Chapter 1098 Miracle, Hunting the Immortal Emperor
The four immortal emperors followed the bloodstains of the Ratman for more than a hundred miles. The aura in the blood of the Ratman is very special, carrying the unique demonic aura of the Yaozu, and these four immortal emperors are obviously no strangers to Yaofang. It is because they can smell the traces of evil spirit in the air from miles away, so people follow this faint evil spirit all the way forward.

"I feel the Ratman!" The four of them chased for a distance, and the red-haired woman frowned slightly, as if smelling something, said suddenly.

"The breath is very weak, as if he was seriously injured." A gleam of brilliance flashed in the eyes of the gray-haired old man. They felt the existence of the Rat Man, but the Rat Man didn't seem to realize their arrival. In its heyday, otherwise, with the vigilance of the Ratmen, they would definitely discover the crisis one step ahead of them, but now the Ratmen have not made any movement, obviously they have not noticed their arrival at all. seriously injured.

Although the spiritual sense has no effect in this continent, the monster race is born with extraordinary spiritual sense, and this kind of spiritual sense is often more effective than the divine sense. Therefore, they feel that the rat man did not respond, and it could only be a serious injury .

"The breath of demon blood is very sweet." The fat man licked his tongue, and a greedy light flashed in his eyes. The blood of a big demon usually carries an inherited divinity. Although this is a very weak divinity, it makes people The demon blood has become the most delicious delicacy.

"No, he found us!" The red-haired woman was startled, and at this moment, a slight cloud of dust suddenly rose from the distant mountain depression.A chaotic atmosphere quickly escaped to the distance, raising a cloud of dust, and the hearts of the four immortal emperors not far away suddenly tightened.

This Ratman is the hardest to catch, mainly because of the other party's weird innate escapism, coming and going without a trace, it is really not easy to find its hidden place, at this moment, everyone has locked on the other party's breath However, it is not easy to escape safely, especially at the moment when the Rat Man is still seriously injured, the bloody aura on his body will inevitably destroy the perfection of his escape method and expose his whereabouts. Therefore, with such an opportunity, the four A hunter will never let it go easily.

"Ratman, you can't escape!" The Immortal Sovereign, who was as thin as a bamboo pole, let out a strange roar, his body suddenly bounced like a big curved bow, and flew towards the place where the smoke and dust rose through the air.

The thin bamboo pole with a face full of excitement has already prepared the Goshawk Botu's strike. With his cultivation base of the middle level of the Immortal Emperor, he is much stronger than the Rat Man, and the Rat Man has outstanding talents in escape and stealth. Naturally, the big demon can't be his opponent.He wanted to share the first cup of demon blood.

It's just that when his figure flew into the void and fell like a big eagle, his expression suddenly became ugly.

"Boss Bamboo, don't even think about eating alone...uh..." The gray-haired old man let out a big laugh and then flew forward, but before he finished speaking, he was like a duck being strangled by the neck. Lost voice.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The speed of the red-haired girl and the fat man slowed down a bit, but when their bodies flew towards the sky, they heard a strange laugh, and countless fire snakes spewed out from the ground suddenly, as if the whole piece The sky is on fire.The temperature between the sky and the earth suddenly rose to the extreme, and the bamboo pole man found that the land of this continent began to melt under the terrifying high temperature.

"Fire domain..." the red-haired girl let out a low cry, she seemed to recognize that the terrifying high temperature was the innate supernatural power of the Great Scarlet Heaven Emperor Clan.It's just that in this fire field, there seems to be other more terrifying flame powers, but she couldn't fully distinguish them for a while.

"Xianyan..." Fatty exclaimed.

"Qingming Xianyan..." the gray-haired old man whispered in horror.He seemed to be more sensitive than the red-haired girl. Among the countless fire snakes, there were faint streaks of light blue brilliance interspersed with them, like sharp knives.Wherever the light blue flame passed, the void looked like a piece of paper that had been burned.Scorching black marks appeared one after another, and the scorching high temperature was almost unimaginable.

"What on earth is this? How is it possible?" The red-haired girl was astonished. She found that the power of the fire source in her body seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and it began to boil, and she wanted to get out of her body. This feeling has never been felt before. passed.

"This is a trap!" The bamboo pole man roared angrily, a big umbrella suddenly appeared in front of them, and a light yellow brilliance suddenly formed a barrier enchantment in front of them.

"Puff..." A series of flame arrows hit the barrier heavily, turning into a stream of light, making the entire void extremely gorgeous like a rain of flowers.

The bamboo pole man's expression was unprecedentedly dignified, and the scattered flower rain did not dissipate, as if he had his own life.They freely combined in the void, or birds, fish, insects, or beasts, and then flew around the canopy quickly, like various flame elves.

"Hey... ah..." The red-haired girl suddenly yelled, and flames burst out from her body, and instantly her body turned into a berserk flame man.

"Red girl..." Fatty exclaimed, a light blue fairy power instantly wrapped the red-haired girl, and he felt that the red-haired girl couldn't help herself at this moment.That terrifying flame seemed to be induced by some kind of force, and it wasn't spraying out at this moment, but was burning the red-haired woman's body.Even burning the original power of her life in Brahma.

"Fire spirit..." The red-haired girl's hoarse voice was full of unspeakable fear. She possessed a powerful fire spirit root. Unexpectedly, there is still a terrifying fire spirit in this place, and it is also the legendary Qingming Immortal Flame, the purest source of fire power between heaven and earth, and the spirit of flame between heaven and earth, which can affect heaven and earth All the power of fire in it, unless another more pure fire spirit exists.

But if there are two fire spirits, they will devour each other to form a powerful fire spirit.But at this moment, Hongfa found sadly that this pure fire spirit had a huge influence on her, causing the original power in his body to get out of control.

"Be careful..." Just as the fat man exclaimed, the gray-haired old man suddenly let out a low cry.The body suddenly bumped into the fat man.

"Boom..." Fatty was stunned, a huge energy exploded around him, like two meteors bursting into pieces.He saw the old man's body fall out like a rag doll that was thrown away, and a black light lit up around him.

"Stone man..." Fatty whispered.In the endless flames, a person flew out, very abrupt, the obsidian gold essence on the stone man has a powerful function of avoiding fire, and in the flying flames, there was a layer of strange flames on his body, which made everyone feel confused. After discovering his existence, if he suddenly appeared by his side, if it wasn't for the gray-haired old man, he might have been blown to pieces.

"Boom..." The stone man's body didn't stop, and suddenly slammed into the light yellow mask.Just like a hundred thousand mountains, the stone man's terrifying self-weight caused the mask to collapse immediately at the moment of impact, turning into countless stars and scattered in all directions.

The bamboo pole man roared angrily, a huge gap suddenly appeared in the umbrella-shaped weapon in his hand, and roared, "Go to hell!"

The speed of the stone man was not fast. When he broke through the barrier, the bamboo pole man had already attacked, and there was almost no obstacle to hit the stone man.This time, the stone man didn't act as if nothing had happened before, but let out a muffled snort, and his body trembled suddenly.

"This is a bone-penetrating needle specially prepared for you." The bamboo pole man sneered, he naturally knew that the stone man's invincible defense, the obsidian golden stone, was not something they could penetrate at all, but the stone man's body was not Not every inch of his body is covered with obsidian gold stones, but his penetrating needles are designed for these gaps.

"Ah..." Before the bamboo pole man had time to be happy, he heard the old man with white hair let out a miserable howl.He turned his head to look in amazement, and saw a crimson sword light piercing through the endless fire rain, sinking into the old man's body with almost no hindrance, and then the crimson sword light came out of his body like a mad dragon. It leaked out, but turned around, and the old man with white hair instantly turned into two pieces under the red dragon's rollback.

"Huafa..." Fatty let out a mournful cry, and the fairy baby Huafa burst out of his body, and was stopped by a ghostly phantom. It was a huge mouse, and it was the rat man they wanted to find, but at this moment they No longer the hunter, but the hunted.

"Huafa..." The bamboo pole man also roared angrily. He felt that everything seemed out of control. The one who killed Huafa turned out to be a golden fairy, and a little golden fairy actually used the sword of lore.

It was an exile, and they could not feel the familiar aura from this person. He was the target they were going to hunt, but a dignified Immortal Sovereign mid-level powerhouse was hunted and killed by the Golden Immortal instead.

"Boom..." The man with the bamboo pole just finished his voice, and the red-haired girl who was suppressed by the fat man suddenly exploded in all directions like fireworks, turning into little stars in the sea of ​​flames.A crimson figure flew out from under the red-haired girl, and slammed into the ball-like fat man with endless flames.It was Chi Xingyun who had been lurking aside.

This is a killing game that has been planned long ago. Chi Xingyun doesn't know why Zhan Wuming can grasp the whereabouts of these four immortal emperor hunters so clearly, but he believes that Zhan Wuming is like Zhan Wuming. Like finding them easily, Zhan Wuming gave them too many surprises, which made him even consciously think that this is a kid who can perform miracles.

At this moment, he witnessed the miracle of Zhan Wuming hunting and killing the Immortal Emperor.What Chi Xingyun is most interested in is the Qingming Immortal Flame, which is the real Immortal Flame. Its level is so high that the fire spirit can induce the original power of the flame in the Immortal Emperor's body. The fire spirit of this Qingming Immortal Flame is at least an immortal At the queen level, Zhan Wuming actually had a Qingming Immortal Flame in his hand.

Only at this time did he know why Zhan Wuming possessed such a powerful alchemy talent. Although he was also very eager for Qingming Xianyan, this thing is absolutely priceless, even if his master is the master of a fairyland, It is also difficult to be generous enough to hand over a fairy flame to him.

Chi Xingyun was somewhat surprised, his master Taiqing Dizun had seen Zhan Wuming, and with the cultivation level of Immortal Emperor Taiqing, it is impossible not to feel the breath of the immortal flame in Zhan Wuming's body.There is also a natal immortal flame in his master's body, and the two immortal flames will inevitably cause abnormalities when they get along.

Who is Immortal Emperor Taiqing, how could he not feel it, why Master didn't do anything against Zhan Wuming, but instead let him come to this death hunting ground, he was quite puzzled.Regarding Emperor Zun's thoughts, no one could guess, even if he was the disciple of Immortal Emperor Taiqing.

(End of this chapter)

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