Chapter 1089 One Against Seven
"Not good..." Immortal King No. 12's eyes twitched suddenly. In the flying dust, he saw that No. [-]'s body had cracks like cracks in the void.

"How is this possible..." No. 12 stared dumbfounded at the cracks on No. [-] Immortal King's body getting bigger and bigger, and finally the entire fairy body instantly collapsed into pieces.

Everything happened too suddenly and unexpectedly, among them NO.12 is the one with the strongest immortal body and the most powerful law of earth, and NO.12 Immortal King just made a move under the hands of the little golden fairy in front of him .And it was a complete victory over strength. Is this kid in front of him still a golden fairy?How strong is his fairy body?How big is its power?Could it be that the cubs of the divine beast were transformed into it?
"Ah..." NO.12 collapsed, and the fairy baby rushed out with a scream.

Zhan Wuming had been prepared for a long time, and the other hand circled in the void, as if forming a net in the void, the fairy baby directly crashed into the net and bounced back, falling into Zhan Wuming's palm.

"Boom..." The No.12 fairy baby directly turned into a ball of pure soul energy, Zhan Wuming opened his mouth in front of all the fairy kings, and that pure energy was directly swallowed by Zhan Wuming.

"You... who are you?" No. 12 felt an inexplicable fear in his heart. The little golden fairy in front of him could directly devour the origin of No. [-] baby fairy. Shocked all Immortal Kings.

"Gong Huatian Zhan Wuming." A seemingly innocent smile appeared on Zhan Wuming's face, but in the eyes of No. [-] and others, this smile was more like a devil's mask.

"Gonghua Tian Zhan Wuming." Immortal King No. [-] was slightly taken aback. He had never heard of this name, but this is not surprising. It has only been a year since Zhan Wuming came to the fairy world. I don't know how long the trial has been on the mainland, at least a few years, they can't get news from the outside world, so it's not surprising that they don't know who Zhan Wuming is.

"No matter who you are, today you have to die." A deep murderous intent flashed in No. [-]'s eyes. Although he knew that the young Jinxian in front of him was very strong, they had already lost six of their companions, and they could no longer back down.At this moment, he never thought of attacking alone. He didn't believe that the seven immortal kings could not take down a little golden fairy.

The several immortal kings seem to have the same heart, and they seem to know very well that if they face the young Jinxian in front of them alone, they have little chance of winning. It is impossible for any of them to face the NO.12 immortal king like a warrior. It's so easy to win like no life.Therefore, everyone regards Zhan Wuming as the most dangerous enemy.

The seven Immortal Kings were activated almost at the same time. They acted as horns and blocked each other. It was not realistic for them to encircle Zhan Wuming at the speed of Zhan Wuming. After all, Zhan Wuming was in a different position from them It is fan-shaped, and Zhan Wuming can break through their encirclement at any time with his speed, unless Zhan Wuming doesn't want to avoid it.

The seven immortal kings cooperate with each other very tacitly. After all, they have completed many tasks together, and they understand each other's habits too well. Therefore, the realm of the immortal kings is integrated.The momentum of the seven immortal kings attacking together is like a thousand miles of sea waves rushing towards the face. Between the whistling, the aura of heaven and earth formed a series of auras, crushing all kinds of laws in the void.

Zhan Wuming was slightly surprised, these seven people were indeed honed between life and death, the combination of seven people is not as simple as one plus one and two, its power is multiplied geometrically, although the seven people did not form a battle formation, but But with the power of a battle formation, with No. [-] as the leader and No. [-] as the assistant, the fan-shaped attack is like a huge ice cone.

"Boom..." The void where Zhan Wuming was located was shattered by this blow, the violent energy shattered the land and the void, and a weak wound in the void slowly healed after the impact of this violent energy. That is the power of law between this piece of heaven and earth is repairing itself.

No. [-] and No. [-] were not happy when the blow was carried out. He believed that if the blow was real, Zhan Wuming would be seriously injured. Even the Immortal Emperor would not be able to withstand this blow. Hitting Zhan Wuming, the moment the energy hit Zhan Wuming, Zhan Wuming disappeared without a trace like a gust of wind.

The opponent's speed is too fast, like an elf in the wind, the energy is very powerful, but because of its strength, the aura between the world fluctuates crazily, causing hurricanes to blow up, rooting all the surrounding flowers and trees Pulling it up, a layer of ground was lifted, but it was also because of the existence of these winds that Zhan Wuming easily escaped from their attack range.

"Boom..." Immortal King No. [-]'s blow missed, and almost everyone turned around at the same time, but just as they turned around, a meteor-like shadow hit them.

The No. [-] and No. [-] who were originally in the front have now become the tail of the team, and the people in front have instead become the two wings.It was like a U-shaped pocket, but the timing and target of the attacking figure were very precise, and it directly hit the No. [-] Immortal King at the end of the U-shaped wing.

Zhan Wuming hit like a big star, the Immortal King groaned and fell out.No. [-] and No. [-] roared, and the formation changed again, and they suddenly encircled Zhan Wuming, but this time they missed again, and Zhan Wuming retreated like a ghost, escaping their pursuit. No. [-] and No. [-] The change of formation to chase and kill caused the No. [-] Immortal King, who had fallen out of Zhan Wuming, to distance himself from the team.

No. 12 Immortal King only felt a tightness in his chest. In order to allow his body to have enough time to retreat, and not be surrounded by No. [-] and No. [-], Zhan Wuming seemed to have retained some strength. If Zhan Wuming defeated NO. [-], I'm afraid No. [-] is already dead.Now he is still alive, but his chest feels tight for a while, which was reversed by the power of the fairy in his body when Zhan Wuming hit him, and this kind of injury does not hinder him too much, as long as he takes a breath, he can recover Peak condition.

Number four was just about to relieve the pent-up air in his chest when he felt a strange fluctuation in the space behind him. With his sensitivity, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Staggered by a distance of Zhangxu, it was this distance of Zhangxu that made him see a big black claw grabbing out from the place where he was just now, as if the void had been scratched open.

"Ghost Beast!" Seeing the huge black claw at close range, No. [-] felt horrified. He recognized the owner of the huge black claw.

"Boom..." No. [-] exclaimed in surprise, and felt a sudden shock in his body. A violent force almost tore his body apart. Without dodging the thick and reckless tail behind him, he whipped No. [-] flying tens of feet away.

The screams of No. 13 Immortal King shocked No. [-] and many of the Immortal Kings around him. At this moment, they also saw clearly the huge body protruding more than half of it from the void. It turned out to be a huge Nether King. Beast, looking at the color of the hair on that Nether Beast, I am afraid that this Nether Beast is a peak Immortal King, or even a mad beast of the Immortal Emperor rank.At this time, they thought of the weird giant claw that killed NO.[-].

"Swoosh..." No. [-], No. [-] and the others were stunned, and felt that there seemed to be a gust of wind blowing around them, and then Zhan Wuming, who was on their side, bypassed them in an instant and went straight to No. [-]. Obviously, Zhan Wuming's tactic is to defeat each other. He is not sure to face the seven immortal kings teaming up, but Zhan Wuming has an unparalleled speed advantage. The opportunity to make a move.Therefore, Zhan Wuming never thought of letting go of the opportunity to kill No. [-].

Despair rose in No. [-]'s heart, and the powerful ghost beast made him terrified. His own spiritual sense gave him a certain ability to avoid danger, but his opponent was Zhan Wuming, a speed that was unimaginably fast. opponent.Zhan Wuming will not give him any chance.

"Boom..." Nearly half of No. [-]'s body was numb. Although the Nether Beast's tail failed to shatter him, it caused a huge shock to his fairy body.

At this time, Zhan Wuming came over like a strange red light, he wanted to raise his hand, but found that his speed was so slow that he despaired.His half-numbed body didn't have the usual agility at all, and his counterattack was so weak that half of his body was so numb that it was difficult to fully mobilize the power of a fairy.

Zhan Wuming's figure did not stand still, he passed through the body of No. [-] Immortal King like a bird flying into the forest, and then a rain of blood burst out in the void, and the two broken corpses seemed to be torn apart Tossed into the air like a rag doll.

"Ka..." The Nether Beast poked its claws, opened its mouth wide, half of the corpse fell into the Nether Beast's mouth, and the other half was caught in the Nether Beast's claws, and then the Nether Beast was like a big fish sinking into the lake. He disappeared into the void instantly, and when No. [-], No. [-] and others rushed to the blood-splattered place, there were only faint ripples spreading in all directions in the void, and there was no shadow of the Nether Beast.

Zhan Wuming's body was hundreds of feet away, and he was clad in green clothes. The scarlet sword in his hand gradually turned dark gold. It was the sword that split the No. [-] Immortal King in two. The fairy body of No. [-] was divided into two, and even the baby of No. [-] Immortal King was also divided into two. There was no chance of leaving the body, and he was killed with one sword.

Zhan Wuming's speed was too fast, and Zhan Wuming's power was also extremely powerful, the sword in his hand shone with divine brilliance, it was absolutely extraordinary, in an instant, Zhan Wuming cut another person.This cast a shadow over the original idea of ​​No. [-] and No. [-] Immortal Kings who wanted to win with more.

Facing an opponent who has advantages in speed and strength, even if their realm and law are stronger than the opponent, what's the use?Their Immortal King Domain and Immortal Dao Law have no effect on Zhan Wuming at all. It is not like facing other golden immortals, restraining each other with the power of Immortal King Domain. In their own domain, under Immortal King It's like being in a quagmire, but their domain is useless in front of Zhan Wuming, and they don't have the slightest ability to stop Zhan Wuming's speed.This made them feel hopeless.

Zhan Wuming just stood quietly in the void, his figure was like a feather in the wind, swaying gently in the wind, even if he was quietly in that piece of air, he couldn't catch his possible trajectory, because Zhan Wuming is like the wind, although he just stands quietly, it makes people feel that he may appear in any windy place at any time.This is the perfect expression of the power of the law of the wind. A person with the power of the law is perfectly perfect but has not broken through to become an immortal king, which makes everyone confused.

At this moment, for the first time, No. [-] had the idea of ​​retreating.

(End of this chapter)

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