almost as big as its head. A corpse of a partner with its own size was swallowed in just two bites, and then it seemed to be full. Generally, the volume instantly increases by a few points.

Seeing this, Immortal King No. [-] felt a sudden chill in his heart. What the hell is this? His immortal flames can't kill it at all.

"Boom..." Just when Immortal King No. [-] was terrified and felt that he couldn't kill this terrifying insect at all, those insects devoured each other, leaving only the last egg-sized insect, which screamed in the flames Then it exploded suddenly, as if unable to withstand the high temperature of the flames, the juice in the body expanded to the limit, instantly turning into a stream of extremely pure energy.

"'s dead." Immortal King No. [-] breathed a sigh of relief. These white powders can be killed, but it must have a powerful enough flame. When killing the opponent, it must be ensured that these insects will not have the ability to swallow. It's a chance for the companion to supplement the original source that was destroyed by the flames. Number Seven believes that if these little bugs are given a chance to devour them infinitely, then there is no power in this fairy world that can kill them.

No. [-] finally killed the powder worm that was transformed from a small mass of flesh and blood, but everyone was not the slightest bit excited, because they saw that No. [-]'s body had turned into a pile of white worms, just like a humanoid termite Like a nest, they even saw many white powders wriggling gently there.

(End of this chapter)

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